Show off what you made, Veeky Forums. Yesterday's brunch checking in

Show off what you made, Veeky Forums. Yesterday's brunch checking in.

no way in hell you are really drinking pure cranberry juice

Fuck yeah I did dude it was the shit.

tell me about secret aardvark - why does he have a secret?

His secret is that he's actually a big blue alien.
You think he's just inhaling habanero sauce through his nose? That's a giant hideous proboscis that blends in with his clever disguise.

You have no taste buds, obviously

lol enjoy your cranberried sugar water fggt

Enjoy your ulcer, along with your raw under cooked potatoes.

nu male/10

Dinner today. Steak with croquettes, peas and some red wine pepper sauce with onions


Peas. I hate the word. As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.

Aren't you worries the peas and that sauce stuff and the juice from the steak will make the croquettes mushy and soft? I can only imagine that that sauce stuff would also contaminate those peas. I always like to plate side items, on the side, where they belong.

chicken tacos with avocado, pickled cabbage, cilantro, and jalapeno

used lime, cumin, and ancho chile for the marinade

You on your fuckin period or something?

you burned it.

>hiding terrible cooking under salad
How do you even have the gall to post this?

I made chicken tacos earlier tonight

>tfw you took a picture of your food but there's no thread

I would eat that, sans the jizz. Looks tasty enough.

if you're talking about the top right corner of the plate, it's water that looks like that because of the lighting

otherwise the sour cream blends the spinach, cheese, and chicken together. I don't like the taste of onion by itself so I add garlic to compensate which benefits from sour cream's flavor

Clean your plate edges before taking a photo.

My husband is a chef he makes bomb food but tonight we ate a weird mash of leftovers

totally agree with this, cranberry juice is so good if you get actual juice. you should water it down if you are drinking it without anything else imo

Black Forest roll cake. Failure.

Weeks back I made a four layer black forest cake that fell while decorating. Depressing as hell. The filling was delicious though, so I thought I'd make that again in a new cake style. I remade the cherry filling, Kirsch syrup, and stabilized whipped cream just fine (better than before!). Then I went to unroll this new type of cake and it FELL APART EVERYWHERE.

So I went online and found some English site that had a different recipe for the cake part. Translated that from metric, made it real quick, and realized I didn't translate the size it made (half the size I wanted). Threw away the batter and started over, doubling the recipe. Seemed to spread real thin on my baking tray... Might have needed to triple it.

Anyway it rolled just fine but the cake is dense and tough. Like not easy to slice with a fork tough. I went ahead and finished it with my leftover cream and made up some decorating, but I'm kinda depressed over the whole thing.

At least the filling is delicious. I went overboard syruping the cake after I found out how tough it is... Maybe tomorrow it'll loosen up from all the moisture? Or not. Whatever. I'll eat it anyway.

r8 my breakfast

My first cheesecake, it cracked :(

How do you stop a cheesecake from cracking?

Garlic pork roast with mashed taters and green beans with onions and mustard seed

lower heat, higher humidity in your oven

cracks are personality when it comes to cheesecakes.

>cranberry juice
>secret aardvark

Excellent taste my dude

i hear its from it getting too hot, so ill lower the temp sometime during cooking or open the oven and let it cool

Not even Secret Aardvark can save everything, OP.

divorced dad/5

I made a steak, no sides, just steak

blue rare steak, lmfao get out of here scrub.

the fat isn't even rendered LOL

for tonight. Tuna, salad, gherkin, ham, bread, Jacketpotato, crisps and ketchup



This thread has shown that Veeky Forums can't cook

the fookin steak

is fookin


seriously? use a fucking water bath. this shit isn't rocket science.


I made braised steak, carrot & onion.
Doesn't look too appetising but it tasted 10X better than the canned stuff.

Well it is summer.

>blue rare

That's just regular rare, though.

>My husband is a chef
Wow! Cool story! Thanks for sharing!

Made this for lunch/dinner

>My husband
Enough with this meme!

i'd definitely eat it, but stop overcooking stuff. looks pretty though

can u chill about cheesecakes

i just cut it along the line of the crack and nobody knows

wow you're all terrible cooks, who'dve thunk

Didn't take a photo but it was leftover pulled pork sandwiches on wiht pickle, mustard and barbecue sauce.

I'll be making burritos when I finish my bourbon.

I just made a grilled cheese with Gruyere on sourdough, but I finished eating it before I saw this thread

It was fucking great though. Simple, but with good ingredients