How can I stop procrastinating and just focus on studying all day, every day?

Sorry, if you think this is inappropriate here. But I find it more comfortable to ask you guys for advice since most of you likely have on average a much higher education then the guys that frequent advice /Advice or /r9k or whatever.

So some of you probably had encountered this problem in college.
Or didn't, because you had superior study habits to begin with.

What's the best way I can keep myself focused on studying.
I want to spend time working/studying as much as I can. But keep getting distracted or stress/worry gets to me and it's hard to keep working.

Or I get hyped because the stuff I'm studying is fun to me etc.

Something always breaks my concentration.

So what do you guys do to keep your mind on the task?

>pic not related

Other urls found in this thread:

I also want to become study-bot. Transcend all gay-chans and become a man i desire to be. Also i want to become less gay and edgy. I just got to college and all i do is just meme online. What do Veeky Forums killing myself is the best option but then i'm too scared to do it. There's no point in life than to be successful in your field. BUT HOW CAN I DO THAT? Want to be a good programmer but can't even get myself to fucking learn anything. I am confirmed brainlet.

I know your pain. *hugs*

lol. just relax kid. try meditating. if you enjoy the material, which it sounds like you are, then don't worry about grades or achieving a certain outcome (even a future one) and just enjoy learning the material. Don't do it for your ego.

practice, you get better at concentrating the more you do it
it's not going to happen overnight, it's like bodybuilding


Ignore this brainlet.


i agree with him. Studying was a pleasure for me because the information was actually desirable to learn. Don't worry too much either. also turn off all electronic devices around you, take a break every 50 minutes for 10 minutes or so, minimize all distractions.

I pretend that I'm in school and the thing I'm studying is the course material, I've never had issues studying for a class, so all I need to do is put myself in the same mindset.


The main principle is that if you're really interested in something and like it, it's extremely easy to study it.

If you try to study for the sake of grades or success or something external, then it is no longer an intrinsic motivation to do something and becomes another obligation to fulfill, like a chore. When that happens, it's almost impossible to study without distracted.

So instead of stressing out about how you'll do in classes, focus on something you love about the material and explore it like you'd explore the level of a video game or something, just to discover and be fascinated by new ideas. Don't keep hammering into yourself that you have to know something or else or that everyone else knows it and you're just a brainlet. Just explore and try to have fun. And be sure to take breaks every 30-50 minutes, so you don't get tired out.

That being said, some subjects are straight up boring, in which case I suggest putting on some dank music and drinking a shitload of coffee and just powering through the material in as little time as necessary.


Like I said, ignore this brainlet.

the key is to just get started

commit to doing just 1 problem, or watching a lecture for 10 minutes, or whatever. just start

Being depressed won't help you. I can tell you that.

You don't. Only study when you're really willing to, otherwise your productivity will be shit.

This post contains all you need to know, though i want to add something to cheer you up.

>That being said, some subjects are straight up boring, in which case I suggest putting on some dank music and drinking a shitload of coffee and just powering through the material in as little time as necessary.

Even if something is boring or straight-up not interesting to you - the more you study and accumulate moments of success, the more just the act of working through something will become "fun".
It takes time and an ... lets say an open mind but you will find fun in "beating" boring parts of your work.

Or to dumb it down: game-ify working on boring parts to become as efficient as when working on the parts you are passionate about.

Organizing your fap folder isnt as fun as fapping, but goddamn one feels great after sorting in another gb or two into your collection, doesnt it?


You have to cultivate discipline. That means fulfilling your obligations without emotion.

>SSRI to prevent that feeling of infinite hopelessness and despair, appearing as if I will never feel anything good ever again

>Amphetamines to focus me up, but not that pharmaceutical A+ grade shit, the powder cooked in some backwater alley cut with creatine, but hey, at least I'm focused until my dopamine reserves deplete and then get back to my disgusting withdrawal

>Xanax - to take the edge off

>Codeine - for the pain

>Library - so that I'm forced by social convention to do what is expected of me instead of procrastinating

>Total and utter social isolation - is peer pressure getting to you? Are they inviting you to hang out? Do it! Why? So you can get to the dealer and then never have to deal with THEM again! And if you don't abuse them, they will fuck you bloody, so best make it quick before attachments start to develop

You just have to be determined to develop a mild addiction to substances that replace your social needs, because you can't study if you keep checking facebook every 5 minutes and the only person worth having around is your exotic pharmaceutical man with whom you are not friends and never should be because friends make the worst people to do business with. It's not all peaches and cream because there WILL be bad comedowns, increasing tolerance and eventually forced withdrawal, but hey, I'm sorry if you do not like the answer

>Just explore and try to have fun.
I like this sentiment. But the things that I want to learn have so many prerequisites that I'll inevitably have to trudge through boring stuff. I also feel that having strong foundations is important. Developing strong foundations required deliberate practice and discipline, which isn't always fun. I could be thinking of this all wrong, though.

>without emotion
This is what I was getting at...

You CAN'T wait for when you "feel like" starting, or wait for the "right time". You will usually never get started.

Just commit to a small bit. You do this all the time. "just one glance at the Veeky Forums catalog", "just one game of dota", etc.

You need to instead say "just one exercise"
"Just one page of this book"
and spend just 5 minutes out of your entire 24 hour day on the thing you've been procrastinating on.

Worst case scenario: you only do that one exercise, or read that one page; then, by the end of the week, the work you started on 7 times will have added up and you'll at least have gotten somewhere. Best case scenario: you get a ton finished.

Good posts.

i studied all day every day for 3 years. it's not worth it. focus on getting laid that's more important. once you can do that successfully then focus on all day every day.


>once you can do that successfully then focus on all day every day.

All day every day of getting laid or studying?

studying. but you still have to get laid every day. i do anyway.

>getting laid
is irrelevant as fuck, to like, literally everything in your life. don't become a simple animals, searching for fleshly pleasures.

sorry dude i need it. women are my favorite thing. intellectual shit is boring.

>t. virgin

i'm the faggot who studied every day every day for 3 years. i lived with a woman during this and it didn't work out because i studied too much. just fuck man school should be on the back burner.

fucking normies, get out of my board

shut the fuck up faggot. i told you i worked super hard. i got dumped after 2.5 years because she didn't like my study habits. it wasn't worth it i still have to get a job.

>it's not worth it. focus on getting laid that's more important

Veeky Forums 2017

fuck off i've been a regular since 06 and i lost my virginity the year after. you are the people who resent us. we actually like you guys. why do you think i spend time with you online? my irl friends are self absorbed faggots and losers. i genuinely like the people i talk to on Veeky Forums.

t. cuck

A note on Modafinil: if you take it to deal with procrastination or attention deficit, remember to close your browser and start focusing a bit on what you want to study BEFORE you take it or you're just going to spend the entire day furiously shitposting on Veeky Forums or browsing Wikipedia.

Kek i remember taking a 2+h shit once because i wouldnt get up the shitter until every gram was out

if its a sunday, focus on crack opening a cold one with the bois

Okay so since this seems like a regrets (and advice) thread..
So I Graduated high school from my shit ass third world country in 2015. I decided I was not gonna stay on my shit ass country and applied for a scholarship (16hs per day studying for 6 months so I can pass the exams)
Mind you only one person in the last 15 years got this scholarship from my country, because our education system is really really shitty and no one is capable of doing so.
So I got the scholarship around june last year, and just decided to fuck around until I came here (I'm in that country now, just gonna say asia).
Now I'm in a "preparation year" so I can get into university, with people who got the scholarship from all around the world. They're fucking geniuses and I can't compete, I mean I am really good at the language and they're not but since I didnt even try for uni in my country I got fucked. Everyone is so ahead of me in math phys and chem and I'm only good at the language, I have class from 8-6 everyday and the time I'm not in class I'm doing homework or something.
How can I manage? any advice from someone who went through something similar? what I want is some time to self study so I can catch up to everyone but I can't fucking balance.
Either that or, how can I get modafinil in Japan?

>Just have fun while learning XDDD
ok now sci is just reddit

I'd assume both industriousness, IQ and concentration is genetic.

>fun is not allowed
ok now sci is just v


drugs is the only answer


Personally i enjoy controlling the procrastination.
If you separate your studying in segments it's good in both ways. Say if it's 3:00, study until 3:30 or study until you finish a chapter/page/exercise, then take a break. Then time your break accordingly. This ensures that you won't get exhausted from studying, while still satisfying your procrastinating tendencies. It's also much easier to not procastinate when you have a "just 3 more pages" mentality to keep you going.

Just lobotomize your right brain, like our friend Phin did accidentally.
Minor quality of life drawback, but you will be $100% focused on your work

Mext? I think I'm going to apply next year for a grad scholarship. Is it so fucking hard to pass? Do you need to know Japanese? I'm from Brazil BTW, our schools are shit too.

There is no way to stop procrastinating. We were born like this. All we can do now is lower our standards

>turn off all electronic devices around you

What if my textbook is online because ayy lmao I'm not paying $250 for a one semester textbook?

Pasta from an old ancient Veeky Forums poaster:

> Break down your problem into smaller pieces. You are procrastinating because your task is too difficult and you don't know what to do. down your problem into smaller pieces.

In my country generic textbooks are in range of $10 - $50.
You guys are telling horrible things. I'd prefer to thieve book from libgen instead of spending over999 bucks.


>mfw I actually managed to fuck up the pasta, maybe should of added oil to the water
>Get a bit of more work done and then play. You can't work straight for several hours at a time. Break down your problem into smaller pieces. You are procrastinating because your task is too difficult and you don't know what to do.

>In my le country

Which country you stupid Eurocuck?

>You can't work straight for several hours at a time
Myth of the fucking century. Of course lazy brainlets eat it up.


Get Modafinil.

Grad is way easier (I heard). You only have english exams and have to present your research proposal properly, there is a lot of info. Nao sou de brazil mais meus classmates brasileiros sao quase genios, Brazil e mt melhor do que o meu pais. Sou seu vizinho kk

>one-hundred dollars percent

fuck i had an experience like this too, except i was in the stall for an hour

You can study for 16 hours a day, how can you not survive university is beyond me


ive never experienced stuff like this on modafa i find it really easy to switch between stuff im doing. in fact to easy that i get bored of stuff really easily and just start bugging out. by the end of the day im a wreck of hyperactivity and tourettes

how is any exam worth 16 hrs a day of revision what do you even do with all time

This just gives me massive brain fog for 20 hours, and doesn't solve the problem of motivation

>What's the best way I can keep myself focused on studying.

Just try to find enjoyment in what you're studying and don't stress over it. If you don't enjoy it, then focus. Once you understand something on a higher level, you may end up loving it and stop procrastinating. And keep in mind it's important to not be studying constantly, because you will get impatient. Take a break and do other things to forget about it i.e gym, eat out, go to the shooting range, etc, then go back with a fresh mind. Get the right amount of sleep, eat well, and doing cardio probably helps, too. And obviously turn off your phone and stop browsing this site. And sometimes, you just need to accept that not everything you learn will be exciting. There are boring parts. You just need to have the discipline to push through them, and see your work with big picture thinking, as in, realize 'why' you are studying it in the first place. Focus on the end goal rather than a few hours of boredom

Another good way to keep yourself on track is to ask yourself the question: "Would an important and successful person do what I'm doing or about to do?" If the answer is no, then maybe you should not do it or limit it heavily. Some people also take drugs, but there are healthier ways to gain focus. This all sounds like normie advice, but there's nothing to say out of "gain motivation and discipline, take breaks"

I COULD study 16 hours per day, now I have no free time because of stupid lessons. (I studied by myself in paraguay, I feel like I learn way better if I do it that way) Plus classes are in jap. And its not uni yet, its preparation for uni. I may ruin my chances to get into the top unis if I dont find a way to manage myself.
I had to pretty much learn math phys and chem from zero, since I could literally use NOTHING I learned in high school (because my country is so shit, I was in one of the best private schools also) Also jap.

Pretend all you want we are animals just like all the others, sex is sex, its very important, especially to humans, just because you aren't good at it yet doesnt mean you need to bash it.

man i wish there was a secret to be able to focus. i cant really get my head around, too, as you can see by me beeing on sci instead of my paper atm.

i think it has something to do with the internet and smartphone shit (and probably my drug consumption, esp. weed and mdma), it feels like i completly lost my span of attention. i really admire all those asian guys in my university library that can just sit there for 8 hrs straight and study and do this every fucking day.....

pls help me someone

excessive channing/jerking off/gaming/etc is what causes this, I already had a disadvantage, but neeting it out for 2 years doing this shit and nothing else really took its toll on my ability to focus and finish tasks

Exercise in the morning /most of lifes problems

Key for me to stop procrastinating was to start assignments early. That way I can take my time and learn the material at a leisurely pace, which helps prevent burnout. When you let everything pile up it demoralizes you and keeps you from doing well.

Stop masturbating okay?

Not true. I fixed myself from being a chronic procrastinator nearly failing out of school to being a 4.0 student in STEM. Just have to reinvent yourself it wasn't even that hard.

>Just reinvent yourself bruv

Really not as hard as it sounds. The only change I made was starting on assignments and studying early and everything else fell into place.

>the only thing I did to stop procrastinating was to stop procrastinating
thank you for your contribution

Do you know of another way to stop procrastinating than to stop procrastinating?

>"Would an important and successful person do what I'm doing or about to do?"
Not a perfect general filter. For example, important and successful people don't do their own chores because they hire other people to do them. Obviously a normal person who doesn't have that kind of money should do their own chores.

Also I guarantee you those people chill out all the time.

That's literally all you have to do, though. You have free will, you know? You can move your own muscles however you please. There is nothing stopping you from doing what you need to be doing.

Because they conserve energy efficiently. You can learn from that, at least. Energy is limited, your mind isn't as sharp after being awake for 10+ hours.

watch and learn. it's

Nobody can answer this for you. We're all different, and different work ethics. What works for me, might not work for you.

This is why you have to dedicate lots of time finding what works for you.

I drink tea, listen to instrumental music and relax. I don't think about what i'm doing too much. You need to learn how to clear your mind from all that's going on around you.

You should try exposing yourself to physical discomfort. What i'll do is run or take a really cold shower. Push myself a little bit longer every time.

Fucking idiots. Modafinil is a Eugeroic,all it does is promote wakefulness. Stop memeing

I'm pretty sure Modafinil gave me permanent anxiety. After a few days taking it I thought I was having a heart attack. It was an anxiety attack obviously since I'm still alive. Ever since then I've been suffering from heart palpitations. However my heart isn't racing it's actually normal but I feel every beat.

No... it doesn't. It shares properties with many stimulants which include increasing performance on various tasks.

There is a sizeable portion of the population who seems to be genetically immune to modafinil however. Could be up to 10-20% of people, which is why I think this meme of downplaying modafinil exists. It's probably one of the most powerful substances I've ever consumed short of psychedelic drugs.

Studying engendering makes me feel like shit because I feel for the STEM meme and I hate my life but i cant really leave it all behind because im staring my junior year this coming semester. Studying is the hardest part because I have no genuine interest and rather feel obligated to study more than anything else.

swich to physics or math

>i want to become less gay and edgy

both of you are fuggin clueless about life.

>"I want to become less gay and edgy"

Like jesus christ, just be yourself and stop pouring all your effort away from studying and into molding yourself into a likable person.

Like how fucking autistic are you that you think you have to go through a process in molding yourself into someone you're not. Just be yourself and focus on your studies. Be gay and edgy and be comfortable with it and the more confident in your opinions, the more people will respect you and despite being the same opinions you had before, the less gay and edgy you'll seem (since you're not trying to impress people).

Just be yourself you insecure bastard

Pomodoro technique. If you're on android (which I hope for you you are) get the app productivity challenge timer. Start a work session, just try and gain your first rank and suddenly you have a title to defend. In your first break (only after a work session, it's just 25 minutes don't be a weakling) read this: it will help you understand the problem better. Continue until you reach enlightenment.

>literally "just bee yourself"
Okay, Chad.

[spoiler]Seriously, though, I agree with you. You can always tell when some nerdy little faggot is trying too hard to be someone he's not.[/spoiler]

Stop posting that meme article unironically.

I have procrastinated learning programming for over 4 years. My effort in the last two years of my engineering degree I hated was non existent. I procrastinated so hard and only just graduated with an acceptable grade. Not even group work could stop me handing in utter shit.

After graduation I worked in wagie part-time jobs (I am too ugly and autistic to be good at graduate job interviews) and told myself every day "Tomorrow I'll take advantage of my huge amounts of free time and learn maths, programming, and read more books!" Nope. Never happened. Two years of my life pass, I'm now working in an outwardly respectable job but hate myself just as much, procrastinate doing anything worthwhile in my free time, procrastinate giving up coffee and junk food.

I have epiphanies and hope every evening. I wake up feeling doomed due to laziness and ugliness. I tell myself I'll use my jealousy of the Chads and Staceys and bitterness at society as a motivator but I deeply give no fucks (at times).

First step is realising epiphanies won't get you anywhere. Discipline isn't a trick, it's a skill mastered through discipline. You need to look at the few good things you've got in life, and use that tiny bit of optimism to just get to work. Short sessions of varied activities, regular breaks to keep yourself interested. Do something each day, even if it's only ten minutes of reading. Those ten minutes will become easier the next day.

>through discipline
through habit

there is no such thing as procrastination

if someone offered you 3 million dollars just for showing up to their house tomorrow morning, you'd be there and you'd probably be waiting outside early. when it's important to you, you don't hesitate to act

so it's really that what you say you want to do is actually not important to you. you need to consciously decide what your priorities are.

>wanting to improve oneself = "trying to impress people"
you're projecting

Procrastination is essentially an addiction to whatever you're using to procrastinate, like internet/gaming/Veeky Forums. It's not that other things aren't important to procrastinators, they just lack the strength to beat the addiction. An alcoholic would stop drinking for a morning if you promised him $3m, the challenge is getting the same kind of motivation from within yourself.

Not really, I sometimes procrastinate playing vydia ane then procrastinate by learning a new subject that isn't really related to what I have to study. It's hell.

[internet, gaming, Veeky Forums].push("whatever gives your brain instant gratification and tricks it into thinking it's accomplishing something while it's really not")
It's still an addiction, hell describes it quite well

some strains of sativa work wonders by cutting down anxiety and increase motivation, however there is a drop in reaction time. With a puff or two I can usually clean around the house, do the treadmill and still have enough motivation to read for school