Why does Veeky Forums hate accounting so much...

Why does Veeky Forums hate accounting so much?Is it the fact that their daughters are going to be prepped for the Veeky Forumsy bull.

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Also,I make $650,000 a yr so you can platter your sister up for me okay.

The same reason sci hates biology people

Accounting is literally accounting for things other poeple did. It is glorified grunt work. The math in accounting doesnt go past the knowledge a 16 year old should have. ffs i mean if something requires algebra max is not rigorous.

At least bio people take calculus.

And that has absolutely nothing to do with being an accountant, but rather selling yourself as a business.

Finance is very much glorified because the math can be rigorous, but in accounting it pretty much never is.

I never hear anybody here talk about accounting. Mostly accounting people just don't come here because why would they

My iq is 140 I'm also tax exempt according to state law

Accounting is too Jewish for us STEM scum.

Where i went if you were an accounting major they made you take Cal 3 & Linear algebra & ODE's, now that i think about it I don't know why they did that.

And that's hardly impressive

You're not even 3 sigma. The big dogs in my field have 180+, while everyone else is in the 150 range, including myself. Yes, I've been officially measured. I'm an absolute grunt, too.

Don't get cozy and think you're a hotshot, because you'll just set yourself up for disappointment. It happened to me. You can't even imagine how smart some of these people are.

It's because you have to have amazing memory as well as balance their credit and bonds to jurisdictions and not to mention their private equities.i know one and he isn't a Jew lol

What do you do? Not him but judging from the jpg he's just baiting you fags

High energy physics

I know a guy who has a 170 iq but he plays the guitar for a living for professional producers for some pretty prominent people in the music business I was shocked as much as you I know.

I don't understand how people pay you for these types of rigorous intervals of equations like I understand it gets funded but what exactly are the uses? What are you trying to prove?


Are they chinks? Are you a chink?

No, Iranians and Whites. And yes.

Stem is a meme

Well, for one thing, accounting will be taken over by robots eventually, if not in the near future.


You can't reliably predict where the next big success and money maker in science will come from, so we have people pushing the boundaries at every point, attempting to cover all bases. If we could predict the future, we wouldn't.

Why accounting makes you do the exact same thing twice by having double entry bookkeeping
Is it just for error checking purposes
Why havent computers replaced this yet

I hope you've been saving all of that money and not blowing through it.
As you're going to be unemployed very soon, certainly when a company able to pay such a high salary finds a way to replace you.
Anyway, everyone can laugh at this brainlet now.

>be med student
>implying unemployed


Accounting has zero intellectual value

>obviously as only "studied" biology at an undergraduate level if that much.