Where do you do most of your reading, Veeky Forums?

Where do you do most of your reading, Veeky Forums?
Normally I just read at my desk, but occasionally I try reading in bed. I think reading in a bed has the potential to be more comfy, but I find it difficult to get in to a comfortable position for reading in bed.

I normally do my reading in your mother's bed, after I go to town on that pussy. Naw im sayin?

My kitchen table or a cafe

All that effort to play some casual pleb shit, and be seen doing it in public?

Whoooa check it out guys, I built my own home movie theatre so that I could watch the Transformers movies and the Shopping Network!

Fuck this kid. I hope someone smashes that monitor over his fucking head for playing such casualized garbage.

Mostly In bed desu or a couch . I like to be comfy af.

You honestly cant blame the kid for wanting to do that.
His parents are probably vicious cunts

What position do you sit in to make reading in bed comfy? It seems like an impossible task. Couch I get, there's enough support there to find a comfy position, but there's nothing really like that on a bed.

I sit at my desk in front of my computer. I turn my monitor off (too distracting) unless I need to look up a word.

>Not writing down words you don't know and continuing through whatever you're reading and then looking up the words when you're done

B-but then I would need to go back and reread the passages I didn't fully understand


First reading of a book is to get the gist of it, as well as giving yourself the opportunity to evaluate whether it is worth your time to actually study the contents of. Subsequent readings are to dig deep and try to gain understanding of everything contained.

Everyone knows this user.

not , but I mostly read in my shitty futon. I'm most comfortable with my head slightly elevated and something to rest my hands on, like a pillow, if my wrists start to hurt (carpel-tunnel).

My desk. Reading in bed is too uncomfortable and reading in the living room is difficult due to all the distractions. I'd like to read outside but I don't like being seen reading. I feel like people will think I'm an asshole trying to show off.

It takes like 30 seconds to look up a word, and I don't have to do it very often. I don't see why I should relegate that to a second reading.

Unless the book is not very deep, or contains nothing but things you already know, you aren't getting everything you can get out of it from just a single reading anyway.

I'm aware of that, but I'm talking about simply understanding the words being used, at the level of definition. That seems appropriate to an initial reading, in my opinion. To each his own, though.

I just feel like missing out on a single word, which probably doesn't inhibit your reading of the surrounding content too much, is not worth the time. It might very marginally lower some understanding of what you're reading, but if what you're reading isn't going to be good enough to bother reading a second time, it probably doesn't really matter that you're missing out on that extra 0.001% of comprehension anyway.

Obviously if you're the kind of person who doesn't read things more than once to begin with it's different, but if you're that kind of person I'd argue you're really missing out on much of the value you can get from reading.

i read only in my bed, changing positions from time to time

Most books I only read once simply due to time constraints. I like growing my vocabulary, though.

laying sideways with an e-reader like pic related, is the best, undisputed way to read.

In the fetal position while sobbing uncontrollably?

I bought a comfy armchair for a few bucks.
It's great.
>only if the wheels hadn't broke

I just lay on my back with my head slightly elevated, but could shift to my back against the wall. Sometimes my neck hurts and I switch positions. I find the best reading is on the bus (not public, but red arrow or grey hound).

In my bed most of the time, but also laying in the grass at a small local park that nobody ever goes to, propping up against a tree or using a jacket as a pillow. It's maximum comfy when the sun is out and there's a nice breeze, especially while reading transcendentalist or ecology literature.

Mostly in the university library or coffee shops or pubs (I'm really addicted to ciggaretes and alcohol so it's really difficult for me to exist, let alone do something as engaging as reading without the stimulus)