When you realize drinking a gallon of ice water burns as many calories as you would gain by drinking a can of Coke

>when you realize drinking a gallon of ice water burns as many calories as you would gain by drinking a can of Coke
It's simple thermodynamics

it takes one calorie to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree
1000 calories = 1 Calorie

a gallon of water weighs 3.78 kg
if you drink 3.78 kg of water at [math]0^\circ[/math]C it will take 3.78 Calories to raise it to [math]1^\circ[/math]C

The human body is [math]37^\circ[/math]C
So it takes 3.78 * 37 Calories to raise it to body temperature
That's 139.86 Calories you could burn just sitting on your ass
A can of coke is 140 Calories
A gallon of ice-water is the negative of drinking a coke

It might even be slightly more if you factor in the energy required to lift the water up to your face.

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>>The human body is 37∘37∘37^\circC
the stomac is warmer

No it isn't
I had to look it up because I don't know biology

>Drinking 0 degree water

>not drinking 0 degree water
confirmed tastier and now also confirmed healthier than room temperature water

>1000 calories = 1 Calorie
why can't we just use joules?

Haven't you heard the news? drinking ice water will turn your blood into cum


who the fuck measures food energy in joules


what a bunch of cucks
this video gave me diabetes

>glass of water is the same as a stomach

this is why i don't respect anyone who has this hard-on for respecting doctors. they're incredibly ignorant even when it comes to things that you would think they should have a decent understanding of, like the human body.
What a bunch of dumb cunts.

you don't have to drink it and suffer from salt deficiency and painful muscle cramps, just pour it all over yourself

ayo, hol up do

does it really burn 140 calories more than what would have been burned not drinking water??

the question is, does you body actually burn an extra 140 calories in order to maintain its body temperature around the stomach, or instead does you stomach SIMPLY COOL OFF TEMPORARILY instead of ratcheting up its metabolic processes to deal with the cold water?

This implies that everyone who died when the titanic sank from hypothermia in the cold arctic water simply did not have enough sugar in their blood for their bodies to metabolize.

had they had more glucose in their blood their bodies would simply have ratched up metabolic processes to account for cold water cooling their tissue off.

I dont believe this is correct, user

>A can of coke is 140 Calories
It's actually 140 KILOcalories.
When food labels say "calories", they actually mean kilocalories.

The "calorie" we refer to in food is actually kilocalorie. One (1) kilocalorie is the same as one (1) Calorie (upper case C). A kilocalorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water one degree Celsius.

Because one gallon of zero degree water is equal to being overboard in the North Atlantic....

So, one can of coke is the same as drinking 1000 glasses of ice water?


I lived in europe and not once have i seen a motherfucker use joules,only an arabian pretending to be european would attempt such an act

>tfw can't drink cold water because mom didn't make me brush my teeth so I didn't start until I already had several cavities

Yurofag here, can confirm with empirical evidence that you're full of shit. All the foods and drinks around here are in kcal, usually per 100 g/ml. Even the imported stuff.

Indeed. His troll is the subconscious dilemma that he uses Imperial and wants to take his anger out on Europeans, who actually use an actually fit system of units & measurement.

The body still has to raise its own temperature to normal, wether it happens in 2 hours or 20 seconds.

but how can you prove it burns ADDITIONAL calories doing this?

During all normal meabolic processes (i.e. without having to burn extra energy), your body will still be warmed. This effectis always happening, even without having a portion of tissue be sightly cooler than the surrounding tissue

just because some tissue gets slightly cooler than the rest of your tissue does not necessarily guarantee your body produces an excess of energy to compensate.

Because the ice water comes out your pecker as piping hot life nectar, so it had to get warm somehow. Apply conservation of energy with thermodynamics.

Coke is ice cold. Therefore, whenever you drink a can of coke, your body has to raise it to body temperature as well. Hence, drinking an ice cold coke add less net calories than drinking lukewarm coke.

A gallon of ice-cold water is almost guaranteed to burn off more calories than you'd gain from drinking an ice-cold coke, but less than you'd gain from a lukewarm coke.

This is actually relative because as energy output drops so does energy consumption.

there's no temperature you could drink coke at to lead to a net negative energy consumption

why is autism correlated with a lack of reading comprehension?

were you raised by a single mother?

Basically because your piss is at body temperature, and long-term your body has to warm back up

What may fuck this trick up is:
-hot environment where the body has to cool down constantly: you just have to cool down less
-(probably minor): the fact that you're always giving off heat to the environment if it's colder than body temp (ie if you're under humane conditions), so your body might somehow lessen the anmount of heat given off (by making you feel cold and putting on a jacket, by pumping less blood to your hands etc)

Do humans even drink a gallon of water in a day?

>use Fahrenheit
>use unit of energy based on a liter (which they don't know what is) and a Kelvin/degree Celsius (which they don't know what is)
Why are you so tsundere about the superior SI unit system?

wtf no

I only do when I'm studying late at night
>make a big mug of tea (0.5l)
>drink it
>have to take a piss
>while I'm up, make a mug of tea

Humans only drink 2 quarts of water a day.

It's a very rough estimate based on your daily activity, local temperature, your genetics and what temps you are adjusted to (I was sweating my balls off in India while locals were walking in jackets because muh winter), body size (obviously), etc etc
But forcing yourself to drink 4l of water throughout the whole day isn't a problem

no, the "calorie" and the "Calorie" are not the same
the "Calorie" as presented on food packaging, is a kilocalorie

I used to drink 2 gallons every day in the form of coffee. Not sure how I didn't develop any medical problems from that, but I did sweat and was jittery every single day throughout the day.

>2 gallons
Hold up, isn't that like 7-8 liters?
How is it even possible?

This seems normal

Coffee was the only thing I drank. Kept a coffee maker next to the monitor and was addicted to it, so I literally was nonstop drinking coffee. This was when I was a NEET too.

I could probably drink 2 gallons of tea on a cold winter day if I could be arsed to make that much. Drinking a lot of water at once makes me feel sick but tea I can just keep drinking somehow.