I kinda regret never doing an IQ test when I was at an age of peak intelligence

I kinda regret never doing an IQ test when I was at an age of peak intelligence.
I hear IQ starts declining in early-mid 20's. I did my first online IQ test at age 29, and scored 117, i.e. nothing amazing but above average. I got through a mechanical engineering degree, so I can only wonder what it would have peaked at. Have any of you observed an IQ decline? What kind of rate?

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The decline after peak is very slow, your peak IQ probably wasn't a lot different from your current.

what you should actually do is find out how many intelligence points you have as IQ is a worthless measure because it relies on empirical evidence


>I did my first online IQ test at age 29
>The decline after peak is very slow, your peak IQ probably wasn't a lot different from your current.
can a brainlet really get a mechanical engineering degree?

Anyone can

BSME here, too. IQ 149. Mensa member (former, just got tired of paying the dues) Old, too.

I notice things don't come to mind as fast as they used to, so my chance at Jeopardy is probably over. I know lots of shit, just cant recall it very fast.

Also notice my mind works differently, better now at seeing big picture things than solving details.

As I recall, the formula for IQ involves your age in the denominator, so as you age, it will calculate a lower number.

IQ only drops when neuroplasticity does. A lot of things affect that but calcification of the pineal gland is big. You need to eat more boron rich vegetables like cinnamon and broccoli. They counter this greatly.

Thanks for this useful information

>muh third eye
fuck off back to /x/

Verbal IQ increases by about 5 points over a lifetime, whereas spatial IQ decreases about 5 points. Official IQ tests take this into account when the subject is past age 50 or so. Other than that, IQ is pretty fixed from about age 26 onward.

>Source from Nature Neuroscience

A Research published in Nature confirms that:

Asperger (High IQ Autistic People) have more Neurons than Normies & keep more Neuronal Synapses through life than Normies.

Asperger Brain decline much less & at slower rate than Normie Brainlets.

A Normie Brain decline more & more quickly.

High IQ Autistic are born with about 10% more Brain Cells & large Brains than Normies.

A Declined Asperger brain have about the same amount of Neuron Synapses than A Peak Normie Brain

Alzheimer Disiase cause a huge & abrupt decrease of Neuron Synapses between 40 & 50 years old.
But Alzheimer is much more common among Normies than Asperger Autistics.

Schizophrenics have a High drop on IQ on Adolescence, higher than Average Normies.

This picture shows the difference in Brain Activity in Asperger (High IQ Autistic) versus Normie Brainlets.

The Asperger Brain is much more Active than Normies.
More Neuron Fibers are activated at once.

Asperger Brain are 10x better than Normies to Process Visual Information which is related to Aptitude in Math & Science.

Normie Brain is less active but 10x more powerful in Processing Verbal Information, which make them better in Humanities, Business & Liberal Arts than Autistics.

if you work on it you can increase your IQ, IQ is not such a fixed thing.

If you're constantly learning and improving your faculties you're not going to stay at 117 unless you're disabled.

Asperger Brain Neuronal Network, Thought Processes & Information Processing Power are more complex & larger in Asperger than Normies

Then why do they suck at body language?

Kill yourself filthy pseud

Researches found higer synapse formation in Brains of Children with Autism than the brains of Children Without Autism



An IQ of 117, while hardly genius-level, is still in the 80th percentile or so. Mechanical engineers probably don't average much higher than that. Keep in mind that math and physics PhD students average around 129, not even enough for Mensa, yet these are considered very rarefied fields. There are many factors other than horsepower that go into academic or career success (conscientiousness, for example), but since horsepower is seen as more of a fixed endowments than those other traits, people fret about it more. In fact, most traits are fixed endowments, but come with the illusion of being malleable, such as work ethic ("if you just try harder," etc.), so people aren't as concerned about that. I'll add that people's idea of a high IQ is inflated by the Internet, where 140+ seems run of the mill. Few high schools have a single student with an IQ above 150, and an IQ of 145 is about the highest you will ever get to know personally unless you enter a grad program.

The 1st explanation is:

Because as I said in Autistic suck in Social-Verbal-Emotional-Motor Intelligence (10x less Brain connections in these areas than Normies)

However Autistic excel Math-Visual-Musical IQ & have 10x more brain power in these areas than Normies.

The 2nd explanation is found is this Youtube Video form the Channel Seeker (formerly called D-News)

Source: youtu.be/LxZ1fPr9FJg

A Study found that Introverts have more Brain Activity than Extrovert Normies

Because Extroverts with Less Brain Activity (Normies) need for Social Interaction to overcome depression & Anxiety

Introverts with more brain activity can overcome depression & anxiety when lost in Inner Thoughts, Thinking & Studying things they like.

You seem to have discovered the science behind autism as well, I'll post some of the shit I collected.

I am on the opposite so I'm fucked, either a schizo or bipolar boy. Some do claim that positive schizotypy and bipolar disorder have increased creativity, but the evidence isn't that great.

>People with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) show reduced sensitivity to contextual stimuli in many perceptual and cognitive tasks. We investigated whether this also applies to decision making by examining adult participants’ choices between pairs of consumer products that were presented with a third, less desirable “decoy” option. Participants’ preferences between the items in a given pair frequently switched when the third item in the set was changed, but this tendency was reduced among individuals with ASC, which indicated that their choices were more consistent and conventionally rational than those of control participants. A comparison of people who were drawn from the general population and who varied in their levels of autistic traits revealed a weaker version of the same effect. The reduced context sensitivity was not due to differences in noisy responding, and although the ASC group took longer to make their decisions, this did not account for the enhanced consistency of their choices. The results extend the characterization of autistic cognition as relatively context insensitive to a new domain, and have practical implications for socioeconomic behavior.



Schizos can become a very creative Genius.

Van Gogh for Example


John Forbes Nash Jr was Schizo but also a Financial math Genius which won a Nobel in Economics for creating the Game Theory

However I think Schizo make you more creative but is more debilitating afterwards.

Autistic have more advantage. There are plenty of Successful Autistic as Bill gates.

These researches are all true.

Autistic Individuals have consistently Larger Brain Sizes in Many Samples.

I think Autism is a Blessing , not a Curse. Thanks to Autism I'm good at math & Science & I'm studying STEM.

Nice Findings

Well yeah, there might be a few succesful people with schizophrenia but most people with it are hardly succesful
People with schizotypy and bipolar disorder seem to have some advantage

As for autism Simon Baron-Cohen and recent research have certainly made the case that autism can be an advantage

Picture related is my favorite graph I collected but it seems highly speculative so I don't know how legit it is

That schizophrenics have brain overconnectivity and people with autism (local) underconnectivity seems much less controversial

only did iq test once as a child to get into a secondary school, heard from school or mum that i was well above average but im guessing that shit changed rapidly after my drug usage and alcohol etc, i realised how i see shit differently as a person and the little things like having to even think before i speak and stutter at times.



Can someone give me a (you) I'm trying to see if I'm shadow banned

Picture related is the speculative imprinted brain theory
It seems more likely as the extreme male brain theory by Simon Baron-Cohen which I do not find that convincing

I am afraid I cannot let you do that Steve

Do you checked here? Veeky Forums.org/banned

or here?
Veeky Forums.org/bans