A house does not exist, it's just a bunch of parts. The parts are just a bunch of atoms...

A house does not exist, it's just a bunch of parts. The parts are just a bunch of atoms. The atoms are made up smaller parts, and those smaller parts are also made up of smaller parts. Ultimately, virtually all that we know to exist does not actually exist. It's all just an illusion, not actual reality. It's all just a bunch of dots, behaving a certain way.

lick my nuclear nuts

False. There are no such things as atoms, if by atoms you mean a form of mind-independent matter.

>just a bunch of dots
Dots don't exist.

how do we know the smallest particles are dot shaped and not cubes?

define parts

There can always be a smaller particle in principle.

>something is made of something, therefore it doesn't exist
ok dude


Yes there are.

Saying that atoms don't exist is like saying the earth is flat.

The evidence is there and it's proven that atoms do exist.

Are you saying that this image on the left actually exists as a whole, independent of the pixels that make it up? Because it doesn't. It's simply an arrangement of pixels. And each pixel is made of smaller components. Those smaller components are made up of even smaller components. And so on. The image doesn't exist, neither do the pixels. The only things that truly exist are the fundamental parts that constitute the whole.

I hate gorrilaposting so much.

>I hate gorrilaposting so much.

>Are you saying that this image on the left actually exists as a whole, independent of the pixels that make it up?

Where in reality does it exist? Could you give me the objective location of it, similar to how you could give me to objective location of a fundamental particle? Keep in mind that 'in your head' is not a valid answer as at any point in time, the entirety of your brain can be completely accounted for just by looking at the smallest parts.

on my screen

Not a valid answer. What's displayed on your screen is an arrangement of different coloured pixels, the result of electricity pulsing in a certain pattern from the cable connecting your CPU to your display. The image does not exist as a single whole, it's comprised of smaller parts

uhh nope, it exists on my screen right here

Read ancient greek philosophy.

There are ideas of atoms, but they don't exist independently of being perceived. There is none, and cannot be any, evidence of something existing mind independent.

Are gorilla posters the true philosopher kings we need?

...like your post is justabucha shillshit?

If I have two atoms side by side they do not create a new object. The same can be applied to an arrangement of atoms that equate to what our brains interpret a house. Any 'emergent' property is just the result of the subjective mind, which itself is just an arrangement of atoms.

Thumbs up

If your shitpost is correct it would just mean that we are calling that particular pattern of divisible particles a house.

Existence itself doesn't exist

Define existence