What is the best body type and workout for maximum brain "power"

Since Veeky Forums is completely retarded and doesn't know anything about it, can someone here enlighten me? I guess it would be something like ottermode but of course I might be wrong. As for workout is cardio really the best thing about it or one should also do workouts that focus on bodybuilding since that increases test and thats extremely important, its seems. Please elaborate as much as possible.

the most important fitness indicators are resting heart rate and body fat percentage.. so do cardio and don't eat like a piglet. also people with higher muscle mass have an easier time reducing their body fat, so strength training is good too. Veeky Forums people are mostly concerned with getting big which isn't bad in and of itself, but you can't neglect training cardio if you actually want to be healthy.

Thin frame and squats using the smith machine!

Weights for endorphins = good times for your brain. Cardio for blood flow and further endorphins. Low bodyfat for lack of depression which fucks with your brain. Vitamins all accounted for otherwise your energy will suffer. About 8 hours good sleep in a completely dark room to get the benefits of that.

cardio and strength training using your own body weight are great.

There's no real conclusive reason I know of why cardio helps with brain function, but my guess is that the hippocampus gets more blood so you have an improved memory.

Also, to my knowledge, a mix of aerobic strength training alongside cardio boosts testosterone about as much as lifting weight. That would be stuff like jogging/walking for 10 minutes, then doing squats, lunges, situps, pushups, pull ups, etc, then jogging/walking another 10min and repeat until failure.

>What is the best body type and workout for maximum brain "power"
no workout

your brain and your muscles compete for the same stuff

Really? That's extremely interesting, can you elaborate

>That's extremely interesting
exercising also gives you mini strokes, that's really bad for your brain

Why would it do that? All I know is the rise of cortisol but had no idea about mini strokes. Like I said please elaborate or at least give links

I jog every sunday and tuesday. Is that why the left side of my face is paralyzed and I cant remember names or faces anymore?

this is basic knowledge, just google it

> According to a study published in the June 2000 edition of “Neurological Research,” cerebral blood flow velocity induced arterial pressure within the brain up to 450/380 mmHg. The authors state that "catastrophic brain injuries such as stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhage and retinal detachment have been associated with weight-lifting."

That's very heavy lifting, not normie lifting.

That's Arnold Schwarzenegger tier lifting.

Ok but what about light cardio? I'm pretty sure sitting is good so what is the alternative?

so if you're a top student in some good school without any problems it's probably not a good idea to start strenuous exercises with weights

I'm pretty sure it's what's heavy for *you* or the last forced reps no matter what level you are at

sitting isn't good

you think micro concussions (jogging) are good for your brain?

if it's not broken ...

So what is one supposed to do? Sit all day and get varicose vains,limit blood, get fat and all that good stuff. I really want to know what is better

>So what is one supposed to do?
all I'm saying be careful until you get a phd

and don't go crazy no matter what you do besides doing well in school

"mini strokes" often lead to cellular growth. some nootropics, like noopept, often replicate the conditions of hypoxia without decreasing the levels of oxygen by activating the same response pathways

45min of constant walking at a brisk pace 3-4 days a week is what the American Heart Association suggests is the best exercise for a healthy adult.

mini is not always so mini, you do damage in any case

if you're a fine tuned machine well above average don't start experiments on yourself, that's stupid

Getting physical exercise isn't an experiment unless you are pushing your physical limits. How do you think humans functioned before the sedentary age? If anything, living like a pathetic beta is the new dangerous experiment, and you can prove it with all of the increases in obesity and cardiovascular disease.

it seems that you have other priorities than getting competent in a scientific field

delete this

attack his character, that's how you'll be right. Good on you user

Sports Science degree student here

I don't know for ages 15-60 (what you, I think are thinking about) but for ederly people, the best cognitive training is one that has strenght Training and Aerobic training, that been said, I think sports with some tactical component would be GOAT for them brainz gainz.

So, for example, 3 days a week strength training(45min-1 hour) and 5 days a week some sport with tactical component(one hour and a half maybe) Eg: waterpolo, tennis, soccer...

t. obese Amerifat

I read ages ago a study found that leg strength in the elderly was the greatest (or a great?) predictor of health/inverse probability of their death occuring soon

yep, totally true.

That is because old people get very very weak in their whole body, but we want them to train specially legs because falls are the #1 cause of death in the ederly. They fall, break their hip, get sedentary (in hospital, sorry bad english) for 2-3 months, lose even more strength, fall again (repeat the cycle) and eventually die because of injuries about that, depression, heart attack...

So, leg strenth is the greatest predictor.

t. spanish sports science degree (UNEX)

thats what i was assuming, the fall risk, though i hadnt considered the downward cycle from one fall

t. user who is clearly loving your insight

Most of histories great minds had a pretty thin build. Histories geniuses are never fat or super muscular.

Most *people* in history were thin. Food was precious, work was long, and life was hard.

Aristocrats/intellectuals were usually skinnyfat
That comes from conditioning not and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to live with the people from WW2 era either

Jesus Christ how horrifying


Jesus, are you really that afraid of the world?

>implying good scientists only focus on studying their fields

Are you actually retarded?


>Since Veeky Forums is completely retarded

>Threads proceeds with retarded claims like based on a quote that stated mini strokes may be associated with weight lifting while not giving any actual evidence to back that claim up and this somehow discredits the hundreds of study supporting the benefits of exercise. Not to mention the lowered risk of vascular dementia that will give you actual mini strokes.

Veeky Forums is retard but so is Veeky Forums. Exercise is unamasouly proven to be helpful in intellectual affars both with long term benefits such as increased blood flow to the brain as many people have pointed at but also is the short term as it has been shown that exercising after studying significant increases the amount of information you retain. And anyone with a interest in having a long career should strength train their body as and discussed.

jesus. go for a jog in a morning, study during the day, go out with your friends in the evening, sleep, repeat. not only that you're gonna be more productive than sitting on your ass "studying" the whole day, you're also gonna be happy and feel good. anyone thinking the opposite is autist and/or retard.

Ottermode is shit, athletic is the way to go.

Amazing dat natur be like dat

>exercising after studying significant increases the amount of information you retain

source? ill need to change my routine if confirmed

Is this a real man on this planet.

t. lard ass