How much science do I need to know to write science fiction?

How much science do I need to know to write science fiction?

none just make everything up.

Why do you want to write sci-fi if you don't know science? Just write fantasy, or shitty space operas

strictly speaking, none, but these days "hard" science fiction, or science fiction which appears hard has been very successful.
Used to be people could get away with saying Jupiter was home to a planet of aliens and everyone would just go along, but modern audiences know more than back then and seem less willing to suspend their disbelief all the way.

Remember that the best science fiction is neither about science nor fiction.

You don't need knowledge when you have Google.

depends how 'hard' you want to go. but i suggest you to get some background or someone who will catch stupid mistakes like 'aliens breathe neon and are made of laser'

This. Science fiction is about morality and ethics and rigid wooden characters conveying the human experience


2001 is not about a spaceship and its inhabitants, but about human evolution.

Blade Runner isn't about someone hunting androids, but about Jesus and father-son relationships.

>Blade Runner

It's the most famous example of a sci-fi movie which plebs fail to understand properly.

>Do androids dream of electric sheep

We, are the Mineral Crystals, we'll always make you say, hey; dropping Earth's Oceans from that height would kill everything, but even if you don't, we'll always fin a way, to make you ... critique our shoddy physics.

Terrible book. The movie is ten-times better.

There is a turtle in the desert. It stands vigil for the allocated two hour vigil over its armor. Is it a knight?

Not true, btw

Just write your idea in Veeky Forums, let people shit on it and gather the scraps.

According to Plato, you should be a master of what you write for art to not be degenerate, like a soldier writing on war.

the more hard your sci fi the less literary your audience.

When a religious sociopath reads Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Enough that an actual engineer or scientist will read it and go 'wait a second, that would actually work if I did xyz'

Sci-fi should inspire real-world progress. It fuels the imagination of the people who actually build things

So you don't have to be a scientist, but you should be coming out with some dank ideas that aren't completely scientifically impossible

Except most authors are shit at reading science. 'Hard' science novels aren't popular, only the ones that pretend they are 'hard' science novels.

I doubt anyone here is like Asimov and actually cares about science. Asimove had tons of interests and read a lot, that gave him ideas for the science fiction from the actual science, not coming up with ideas then forking the science into it.
I suggest if you want to write sci-fi, read some decent articles written by people who at least look what they are talking about. Most writers barely understand how A.I. works in real life, today, so how can they imagine new shit when there's already stuff much better than their space civilization out there right now?

The latest RLM was the best one in a while

write it from an average characters' perspective that knows shit about science