Why do people pretend to like eating rubber from the sea?

why do people pretend to like eating rubber from the sea?

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But I only order baked stuffed lobster.

Reminder Ramsay rips a live lobster in half at 5:30

>rubber from the sea

Learn to not fucking overcook your proteins, dum dum.

>this faggot shitposter again

chefs universally agree lobster has a naturally rubbery texture. If you want lobster, get crab. Lobster is the shittiest meme of the past 50 years

He probably put a knife through its head first

>turn their nose up at eating insects
>but proceed to devour things that are basically overgrown sea insects, like lobsters and crab

> Picture title says live Maine lobster

Ummm, that lobster has been cooked. They are dark brown when they are alive.

Keep telling yourself that.

Is it true that lobster used to be peasant food?


fresh crab is so much better than lobster.


oceanic cockroaches, gross.

crayfish is way cheaper and delicious than lobster

Keep telling yourself that.

Keep telling yourself that.

The difference is one thing....meat
Crustaceons have meat that is quite similar to other animals
Insects do not have meat, you ever smash a huge spider? It's nothing but disgusting pus and goo inside

I never liked crustaceans. Except shrimp. Shrimp is great.

Faggot spiders are not bugs and spiders have meat unlike bugs which is all guts

Chefs universally agree that you shouldn't eat lobster over a certain size, because cooking it through necessitates overcooking it.

You, on the other hand, are just making up bullshit.

The only acceptable application of this bug is the Lobster Roll. Prove me wrong