Have scientists ever done something not for practical reasons but just because it was cool?

Have scientists ever done something not for practical reasons but just because it was cool?

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Scientists collect data.

Engineers make things.

Put a man on the moon

this one time my chemistry teacher made bubbles by mixing sweat from his taint and hydrochloric acid, and the whole class went BAZINGA

is cool not the most practical reason of them all?

does this count or are you looking for something else


"scientists" do crazy impractical calculations all the time because it's cool, like the stray hydrogen atom impacting at near light speed

unfortunately im going to post a reddit link to a sub that basically is all about those pointless calculations reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/

Scientists collect data.

Engineers make things,
always for practical reasons.

Cool things without reasons? Few times,
such as Asimo, a Japanese robot
made by Honda, a Japanese Automaker.

But this only when the company can spend the necessary money.

>Put a man on moon

Moon Landing is the coolest thing Scientists & engineers made without practical reasons

(just for a "dick" measurement contest with Russia)

or maybe you mean this

they're practical for education because they are cool

Made the nuclear weapons that killed the Japs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Just for fun lol XD

"engineering" is "applied science", you don't get applicable concepts and tech just by aimlessly collecting data. You demonstrate an alarming lack of understanding of the Scientific Method and the Philosophy of Science, if you are indeed STEM students or professionals (I hope not).

>Have scientists ever done something not for practical reasons but just because it was cool?
Of course. Just read up on Richard Feynman and, say, his plan to see the first nuclear explosion with his own eyes. Cool. In fact it was insanely cool.

>Scientists collect data.
>Engineers make things.
Said neither an engineer nor a scientist.


I once posted on Veeky Forums
I didn't even need to write a grant proposal

I saw a nature video once where the scientists wanted to see how large African animals would react to balloon animal versions of themselves

come to think of it does anyone know what series and episode that was? I wish I could see that again

yeah haha scientists, always plugging away in matlab or writing papers and not ever prototyping anything

Yes. Pic related. Well, I mean there are some practical reasons to do it, it helps advance surface science, helps us understand machines at such a small scale, could eventually help us make better computer chips and maybe even nanomachines, but for now it's just really really cool.

Chemists are big on making stuff for no reason other than it's really cool.

Engineering isn't even a science, so no, it is not an applied science. At least Computer Science, not to be confused with Software Engineering, is actually applied Mathematics.

Stupid undergrad...


the laser is a good example of something that was created "just to see if it was possible" and that turned to be incredibely cool

>because it was cool
>kills 250k people to test it out
wtf I hate scientists now