What is your favorite shape?

What is your favorite shape?

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This one

yep its that one.

it's very timey-wimey, wibbly wobbly.

Square. It's the most hip.


Die of aids

Rhomboid cause it's a hip rectangle you can enjoy being around. Not boring like a square and not edgy like a diamond.


Shapes don't exist

The unit square in L^2

Yet we can still conceive of them, and therefore we can have a favorite one.

Absolutely this.

The humble segment.




>there will never be an in-depth mathematical study of N-dimensional swastikas because muh Hitler

>because muh Hitler
No. It's because there's no reason to study this shit.

The shape of Bryan's df+2's hitbox in Tekken 3.

Möbius Strip

you got me wondering, how would you generalize the swastika to higher dimensions?

it seems to only have rotational symmetry, so 3 dimensions it out of the question

is there a good 4 dimensional swastika?

T3 probs

White, obviously


But, user, you never know when someone will find an application for a piece of pure mathematics. :^)

>Doctor Who


Why did the chicken cross the mobius strip?
To get to the same side :^)

the octahedron

Swastika in the two dimensional space has two defining traits: rotational symmetry and when you put it into a 5x5 grid each hook is three squares big. If you want to draw it in a 4 dimensional space, you just need a 5x5x5x5 grid where each hook is 3 hypercubes big. Give it rotational symmetry and you have your own little 4D-Swastika for your own little 4D-Hitler.

this made me laugh more than it should have

the point
>inb4 "that's not a shape dumbass"

>you're n the club and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass

>gf's ass slapped by two prisms
i guess it's a foursome then


Trefoil knot
its not sexy or smart or anything, but its what i draw when bored

klein bottle



The unit circle in L^2 I get, but how do you define the unit square?

I'll break his ass into two triangular prisms and a rectangular prism

The shape of my pants.

I like the triangle.


The Great disnub dirhombidodecahedron.



I'm also quite fond of the 10-demicube