I'm currently in highschool and I am being forced into taking college classes. I'm mostly interested in CS...

I'm currently in highschool and I am being forced into taking college classes. I'm mostly interested in CS, but I love anything that requires intellect.
What classes should I take Veeky Forums?

Underage b&

>posts that image
>thinks he will be able to understand anything intellectual, never mind the constitution

Fuck off brainlet lmao.

Mods get em

> I'm mostly interested in CS, but I love anything that requires intellect.

that means he's a gamer who is "smart but lazy"

Mods suck

Why do underaged people keep posting on Veeky Forums admitting that they're underaged? I thought this board was supposed to be for smart people.

It clearly isn't if you're posting here.

T. Underaged

This. Also, mods never seem to enforce it either. They'll shoot down threads and give warnings to "non-science" threads but any poster who says "I'm in high school and blah blah advice le 17 xDDd" doesn't get a second glance.

It's annoying and very inconsistent.

You can be in high school and be over 18.

Yeah if you're fucking dumb and stayed back

Brainlets should also be banned

And I've been on multiple threads where the poster ADMITS to being 17 or under 18

There are MANY reasons you can be an adult in high school. OP never said he was under 18 yet the thread is spammed to shit with it for some reason? For all you know OP had an illness requiring him to be out of school at some point in his life and that held him back and now he's being shamed for it. Saying you're in high school and saying you're under 18 are entirely different things.

Depends on the country user. In sweden children begin primary education 1 year later than in USA and graduate as 19 year olds from high school. That makes it fully possible for OP to be in his second year of high school and be 18.

>being triggered by that nonsense

Homological algebra
Fiber spaces and gauge fields
Differential topology

These require a little bit of intellect. If your highschool doesn't offer these, you're doomed to fail and should already look for work in nearby mcburger.

It is summer.

>I'm mostly interested in CS, but I love anything that requires intellect

University Physics (for physics/engineering majors) I, II, III
Calculus (for math/physics/engineering majors) I, II, III
Intro Linear/Matrix Algebra, Theoretical Linear Algebra, Applied/Numerical Linear Algebra
Introduction to Proofs/Mathematical Reasoning/Transition to Advance Mathematics/Discrete Math (names vary, take it in the math department)
Circuits I, II; Electronics I, II
Digital Logic (for EE/CpE majors), Computer Architecture (for EE/CpE majors)

Protip: Don't waste your time with CS courses.


There is a shit-ton of refugees that has had to halt their education for some years until they came to a first world countries. Aint always because someone is retarded that they are lagging behind.

>mathematics isn't real science
Should have swapped one of those calculus classes for some basic English.

Well, yeah...

>i'm underage

>memorize shitloads of information which may come in handy someday
>know shit thats actually useful
>make $$$
>go into surgery and get gud skrub

dont waste your time with these STEM plebs. they're too autistic to understand what they do doesn't really matter, that's why they cant find high paying jobs.

I wish we had free speech in Europe

>I love anything that requires intellect.
>What classes should I take

The answer is ALWAYS... Math... ALWAYS

Math to some people comes natural without really putting effort though. When I think "intellectual" I think some English majors discussing Beowulf at the cafe lounge in a Barnes and Noble.

So basically you think hipsters are intellectuals. You know you must over 18 to post here.

>my subjective image of "a bunch of nerds in lab coats in a lab" being the smartest people ever is more objectively valid than your subjective image of '"a bunch of english majors discussing literature" being the smartest people ever reeeeeeeeeeee

Let's fight for it.

Hipsters read great literature? I assumed they only read comic books and Harry Potter.

this is great advice

>When I think "intellectual" I think some English majors discussing Beowulf at the cafe lounge in a Barnes and Noble
this is a joke right?