What advice would you give someone who just got hired as a fry cook at a fast food restaurant?

What advice would you give someone who just got hired as a fry cook at a fast food restaurant?

If there's a long line of customers, would you advise them to make french fries ahead of time or wait for each customer to make fries before making the correct portion of fries?

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You'll need to learn how quickly the fries go soggy. In a pinch you can refry them but try to avoid it as depending on the brand they'll only stay crisp for a minute tops. My advice is watch the guy doing it now and learn the timing from him.

>speak English
>be on time
>never miss work during your probationary period, even if you're sick
>you're there to work, not make friends
>don't dip your pen in company ink (don't fuck your coworkers)
>avoid political discussions
>take shit when you need to
>smile and nod

That's all you need to know for fast food service. If you're not a retard, you'll be management within a year, or less...as most people who work in fast food ARE in fact retards.

>customers have ordered 1 of each item that's supposed to be deep fried
>there's not enough fryers to all of them at once

Which item gets priority over others?



the longest cooking time gets priority


>not dumping every fried food in the fryer and sorting it out later

Making friends with management is good policy though. Not crew though, cause the goal is to manage them

This guy gets it

You can even narrow it down simpler
>speak English
>show up to work when you're supposed to
>actually work your shifts
There, you are suddenly the best employee by a long way

The rest of the advice is super good, especially about how to take shit and smile, but the bottom line is if you show up sober and on time and try to work at least a few hours, then you're better than 90% of bottom food industry workers.

>putting salted fries back in the oil
>how to fuck up your fry oil much faster than normal

>If you're not a retard
I'm sure he is.

-make sure to read the ticket/screen before finishing an item. Sometimes a customer may want to exclude an ingredient or want something extra
-don't just listen to the headset. Check if there are customers coming in from the cashier rather than just drive thru. Make it a habit to check the screen every few seconds when it's busy. You might miss an order.
-if it's busy and you're just standing around, double check if you should be cooking something or helping someone
-try to refrain of doing something that would require hand washing while restaurant is busy. Try not to leave your station until down time. Restocking, taking an order at cashier, or cleaning would require you to wash your hands for 20+ seconds , hand sanitizing for 15 seconds, and putting on gloves (5-10 seconds). Orders are expected to be finished within 4-5 minutes. Your primary job is to fry foods. You can fulfill secondary roles when the restaurant isn't so busy.
-listen to what other workers are saying
-when you're screwing up, customers are angry, and co-workers are upset try to not take it too personally. No matter what you do not cry , show anger, or complain while working.
-check cooking timers and prepare packing/finishing touches an item is about to be ready. Get in the habit of pulling out food before the timer starts beeping (timers only countdown from the time the button was pressed, not the exact the moment the food has began cooking. Taking the food out 5-10 seconds before the timer beeps will make sure it's at perfect condition than just acceptable condition) .
-when it's busy, don't do anything that could offend a customer. Always prepare food as if the person eating it is watching.

-Bring your own lunch and bottled water. For health reasons.
-If you handle the heat, invest in long sleeves to prevent oil from splashing on your arms
-get more than 1 pair of shoes/work pants, get more shirts so you have something to wear when your uniform gets dirty

First off, blanch your fries...assuming it's actual cut potatoes and not some frozen garbage.

Secondly yes, double down on product during peak hours; even if you have to toss it eventually.

Lastly, manage your expo. An Expo will ask for shit when they don't need it. By the time a burger hits the window you fries will be soggy and garbage and need a re-fire. That's not your fault.

Not remotely OP,
But FUCK I love that movie

Good taste bro

It's a masterpiece of film, and almost nobody has seen it.

It's pretty "pleb who likes film" popular

But yeah, it's in my top 5 for sure

>that transition scene between the priest and the mountain side
Cum everytime

>What advice would you give someone who just got hired as a fry cook at a fast food restaurant?
Find a way to injure yourself due to negligence of your supervisor/manager, sue the company for mad profits and get a better job.

>Let him live

gets me every time

>when Lee Pace tells the girl that he lied to her about the story and he only used her to kill himself

*When you have to do food prep in addition to frying, don't be sloppy. Observe how other fry cooks handle a lunch rush and try to mimic. You learn how to do things fast by doing it slow first.

*food that be fried in a minute can be done last. Put in all the things that take 2+ minutes to cook first, then put in the food that takes a minute to cook. By the time it's done cooking you have less than a minute for food prep and transferring to a holding station

I liked being a fry cook in highschool, it was fun and I was good at getting food out fast and my shifts always had the least amount of late tickets, but fuck did I hate cleaning kitchen. Like I'm a fucking fry cook not a fucking cleaner that should have to do this bitch work downtime.

Don't stick your hand in the oil, it will hurt a lot

Your goal is to have a customer's order ready in under 5 minutes.

-read order, make sure check if there's any special requests
-put food in fryer (1-2 minutes)
-shake food in fryer so food doesn't stick together
-food prep (1-2 minutes)
-package and send

Once the food is cooked, take it out of the basket. Never let it sit over the fryer, it will get greasy af that way. Immediately season your food. Shake the oil off when done cooking (carefully.) Pay attention to cook times. Stuff like shrimp cook very quickly and it's easy to overcook them. Never use the same fryer for seafood and other items, fish stuff gets its own oil. Forget about blanching your fries, 98% chance you will use frozen anyway. Never cook fries twice, they turn to grease straws. Don't put two baskets full of fries or whatever down at the same time, it will lower the temp and make greasy food, and longer cook times. If you have nothing to do, clean. There is ALWAYS something to clean in a kitchen. Grab a broom and sweep the floor after a rush. Understand how, and when, to clean, or filter, your oil. Fry cook sucks, imho. It's especially hot and very greasy. You will breakout no matter what you do.

If you aren't friends with your coworkers are some shitty fast food job then get paid minimum wage someplace else

Cooking is bitch work

Veeky Forums here. Consider suicide.

Quit and drive for uber. Go to school. Study in day, work at night. Get job with degree. If you can't get a job with degree, kill yourself or go live in China.

Just don't work fast food.

Finding work is difficult. If you really need a money you take what you can get that you're capable of.

>put yourself into massive debt
>go to China

Nice options.

if you're young, look into learning a trade
there are usually companies that will train you as an apprentice for a few years at minimum wage - but after you make journeyman you will have a contract with the company or the ability to go freelance as an independent contractor.

trade schools are hungry for people

STEMfags are subhuman and can't think of any basic job that isn't "hurr drive for le trendy uberlyft! LOL! 2017!"

School isn't massive debt if you're not a complete retard. Nobody said he had to go for med

Nigger, no one even fucking mentioned stem. IC jobs are nice because you control your schedule. Something that is nice for education. I made 3-4k a month working IC jobs. Call it a meme but it beats the fuck out of fast food.

>show up on time
>do what's asked of you
>help coworkers if you have downtime
>clean if you have downtime and nobody needs help
>ask your manager every month or so if theres other skills available for you to train
>take some meth or adderall before closing

you'll be on the management team in 4-6 months.

Why do people say you'll be manager in a year?

Because in retail or fast food, you're basically set up for the least amount of failure possible. If you can show up on time, and follow simple instructions, you're probably management material, since you'll rise above the fuckers who can't pull off those two simple tasks.

You'll also need to demonstrate how well you can "manage" co-workers. If you're tight and friendly with everyone they'll think you can't tell them what to do.

That's true. In college I worked in a chain pizza place in the evenings to help pay for college and within 2 months I was night manager. If you've never worked in a fastfood chain environment you really don't realize how trully stupid most of the employees are. We're not talking about even average intelligence. It's some sub 100 stuff. I kid you not, it's the kind of people that would score too low on the ASFAB military entrance exam to even be allowed into infantry.

I disagree. It's just all in the message. Don't pretend like you're hot shit once you get the promotion, and your friends will follow. It's so much easier to ask your buddies to do you a favor and clean up something because they respect you and see you doing the same shit. If you've got any gravitas to yourself, you can settle shit down and let your friends know when it's real.

Acting like a different person and "managing," like you've really made it since you're a manager now, is more likely to turn off the people that worked with you.

The best advice I can give you is to make sure the fries are fully cooked.

It p iss me off so much when I go to a fast food drive thru and they want to try and rush me through the line in 30 seconds and I get home and the fries I paid $3 for are mushy, oily, undercooked as fuck.

How to get better to making lots of tacos at once without making a mess and serving them while they are still hot?