Why do you still eat animal products when it's a medical fact that they are disastrous for your health?

Why do you still eat animal products when it's a medical fact that they are disastrous for your health?

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Why do you still eat vegetable products when it's a medical fact that they are disastrous for your health?

Why do losers inject themselves with heroin?

Fuck off

Look up vitamin B12 and vitamin D

they're yummy
even if what you say was true (it's not) I'd rather die young and happy than old and unhappy and hungry because I only eat carrots

I'm old enough to be immune to social pressure to take up the latest trendy diet
Now fuck off, you have to be at least 40 to post here

Health Benefits of Seafood.
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seafood#Health_benefits
Doctors have known of strong links between fish and healthy hearts ever since they noticed that fish-eating Inuit populations in the Arctic had low levels of heart disease.
>10–12% of the human brain is composed of lipids, including the omega-3 fat DHA. Recent studies suggest that older people can boost their brain power by eating more oily fish, what with regular consumers being able to remember better and think faster than those who don't consume at all.
>Including fish as a regular part of a balanced diet has been shown to help the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis – a painful condition that causes joints to swell up, reducing strength and mobility.
>Fish is high in minerals such as zinc, iodine and selenium, which keep the body running smoothly.
>Iodine is essential for the thyroid gland, which controls growth and metabolism, while selenium is used to make enzymes that protect cell walls from cancer-causing free radicals, and helps prevent DNA damage caused by radiation and some chemicals.
>Fish is also a source of vitamin A, which is needed for healthy skin and eyes, and vitamin D, which is needed to help the body absorb calcium to strengthen teeth and bones.

Omega 3
The best source of Omega-3 is oily fish, such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, menhaden, and sardines

Pork in Okinawa diet
>believed to cause Okinawa exceptional longevity, where life expectancy is the longest in the Japan & in the World
The quantity of pork consumption per person a year in Okinawa is larger than that of the Japanese national average.
>Every part of the pig is eaten, including internal organs.
>the quantity of pork consumption per person a year in Okinawa in 1979 was 7.9 kg (17 lb) which exceeded by about 50% that of the Japanese national average.

Vegan Fags BTFO.

Because I'm here for a good time not a long time



Yo lemme get a boneless pizza
no meat no cheese no vegetables

Vegans are so 2016

look at this latest trend
only air is needed.
Take that savage vegan.

Why do you still eat processed sugar when it's a medical fact that they are disastrous for your health?

Because life is too long to live unhappy

Sugar is made from Vegetables.
Gluten, Alcohol & Many Carbs come from Vegetables.
Sugar isn't Animal.

I once meet a Vegan in my University than fucking eats FRENCH POTATOES, drink Vodka & smoke weed nearly EVERY DAY.

When He started taking about healthy diet I just laughed.

Many Vegetable oils are less healthy than Fish Omega-3 fat.

Vegan BTFO

Well, the weed is fine imo. Everything else is pretty subhuman tier.

My time is limited anyway. They taste good.

I have SIBO, and an overall broken digestive system. Probably due to nerve damage and intestinal inflammation over a long period of time. Shit just does not work.

The only meat I eat is turkey, because I need a protein and B vitamin source. Meat is difficult to digest and I try to couple it with some sort of resistant starch (sparingly), or fiber. In actuality it doesn't matter what I do and outcomes might as well be random, my idea of predictability or control is a delusion no matter what information I have access to or track. My abdomen will inflate and distend, my blood ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, ethanol, and lipopolysaccharide etc levels will spike to where the liver will not remove it for many passes. I'll feel like shit and probably have constant low level sepsis from bacterial translocation. Herbal antibiotics don't help any longer, rifaximin would probably kill me knowing my luck, and I simply cannot restore or force proper motility and phase 3 MMC. And eating causes tachycardia for many hours.

I do not eat often. I have lessened my meat intake as much as possible, which seems to have helped sometimes, and other times I'm almost convinced it was really to little if any meaningful effect. It won't be too much longer the way things are feeling lately.


You say that like it's a bad thing.

Gluten is fine unless you have Celiac.

I had a friend in high school way back in the day who had something like this. She said that the only met she could digest was fish. Any other meat would sit on her stomach for at least 24 hours without moving and cause terrible acid reflux.

Is that the same thing?

They're tasty

Because can and want to. Know there are probably some evolutionairy reasons as to why people like fatty food and sugar.

Or they have come to like food because it reminds them of home. But this would be association.

>eating meat is disastrous for a predator
Just kill yourself, dipshit.

Because progressively poorer health is very happy.
Because hedonistic instant gratification is happiness.

How empty.

That's strange, humans have been eating animal products for hundreds of thousands of years and it has only made us smarter.

Mammalian meat contains neu5gc, a compound humans lost the ability to synthesize. It readily enters cells and causes low level inflammation. To my knowledge, this is a trait only known to be shared with certain new world primates.

"Meat" modern day is also nothing like what our ancestors consumed even 60 years ago. It's mass produced trash on multiple fronts, and at multiple parts of the production chain. It's full of lipopolysaccharide as well, regardless of how clean the meat is (usually not very, dipped in vats of acetic acid that quickly become full of literal shit in the case of poultry), or the preservative used. If we were smart, we'd use carvacrol and thymol instead of nitrates, but oh well. We're not. We never are.

You are nothing like your ancestors. You do not eat like your ancestors. You do not live like your ancestors. You could not fill their shoes, and you are not a predator. You're a survivor in the most loose sense of the word, ie, you learn to function in a (vicious and top down defined) abstract system to get little pieces of paper you go to the store to buy something to sustain your existence and fuel the ability to do it all again. You probably cling to this perspective because you know you're a hamster in a wheel, wasting your life, getting up everyday to do as you're told. Etc.

Hah. "Predator". What a joke. Modern society is composed of farmers anyway. Raising and butchering livestock is not hunting or predatory, it is farming. Watch the Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Mankind" for an interesting spin on the domestication process.

Now can you actually show how modern meat is worse for you?

veganism is the future, in 50 years people will look back in disgust at the current western diets and industrial farming practices. Just give it time. It is healthier, better for the environment and most importantly, you don't unnecessarily harm other beings. Even Einstein was vegetarian towards the end of his life, so was Tesla. The problem is, there are a ton of smart people FOR veganism, but they usually don't even practice it themselves. The video w/ Richard Dawkins and Peter Singer is a good example. Anyways, it is growing every year and I wouldn't be surprised if in lets say 50 years, it becomes mainstream and we look back and think it was barbaric, which happens with many other things like slavery, smoking, etc.

The animal spends most of its short life sickly as its digestive system is not designed for sole consumption of heavy metal, herbicide, and pesticide laden corn and (estrogenic, goitrogenic) soybean.

It lives packed together with little sunlight, gets little or no exercise and has greater inflammation etc, and as a natural consequence, is pumped full of antibiotics (yield still allows a net increase in profit).

The butchering, processing, and packaging process introduces contaminants and allows gram negative bacteria ample time to generate large amounts of lipopolysaccharide. This does not happen with properly processed, or fresh / local meat.

It contains nitrates which are relatively ineffective and can form damaging compounds. Carvacrol, thymol, and certain compounds in orange peel, cinnamon bark, and horsetail would not have this problem.

And that's not even all of it. Nature, in its more "natural" form, generally balances itself in a way that is positive for us, as a consequence of relative ecological and mechanical demands placed on it, and shared underlying machinery we're driven by. As an example, catechin and epicatechin are generally considered good for you. Yet they evolved primarily because plants were competing for space and wanted to damage the leaves and root systems of their neighbors, which then evolved defenses. (Phyto)Antibiotics,and the machinery to synthesize them, evolved to fend off bacterial and fungal colonization, endogenous antioxidant synthesis to prevent ROS and NOS cascades, lipid peroxidation, etc. There are common demands placed on organisms, and the underlying logic the universe "runs on" allows for finite and often convergent solutions. The way livestock are raised and artificially sustained does not allows for good meat.


Because animals are assholes and it is our moral obligation to punish them by consuming them.

Gratification is indistinguishable from happiness
Being constantly gratified for your entire life is a life well lived; there aren't different levels of gratification. You can't achieve "better" happiness through delayed gratification. There's only one happiness and it makes sense that people would attempt to maximize the percentage of their life they spent in that state.
But you can keep chewing kale and taking b12 supps like the unnatural mutant you are. When you're 120 years old and all your burger-eating friends died decades ago you'll start to question the value of longevity for longevity's sake.

>Gratification is indistinguishable from happiness
Conveniently dropping the temporal aspect, and ignoring that there are different types, and degrees, of gratification. Good ol' binary thinking, a classic sign of a bullshitter.

>Being constantly gratified for your entire life is a life well lived
It is a hollow and wasted existence. Life devoid of meaningful contrast is misery no matter how it presents. You're a dreamer "grass is greener if I could just get there" bullshitter. Drop that fantasy, it ain't real.

>You can't achieve "better" happiness through delayed gratification.
Yes, you can. You're not delaying for the same type of gratification at a later time or to a greater degree, the delay affords the means for different, higher, deeper gratification. A mindless gaping maw trying in futility to fill the void inside of itself could not understand this.

>There's only one happiness and it makes sense that people would attempt to maximize the percentage of their life they spent in that state.
This tells me a large part of you is cripplingly miserable even when you get a superficial taste, glimmer, of "that state". You'd be miserable no matter the percentage that you perceived yourself occupying "that state".

Say it out loud. Admit it. Say it and hear how it sounds. Hear how it feels. "I am happy". "I am happy". "I am happy." "I am not happy." It is time to begin down the path of self discovery, and realize that you are both the marble and the sculptor. You need not be a void, a simple little state machine sensor endlessly looking for its environment to feed it its beliefs and feelings. Using simple little proxies to fake a hackjob of a real sense of satisfaction. You might as well be telling me that sitting on the couch all day watching TV, guzzling soda, and eating Doritos is "happiness." A machine with that nature can exist, but it is certainly not a human being. Nor is it you.

>the value of longevity for longevity's sake
And this neatly summarizes your core misunderstanding. It's about quality, not quantity. Longevity has nothing to do with it, it's all about functionality. A value system based around function, and therein is found the satisfaction. You don't even realize you're living a sickly life that will gradually get worse. You know yourself as much as you do anything else, and for you, that ain't a lot. When you begin to experience health problems that get in the way of function, and realize death is not clean or fast, hopefully you'll have the brains, spine, and honesty to change your tune. This "I'll eat like shit and die happy" is naive, asinine, infantile trash. It is an intellectual disease.

You're a liar, and as far from reality as it gets buddy boy'o. A weak, small, empty, little liar.

i can confirm this, i am an engineer