
What if the human brain is so complex in its design, that all the individual parameters that come in play creating a brain, like chemestry, genes, neurons etc, can differ ever so slightly, yet cause huge effect for overall brain functioning.

And what if, what we define as an 『personality』is just and inevitable side effect that emerges due from all of these irragiularities in different brains.

I'm a pleb, am i right?

>side effect
I wouldn't call it a side effect since it is selected for

Also, can you apply this thinking onto the internet and Ai ? That personality is synonymous with AI in that case?


Personality is heritable.

Your father is a meek anti social sperg and so are you.

You're right in the sense that personality traits follow from brain structure. That includes 'structure' across multiple levels of spatial organization, from genes to networ-level connectivity. This is trivial.



personality is heritable.
but is shaped by environment.

example: jail. child abuse, twin studies.

But your brain structure is responsible for how you handle trauma like that. It is already decided how your personality will react to these events.


>Personality is heritable.
According to neuroscientist Dick Swaab personality is heritable between 33 and 65 percent. He states early life programming is very important.

The Big Five is used to measure personality as it has the most scientific consenus. Dick Swaab argues you can add masculinity vs femininity, homosexuality vs heterosexuality, IQ, creativity against no creativity and spirtuality against no spirtuality to it.

Openness correlates with creativity so I am not sure if he is right on that one. I'm curious what he means with masculinity vs femininity and how such a thing is measured. He doesn't go into that in his book.

>It is already decided how your personality will react to these events.
that's not entirely true, because personalities can change due to environmental influences. Actual gene expression can change due to environment. But the genes need to be there, from inheritance.

I've read a few political science books that claim that political ideology is another heritable dimension and it correlates with openness for liberals and conscientiousness.

For those interested: the books "predisposed" and "our political nature".

a biology book about epigenetics called "the agile gene" came to the same conclusion, political ideology is fairly heritable, but this was then debunk as a product of environment, since they are more likely to have constant exposure to the ideology growing up. If political ideology was truly heritable, twin studies would show it, but they don't

truthfully everything is a combination of environment and genes. Genes dictate your parameters though. You cannot make a protein product if you do not have a gene for it.

>If political ideology was truly heritable, twin studies would show it, but they don't
Interesting thanks
Might check out the book
>truthfully everything is a combination of environment and genes.
Is that what is called gene and environment interaction? Dick Swaab also talks of this but I am unsure if I remember the term correctly.

they do show that personality is heritable, and political ideology is based on personality, therefor political ideology is heritable as well. But in the same way that the environment influences personality in extremely subtle ways, it can influence political ideology as well. Both personality and political ideology as heritable but are subjected to the influences of nature, which shape it deeply.
Yes, but when i say a combination i should clarify that it is an influence of environment on the genes, and vice versa, but I personally believe the influence of the environment on genes is stronger than the influence of genes on your environment. But again, the genes dictate parameters

to the influence of nurture**** ie environment, major typo there

>Dick Swaab
kek, that guy was at the graduation ceremony of my Bachelor's

I find this really interesting.
By the way say I want to learn what my genes/DNA is capable of and maybe I want to use somebody else's genes for mu children.
How do I check for genes traits, proteins, morality, intelligence, predisposition to anger/calm, optimism, pessimism, introverted/extroverted.

>Blaze Everyday
t. Meth Major & Math Addict

What defines a person's morality? does it have to be subconscious/inheritable?