Would it be easier to start and maintain a society in deep sea or on the Moon?


deep sea
at least in the deep sea if things go tits up you have somewhere nearby to bug out
it's also far less expensive to get resources

you're clueless, deep sea is terribly scary much more so than the moon
read into deep sea accidents

you only think the deep sea is scarier than the moon because nobody's ever tried to live on the moon

you're a big wave

As long as you have the technology to create a living habitat, the moon is a far easier environment than the deep sea.

We know more about Pluto than we do about the deep sea. That should tell you something.

>We know more about Pluto than we do about the deep sea.

when will this meme die. this is FAKE NEWS

The pressures at the bottom of the ocean can crush you like you are nothing, not even space has hazards like that between us and the moon.

Was getting interfered part of your plan?

If I covered these slits, would you die?

It's you who has no idea what they're talking about. The moon's low gravity will fuck you up.

Artificial gravity can very easily be made through centrifugal force
make the habitat on an angle, and you can get the gravity of the moon/mars to earth levels

The moon is ~3 days away in case of emergence, with a very difficult reentry phase that is extremely dangerous and maybe not even be survivable depending on the emergency.

A deep sea base is only several hours away in case of emergency, with a resurfacing phase that gets progressively easier as the craft rises.

In either situation, a complete failure of pressurized container means death. At deep sea, the death very likely to be faster than your can comprehend. On the moon, it is almost certainly slow enough that you at least realise you are going to die, with a reasonably high chance of it being rather painful, even if short. Partial failure of pressurized craft in deep sea will also likely result in a extremely rapid cascade of failure with near instant death, but you might be able to comprehend death is coming. On the moon a partial failure might be slow enough to recover from, but could also result in an long, drawn out death upon failure to recover. In such an event, escape could likely be possible so long as the escape craft is unharmed (reasonably likely) but not without it's own risks (still prone to pressurization failure, but with fewer points of failure, and reentry risk cannot be ignored).

Deep sea is far easier to run experiments and test + replace equipment, as well as resupply and gather important resources (water for drinking and water -> oxygen)

On the moon, resupply is much harder and testing of new equipment + experimentation is borderline unreasonable, as failed experiments/tests and basically not recyclable. Equipment is order(s) of magnitude more expensive to reach destination on the moon vs deep sea. The moon base will rely heavily on selfsustainability with resupply of only key equipment/resources where as the deep sea can completely depend on regular resupply. Deep sea can easily return physical experentation to the surface for study in special labs, moon cannot.

Overall, moon is significantly more difficult of a location.

It would be extremely confusing

obviously deep sea.

Sure an underwater city would "comfy" but is useless long term over a moon base which could the stepping off point for our destiny amongst the stars

>Deep sea pressure is fine though
This place never ceases to amaze me

people have actually been on pluto dumbass, but no one's ever been on the bottom of the ocean

Alright maybe you've changed my mind, but wouldn't building a pressurized living habitat in the moon would be far simpler than building it deep sea? It seems to me that on the moon you could build a modular habitat fairly simply assuming you're not going for artificial gravity, but deep down the sea you have to deal with extreme pressure. Is it even possible to build anything substantially bigger than a diving bell?

You're an idiot. You'd get motion sickness in any spinning habitat close to a gravitational well. A spinning habitat works in 0g only.
High pressure is easy to deal with: build in a syphon. Build a strong dome. You can't actually do anything about the moon's low gravity.

Oh wow, someone on Veeky Forums who knows what he's talking about. Amazing.

Alright draw up some designs and take it to the place where they have a program for autistic bioshock wetdreams

>High pressure is easy to deal with
Then why are deep sea repairs so dangerous, expensive and difficult? Surely someone would've applied your revolutionary idea already, don't you think?

Yeah but what fucking purpose does a godamn underwater base do other than explore muh deep ocean

The OP did ask for what's more feasible for a society to exist at.

Feasible means realistic as well given the political nature of countries do you see nations clamoring for an underwater city? No you see space programs, hell even North Korea is doing it

On the moon duh.

the moon. because underwater you cant breath

What is this meme about Deep Sea habitats? Why would you go to the depths of the oceans when you can just build floating cities for a fraction of the cost and a much higher functionality? Then you set you city on sails and send you mining operations to gather resources from the bottom, but you don't actually need to live there.

Well submarines already exist, so Imma say deep sea.

specifically because OP mentioned functioning society in the deep sea or the moon.

The obvious answer is deep sea. The moon doesn't have enough gravity to avoid the problem of jello babies. A deep sea society is also far more likely to be able to reliably trade with the rest of humanity if it needed to.

Are you a big guy?