Face it, eating with hands is objectively superior. Food actually tastes much better that way...

Face it, eating with hands is objectively superior. Food actually tastes much better that way, not only that it's even healthier. Bacterial fauna, which you amerifats are so scared of, improves digestion immensely. Also, you won't get fat when eating with your hands, it's just physically improbable.

I eat burgers with fork and knife

>Ywn experience the bliss of hand-feeding your Indian friends and being hand-fed by them in return

that's gay
also you do know they wipe their asses with those hands, right? No bathrooms means no hygiene

>let me hop on your computer for a second, bro

>eating shit off of an Indian's hands
holy shit

Just imagine it, user. Imagine the flavor.

i enjoy eating with forks personally. satisfying to drag the food off it/ through the tines. also i don't think you'll be able to taste some foods as well when you're struggling to extricate it from a frictional and oily surface.

>not eating with non-reactive materials such as silver, gold or bone

How poor are you exactly Pajeet? Do you too worship toilets as Gods?

sweet jesus no

Until the late 1800's forks weren't commonplace among amerilards either, so historically we are quite familiar with eating with our hands like filthy barbarians. Even to this day our nostalgia for our recent barbaric past causes us to eat with our hands.

"A man can eat with his fucking feet if he wants to. Doesn't mean it's the right thing to do."

- Muhammad Ghandi

Fuck off you unsanitary third world dirt monkey. Enjoy your E.Coli.

people have been eating with their hands since the dawn of time, cutlery is a jewish invention designed to spread obesity and make money at the same time
just look at , "non-reactive gold and silver only goy! buy it now!"

>chopsticks and spoons were invented by Jews


>And the priests’ custom with the people was, that, when any man offered sacrifice, the priest’s servant came, while the flesh was in seething, with a fleshhook of three teeth in his hand…

- Book of I Samuel (2:13)

Ok except you don't live in a 3rd world country where that is acceptable.

South Asians have been using spoons since 1000BC. Try again.

spoons aren't cutlery, only knife and fork are
spoons and knifes have a purpose, but a fork? that's the jew

>Also, you won't get fat when eating with your hands, it's just physically improbable.

Everyone that ever got fat used their hands.

no, they used a fork, a knife and a spoon honey

>Food actually tastes much better that way,

I don't like how fingers taste.

>not only that it's even healthier. Bacterial fauna, which you amerifats are so scared of, improves digestion immensely.

A lot of the world uses utensils, not just ameritards. I wouldnt want to eat pasta or a steak with my hands. It's just not practical and it can ruin the food by making it colder quicker.

>Also, you won't get fat when eating with your hands, it's just physically improbable.

Now you're being absurd. Overeaters will overeat.

People have been slicing food, and each other with knives/swords for thousands of years. Stone knives for 2.5 million years. Factually speaking. Pre-sapien jews?

You can slice food and still eat with your hands, dumbass
jews were the ones who decided to pervert the process for maximum profit

>I slurp up my tendies, hotpockets and burgers with a spoon

Fast food doesn't require utensils. Eat a dick, its low carb.

what a pleb

And those utensils were held with their hands.

>i eat my chicken nuggers with fine silver

fuck the fucking fuck off you fucking fuck

>You can slice food and still eat with your hands, dumbass

With what, your razor like fingernails. You just used a utensil. Game over.

>jews were the ones who decided to pervert the process for maximum profit

They invent nothing, they exploit things, but that doesn't make the thing evil, just the exploitation. They exploit people through music too, but that doesn't make music as a whole evil.

Types of pronged pokers and chopsticks have also been used for thousands of years before Judaism existed.

That it doesn't require them does not mean you may not use them.

That photo is terribly embarrassing, btw, Wtf.

>You just used a utensil. Game over.
Nobody is talking about preparing food, idiot. Only eating eat, they still put the food into their mouths with their hands.
any proof that they used those pokers and chopsticks for putting food into their moths? No? I thought so

>nu uh, cause the bible says

...look at THIS tard.

>not wanting grease on your bespoke €35,000 suit is embarrassing

>Chinese people ate steaming noodle soup with their fingers

Sounds about right.

So should I pay less for a steak at a restaurant since they always force me to "prepare" it at the table?

You reach, but you come up short.

So you cut the steak and then put it into your mouth with your fingers? wtfdude, now THAT'S reaching

I'm sorry, I thought the choices were using your hands or utensils, I didn't know using your suit as dinnerware was also in the mix.

Nah, I use a fork, like grownups.

Saying you don't need utensils after conceding you need to cut it up in your plate first is reaching

spoken exactly like somebody who has never wore a suit to a meal
kinda embarrassing really

Touching greasy shit with your fingers is a guarantee to become greasy.

You don't need utensils to put food into your mouth. As you said, it can either be cut into smaller pieces first, or if you think that's too high tech you can just bite off a piece. Sorry, you're wrong.

That's ideal.

You cut up everything and then eat really fast before it gets cold since it won't retain its heat anymore.

I work in a suit.

I wouldn't cut up a drumstick, wings, a burger or most things made for using your hands, its unnecessary. Ill use a fork in fries so they don't fall on my clothes, but that's it.

We're not talking about a pic of Donnie eating greasy curry.


Eating with your hands isn't a license to be slovenly.

>Ill use a fork in fries so they don't fall on my clothes

the fuck

>Ill use a fork in fries so they don't fall on my clothes
Do you have parkinsons or something? What?


So, he uses a fork for the chicken, but not the fries.

I guess he eats one at a time, hunched over the tab....ah, yes he does.

See, sometimes, I get good fries, not from a fast food place, and I'll dip the I'm ketchup or mustard and I don't want that condiment or their grease on my suit, so I spear them with a fork and the go right into my mouth, since the fork can fit into my mouth much more gracefully than my big fucking fingers. Donnie with his dainty little hands could probably stuff quail no problem using his whole fist.


So the problem is that you put condiments on the fries and don't want to have it drip on you
So you use a fork
Which requires the exact same motion to get into your mouth, endangering a sauce drip just as much as your hands

You're a fucking retard

I use what the situation calls for.

>since the fork can fit into my mouth much more gracefully than my big fucking fingers. Donnie with his dainty little hands could probably stuff quail no problem using his whole fist.

So it's not the same. The food goes directly in, no saliva fingers.

Why are you shoving your fist into your mouth?
Do you have downs?

Thank you for your words of wisdom Abdul

Who said I was?

Better to poo in the loo than shart in the mart.

No retard neither of those are desirable.

what's wrong with you

>Left hand



Hindus are fucking disgusting.

>being a coprophile

You did, since apparently youre unable to eat with your hands without slobbering all over them

I really hope he went to prison for that.

England...where they jail you for 2 years for being in possession of a spork...Mahbub prolly walked, as it was simply 'cultural differences'...

I hope his customers razed his homestead afterwards.


I don't eat in restaurants exactly because you never know who and how they touched your food. And what they touched before. I bet you ate fecal matter at a restaurant at least once before.

I'm guessing that you take a handful of fries and shove them all down your throat. Just fucking kill yourself.

Wow, nice teenage girl comeback. You sure convinced me.

calm down, sweetie

>i work in a suit

That sucks. I work in my pajamas.

>wearing pajamas

at this point why not naked or in underpants

I can't tell if you're actually retarded or just fucking around.

Cool dude, who cares?

I'm a lapidary whose shop is at home. Need SOME form of protection.

>Not living someplace cool and being comfy in your pjs

I don't even own pjs
I sleep naked


Holy shit, I haven't worn pj's since I was 8. What kind of retard wears pj's?

fun fact: I eat pizza with hands exclusively when I'm alone at home.
Anyway, I don't think I would enjoy eating spaghetti with my hands.

my nigga

>fun fact: I eat pizza with hands exclusively when I'm alone at home.

holy shit you're so unique and special i've never heard of anybody else eating pizza with their hands can I get an autograph or something????????????????/

Someone with small children at home, and a social life where people drop by regularly to have breakfast/early lunch together.

can't you just throw something on when they drop by
I can't imagine pjs are much better than being naked in this situation

Family and friends have an open door access to my home. Manners, learn some. Sleeping in the nude is something hillbillies and NEETs do.

good luck in a fire or natural disaster

No, all uncucked peoples sleep in nude. Talking of manners, you entertain guests in pajamas? That must make them uncomfortable.

It literally takes two seconds to throw on some pants, and they are much more practical in this situation. Plus, you will look ruggedly handsome outside of your burning house instead of silly in pajamas.

Are you inbred?

I think you expressed yourself a bit weirdly in that post he replied to, especially the "fun fact" followed by quite ordinary statements

Lol, if they show up when I get up at 5AM they deserve to have the privelege of seeing me in the flesh.


Not the same poster.

You leave guests waiting at the door while you get ready? Selfish.

I feel sick

I don't get guests, go ahead laugh it up

>lets people come and go in his house as they please
>is uncomfortable by the thought of sleeping nude
And you call other people hillbillies.

A free and confident man sleeps nude.

>barging into people's homes expecting them to be dressed just for you
Your family sound like shitty people who have conditioned you into this.


He's not saying knives are Jewish, only forks are, learn to read retard

>not owning a comfy pair if silk PJs

>muh tiny hands

I drink my soda with a spoon.

Shouldn't you be at school, Stacy?

not getting fat thats just utter bollocks. My best friends girlfriend outweighs him by a ratio of 9:1 and all she does is eat with here hands. Chicken wings, sausages, döner kababs, cucumbers, banana's. I literally never seen here use a utensil and she is very much very heavy.

>Believing religious texts

Silly sausage.