How scientists come up with stuff like parrarell universes or string theory...

How scientists come up with stuff like parrarell universes or string theory? it just seems like some science fiction fantasy

They literally scramble to make shit up to salvage their dear theories when reality disagrees.

Theoretical physics is absolutely science fan-fiction

String Theory originated in trying to develop a theory of the strong force (before QCD was a thing). It was an accident that it happened to be a "working" model of quantum gravity.

They guess

They ask hard working conspiracy theorists about their work and then they publish the opposite and mark it official.

Popsci is cancer and should be banned, it only confuses brainlets. The result? Retards thinking they understand QM or even strings, which only 10 000 people on earth are capable of understanding, and repeating bullshit pushed on them by some retard. Stop reading crackpots like Woit, Smolin or Penrose and grab a textbook already. When you've been through them and read the most influential papers up to date, then you're capable of bringing valid criticism.

I didn't criticize anything.

remind us how the multiverse theory isn't made up gobbly goop

It is a working model of quantum gravity.
Remind me how string theory predicts multiverse.

Working was in quotes because it has not been confirmed via experiment and it is background dependent.

Phenomenology severly lacks behind theory, we won't be able to confirm it for a very long time. So far, strings are the most promising theory.
Known formulations of string theory are not background-independent, sure. But only in aesthetic meaning. The dynamics of string theory absolutely are background-independent and that's what matters.

That's because it is sci-fi.

>The dynamics of string theory absolutely are background-independent and that's what matters.

The classical dynamics are, the quantum dynamics are not.

Holy shit if i wasnt banned from reddit youd be on r/iamverysmart

Dynamics of string theory are demonstrably background-independent.


The irony of this post is immense.

>computer science jobs

Mostly by following the logical implications of mathematical models that seem to work pretty well at approximating natural process.

The line of thought is similar to this:

Particles sometimes behave like wavesI-> Every particle is a wave -> what is the differential equation to describe waves? -> what are the possible solutions -> can we show that the mathematical solutions are real phenomena under laboratory conditions? -> what if we assume extra dimensions where energy can be stored? -> and so on.

Eventually the thought process might lead to new experiments, which might lead to new insight, which might lead to new understanding.

Computing sciences won't make you a computer expert.

I couldn't agree more.

Still restricts to Calabi-Yau backgrounds.

String theory is completely valid mathematically. If you don't like it, welcome to the club. Pretty much all physicists besides the weird ones think it's just a bit of clever math and nothing more. Even with string theory, though, parallel universes literally are science fiction fantasy. If it seems stupid, it's because it is stupid and no scientific result has ever encouraged it. Blame that shit on someone else, us physicists had nothing to do with it.

String theory is the reason you invite mathematicians after the experiments, not before or they start building useless shit

99 theories of one hundred are utter bullshit. The one is what makes all the difference.

>Pretty much all physicists besides the weird ones think it's just a bit of clever math and nothing more.

>the weird ones

you mean the best ones

This were philosophy kicks in. The philosophy of science, look into it.

I think String Theory has inspired more research into new math than math has inspired new research in string theory.

Maybe not, but employers will treat you as one anyway.
It's next to impossible to be unemployed as a computer scientist.

z = sqrt(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 +d^2 + ...)

You should read the references too, but anyway. Take perturbative string theory. Any background you choose, you will get equivalent theory, moreover you can get different background from one by adding the excitations of that background. So how is this background dependence? That the equations look differently? That it divides spacetime fields into "background" and "excitations"? Of course, you won't get the same equations for background that changes spacetime at infinities as you would for those that preserve it in asymptotic region.