Want to own a restaurant that serves only wild caught game that changes with the season in traditional pioneer dishes

>want to own a restaurant that serves only wild caught game that changes with the season in traditional pioneer dishes
>it's illegal

fuck this gay everything

where is that illegal

america ;_;

you're not allowed to buy meat directly from hunters

can delis/butchers buy meat from hunters? you may have to find a lawyer friend and see if you can run a place that's technically all 3

Just hire the hunter and give him a yearly salary of $10k + bonuses/incentives for every pound of meat he brings in. Now he's your employee rather than just a hunter

The mad cow prion survives cooking, and is terminal. Be very careful with wild game.

Blame it on our great-great-grandfathers. It was made illegal because game hunters didn't give a fuck about populations when they could market their meat commercially.

Even in whack-job places like Texas?!

I'm not so sure, I mean I suppose commercial meat processors are allowed but I'm fairly certain regulations dictate they can't serve food in the same location where its processed.

Obviously the vision is what ever the hunters catch that day are what's on the menu, so things will be getting processed in house
I want to serve things like a summer black bear, and some of those invasive porkers, elk, and moose. That kind of stuff

But there are bag/season limits. You'd have to hire a lot of hunters

There's a meat processing place near me that sells wild game type of animals: venison, elk, moose, pheasant etc. You can eat there too. They have a menu. They figured it out. Surely you can too.

Then use a butcher as a middleman and buy from him

I wish butchers were still a thing

Look up Bonnell's Texas restaurant and ask him where he gets his meats.

They are.

They do this to prevent basically this exact process. If you can open up shop like that and sell hunters meat, then so can I, and now we're fucking up the local ecosystem super hard because hunters will slowly turn into poachers.

This. If you live in a "country" area you'll likely have a few old-school butchers, and if you live in a "city" area you'll likely have hipster butchers that are surprisingly good.

Show me the federal statute that says you can't buy meat from hunters

so what you mean to tell me is I need to go out and personally bag myself a moose and a few bears every year

Canada. Meat that doesn't come from approved, inspected locations and that doesn't receive additional inspection upon slaughter isn't allowed to be sold.

hunters are not required to get their meat inspected in canada?

What third world shithole do you live in that doesn't have butchers?

Fuck off, you aren't even trying

Hunters in my state don't have our kills inspected.

Don't sell it then. Sell expensive drinks, food is complementary

>invasive porkers
supposedly the males are no good for eating
just the young females and the piglets that are ok
also they have parasites

OP I wanted to do the same, but as a food truck.

You can serve farm raised game animals tho.

It's to prevent wild game from being overhunted.

so how you would buy it to give it away?
buy plastic bags for 80000 times their value and get the meat inside of it as a gift?
you'll get shut down very rapidly

State laws apply also. Have you actually done any amount of research?

You need licences to run a restaurant and to hunt.

Poaching is hunting without a licence. That's hard to police, which is why it makes sense to try and restrict demand for game. Shops that exist in a fixed physical location are a lot easier to monitor.

But bans aren't the only way to restrict demand. If they grant but limit restaurant licences, then they can still protect against poaching. Regulators could even create a separate category of licence for game restaurants and limit only those.

There are multiple meat markets with dining areas in my city that purchase mostly directly from hunters.

What city and which meat markets. Its most likely you're wrong

tfw in spain you can go hunting then bring the piece to a restaurant and make them cook it.
same applies to mushrooms.

>gogle serch da hunter roolz
>dreem ovr in 3 secends
>seids i cunt by da fewd
>can nt tink of sewlusions
>post my brokn dreems on cartewn noodle site

You simpleton.

>wild animals
>carrying a prion that cows and sheeps only get from being fed processed cadavers of their own specie

>cartewn noodle site

fuck me my sides


Name the plant, please.

Useless trivia

To a townie.

Inna woods right now pulling some timber out, faggot

but isn't that the whole thrill of cookery, is taking a garbage product and turning it into something desirable?

>this fish and game employee trying to get us to snitch

I can't find any state in the US that allows hunters to sell game. Ocassionally in my state a poacher is busted trying to sell game from a van or truck. In every case I've seen they've been the lowest scum nignog or whitetrash you could imagine. Whietrash and nignogs are equally despicable.

>Whitetrash and nignogs are equally despicable.
Be prepared for an onslaught of poorfags trying to defending their poverty. Happens every time someone makes that comparison.

what is the law on roadkill?