Daily Reminder: Life Extension Medicine will NEVER exist anymore than flying cars or Mars colonization. NEVER

Daily Reminder: Life Extension Medicine will NEVER exist anymore than flying cars or Mars colonization. NEVER.

There is not one drug, procedure or technique that even slightly extends human lifespan. No, extending healthspan is not extending lifespan. Sorry. And no, experiments on mice don't prove anything, but even if they did, to this fucking day NOBODY has ever created an immortal lab rat. No, just because news stories use "MUH IMMORTAL MOUSU" headlines, doesn't mean it's happened. And the reason is because of human laziness, greed and incompetence. We've known about stem cell therapies since AT LEAST the 90s and we're still using them almost never and they're primitive as shit (take stem cells, inject). Resveratrol and all other "life extending" drugs are bullshit, and don't actually work in repeated studies. Calorie Restriction doesn't do shit in higher animals. There is NOT ONE drug, technique or procedure. Not a single one that even comes close. It's never going to happen.


Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 17:3

>he doesn't know that God grants eternal life
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 17:3

You joke, but honestly religion has a better shot than medicine at this point. At least meditation and other forms religious practice are shown to lengthen telomeres.

>horseless carriages will never exist, fucko

>Becoming immortal is like inventing the wheel. Easy.
This is why plebs stay plebs.

We already have life extension medicine tho

Average live span used to be like 40

even 3,000 years ago there were people who lived until their 60s and 70s.
Plato died at 80 years old.

Oh god you fucking idiot. This is why "pop" science is pure cancer.

Re-read, you fucking moron: >No, extending healthspan is not extending lifespan.
What you just described is extending HEALTHspan, NOT LIFEspan. The "average" person died decades earlier, which doesn't actually mean shit at all. That includes all the children who died before 5, the mothers who died in childbirth, etc. People are NOT living longer, they're just not dying from disease and accidents prematurely anymore.

This. Holy shit people are fucking retards.

Wow dude. Back to pol, or x. Might as well be the same thing

fucking brainlets and their illiteracy

On caloric restriction/DR, the results for what you get out of it are inconsistent for two main reasons:

- varying methods/flawed experimental designs in primate studies
- genetic background has a significant impact on how effective or not it is; GWAS studies in flies and mice suggest that for a pretty large chunk of a genetically-diverse population, DR literally does nothing for them or actually can even shorten lifespans instead. However, it quite often helps.

Also, "life extension" is too often abused as shitty fucking buzzword by real-life chuunis, the naive, and the quacks. Going "there's no immortal mouse so see it's all bullshit" is an objectively retarded observation to make when literally no one is trying to do that in the first place. Gerontologists aren't trying to make their models immortal. They're happy with anything at all that extends lifespan/healthspan. The public is also unfortunately fed grandiose ideas about what we can actually achieve from people who are not biologists such as Ray Kurzweil going "we're all gonna be immortal guise".

There are in fact several routes through which we can reasonably, scientifically-plausibly attain longevity effects in people - rapalogues, DR mimetics, senolytic drugs etc probably will take us somewhere. The key thing with anti-aging is to level expectations with reality. Unless you're expecting to double lifespan in a human (which is not even/barely done in a mouse yet), due to variance in genetic/environmental factors, the effects will often be masked as a devil's proof even if something provably gives a 10-15% lifespan extension - if you take this drug and die at 100, you were going to die at 85 instead without it. That's more in-line with the reality of what we know we can seriously do right now. If you died at 130 on this drug instead, you were probably already going to be a supercentenarian as it was, etc. Still, a benefit's a benefit, why the fuck not take it if it exists and you have money.

Fucking brainlets with their red herrings as science.

Caloric restriction has NEVER been shown to have any significant effect on ANY species. And it's never shown to have ANY effect on higher species like primates. Period.

>Going "there's no immortal mouse so see it's all bullshit"
Except that would actually BE SOMETHING. The entire field of Life Extension Medicine has scored exactly ZERO goals. Not even minimally. The only "discoveries" it's made are statistically as good as placebo.

>There are in fact several routes through which we can reasonably, scientifically-plausibly attain longevity effects in people
Get back with me when you have even ONE piece of evidence that any of these things actually has some kind of noticeable effect.

Caloric restriction

Lastly, something else people seem to not realize is that good healthspan effects in models are also considered a resounding success from gerontologists - extreme healthspan would be like you truly look/feel 50 when you're 80 and so on. Combine that with some type of extension and, if the cocktail combines well (some attempts at combinations actually nullify each others' effects), perhaps you could be 90 and truly look/feel 50. You'd then suddenly practically drop dead of a cold or whatever but still, that would be extra entire decades worth of life where you're not severely compromised from doing things from your age - sarcopenia, deafness/failing eyesight, everything. If the so-called golden years right now are your 50s, that is, the last period of time you generally feel yourself as you are now and haven't yet started to be seriously taken down several notches by aging, you would instead have some golden decades: 20-30 more years worth of time to keep doing what you feel like doing without running into problems due to frailness/senility etc is absolutely, unarguably something worth trying to attain for everybody, and that is generally what the aging research community is realistically hoping for.

Of course, if there are breakthroughs that double or triple lifespans in people (we can get worms to quadruple etc) that would be nice too. However that is not what is on the table right now. Asking for immortality out of aging researchers is like asking for NASA to make warp-speed ships and go conquer the universe instead instead of trying to plan how to to go about making a moon or mars base reality. I mean, we'd LIKE to do it, we see some very fucking interesting things in nature such as extreme regenerative abilities or clams that live 500+ years .. we just aren't close to actually getting that stuff into people much less even trying gauge how possible it might be.

Why would anyone want to expand their lives?

You're asking for human evidence when there have literally been no clinical studies ever done on aging interventions in people. There was one started with metformin last year and that's it.

What we do have are hundreds of methods of lifespan extension achieved in models over many decades. We see it all the fucking time, that it is clearly possible to extend lifespans in models. Given the overwhelming evidence seen across domains of life of lifespan extension through many methods, and given that there are many complex organisms that live far longer than us (i.e biological limitations of certain organ systems provably can go longer than they do in us), there is no question it can be done in humans, it's more of how to do it, and how soon. And if you dare go >b-but models then that is just pleading ignorance. Many cancer drugs used in people today were found in models including animal models such as zebrafish etc; they are of incalculable value and relevance.

However, due to the nature of needing great lengths of time to wait for human lifespans to elapse, not to mention if even one replicate is ordered to be done on humans afterward etc, exactly-repeating what we do with aging model experiments in humans for your demanded undeniable proof would take literally centuries and billions of dollars - unless, we have agreed-upon aging biomarkers that accurately clock the process that allow us to extrapolate if something's working, which guess what, we fucking don't. There are a ton of candidates for those though, so that is purely a "when" rather than "if" we start to evaluate effectiveness of various therapies in people.

Doesn't work.

>Lastly, something else people seem to not realize is that good healthspan effects in models are also considered a resounding success from gerontologists
Yep, because they're human, and ultimately retarded. Healthspan effects nothing. NOBODY is ever going to be made "healthy" enough to become immortal. It doesn't fucking work that way.

>look/feel 50 when you're 80
>Feel old, look old, be old
Wow it's fucking nothing. Get back with me when you you're 50 and look/feel 20.

>Of course, if there are breakthroughs that double or triple lifespans in people (we can get worms to quadruple etc) that would be nice too.
You and all gerontologists COMPLETELY misunderstand. This wouldn't be "nice too". This is literally the ONLY thing that fucking matters. Diddling around with statistically insignificant bullshit for 50 years is exactly why we're stuck in the modern rut we are. Space travel has stalled out, even airplanes have (no more Concord), medicine basically just died outside of the cure for cancer that only the rich can afford. We still live in an age when basic fucking hygiene does more for the human population's health than any metric fuckton of pharmaceuticals does. And of course, morons who think small will be like "Well yeah, that's great!" NO. It's failure is what it is. This is how you don't complete your goals. If all you do is look at the small picture, you will always be small. ALWAYS. And immortality is not small.

>However that is not what is on the table right now.
And yeah it kind of is. At least that's the claim, because idiots like Aubrey De Grey keep saying the first person to live a thousand years is alive now, which is literally impossible given current glacial speeds of advancement.

It all boils down to this: until you can produce ONE drug, technique or procedure that extends human YOUTH long enough that it is noticeable by all, not just something you have to curry from data with a bias, it's bullshit.

>You're asking for human evidence when there have literally been no clinical studies ever done on aging interventions in people.
How, how about that. You just restated my central argument.

>What we do have are hundreds of methods of lifespan extension achieved in models over many decades.
100% Grade A bullshit. What we have are milkings of data that can't be replicated.

>It all boils down to this: until you can produce ONE drug, technique or procedure that extends human YOUTH long enough that it is noticeable by all

testosterone and human growth hormone

You clearly want the pedal to be pushed down harder on research such as this. That is something we all can sympathize with. You know what holds it back? Lack of money and an academic system that has untrained/in-training noobs as the backbone of its workforce. The whole thing and the amount of squandered experiments due to incompetence from students is truly enraging to contemplate; it's like some kind of reversed pyramid scheme. People have warned about the eventual collapse of the academic system for years, because postdocs are all trained with the idea that they'll become professors, yet so few (5-10% in many fields and countries) actually get that tenure-track in research. The overflow of other hopeful postdocs goes into patent law, some random grunt-y pharma job on some rare disease or just leaves science altogether to do something else for a living.

Pharma industry can seriously get shit done; in some areas of research the .coms contribute more to actual achievement in medicine than the .orgs/edus these days. If they set their sights on aging then you'll start to see results in people and fast. However there is no anti-aging biotech industry, or at least not yet. It's literally just starting with nascent companies like Calico, Unity, Alkahest etc. However, you generally need to wait 5-10+ years to see the first fruits of their pipelines, and these companies are way too young for that.

As for why progress seems to stall or go backwards on some things, sometimes it's money like for aging research (actually, "aging research" wasn't even really a serious thing at all until about the last decade; it's only just blossoming as I type now), sometimes it's regulations from govs.

If that were the case there would be some evidence of it and everyone would be doing it.

>You clearly want the pedal to be pushed down harder on research such as this.
Well no shit, dumbass. I've been waiting since the 90s for these idiots to do ANYTHING and they still have fucking nothing. That's 30 fucking years of sitting on their asses doing shit. Oh wonderful, they've gone on about 25,000 wild goose chases for shit that does literally nothing. Whoop the fuck ee.

>Lack of money
This is a damned lie. Only in a capitalist system would hundreds of billions of dollars be showered upon something, then fuckall happen, and the excuse be "We didn't have enough funds". The fact is, these idiots aren't DOING FUCKING SHIT with that money. NOTHING. FUCKING NOTHING. They are doing nothing but stupid bullshit they know won't bear results. The only fucking person who's even done shit to advance life extension medicine (possibly) was Liz fucking Parrish. She isn't even a medical researcher, she's just some rich cunt who bought telomere extension (which so far also seems to have done nothing, but time will tell).

Even IF the slightest inkling of life extension medicine makes an appearance yet another 30 fucking yeas from now, it will take another fucking half century for anyone who isn't upper middle class to afford it, if ever, since society seems to be hellbent on creating a new gilded age where fucking two people control 99% of the world's wealth and everyone else is a literal slave.

>The whole thing and the amount of squandered experiments due to incompetence from students is truly enraging to contemplate
Yeah it fucking is. But it's not just students to blame here. We have the "top" gerontologists acknowledging identified causes of aging, then being like "Well, under no circumstances are we going to address this!" Fucking De Grey has even come out and said that telomeres don't really affect aging that much - a blatant LIE. He only hopped on Bioviva's dick after being invited after all of his projects were shown up by some rich bitch taking a vacation and getting stuck with a needle. That's pretty fucking pathetic. And that's a perfect illustration of why we will NEVER have real life extension medicine.

>People do replicate these things all the time though
NO, they fucking don't. And yeah, you better believe you jumped to Rapamycin, because it is LITERALLY the only drug, technique or procedure left that hasn't been totally debunked as utter trash.

Worms don't count. Ever. Never. Do you understand this? Mice barely count, but fruit flies and roundworms NEVER count. They're too fucking different from humans to mean anything.

>Anyway you can choose to ignore thousands of papers contradicting
Oh boy listen to this fucking smug cunt. I'm not a pop faggot like you who sips any old pop stars cum to drowning. I actually HAVE looked at the research and MOST of these results CAN NOT BE REPEATED.

People do replicate these things all the time though; dozens if not hundreds of labs have verified rapamycin. Not every lab has it as a hit but if like 99% of them do across a range of organisms then it's as close to legit as anything we know of. There are several unpublished compounds too that show great promise and in essence people are just waiting on the repeat-mice to die before publishing (which takes years especially when they're living longer).

There are worm strains that have a compromised ability to eat and people quite literally rely on the effects of DR-induced lifespan extension as a phenotype when working with them, in other words it's so consistent that it's an official part of how to tell them apart from other types.

There was also a cocktail treatment in worms just published (which also uses rapamycin) that doubled lifespan in wild-types and this project was literally based entirely around researching known longevity pathways, reported drugs that extend lifespan, bringing all that shit to their own lab to test it (5 out of 15 successfully repeated for them) and then working further from there. This is a big fucking deal because usually you need to genetically engineer worms to get such results. Replicability is a huge fucking issue indeed but it plagues science as a whole; people do their best to try to dispel it and confirm things as legit which is why rapamycin is so promising: it actually works, in a lot of organisms, in a lot of labs. It has bad side-effects in people though so that is why people want to tweak the molecule to try to keep the beneficial effects only.

Anyway you can choose to ignore thousands of papers contradicting your "because I said so" fervor, which I assure you is not an effective argument against me, or not. I suppose I shouldn't expect much of Veeky Forums which reminds me why I just don't come here much.

Worms and flies are the backbone of aging research. When something is found to extend lifespan in higher-complexity organisms, it typically works backwards all the way down the evolutionary clock to worms. That is one of the factors by which a compound would be strongly suggested to be legit.

There are other projects that pool multiple species of the same model in order to screen them for more compounds and indeed there are several that work across all worms used and then also worked in mice. This is literally just getting off the ground and you can look into things like ITP at the NIA and await their results. A lot of these things are new and unpublished; if you keep following closely then you can see that progress is real and being made by the year.

You can flounder in self-importance and giving mixed signals going "why aren't you trying harder also by the way I don't think anything you do will ever work" or you can seriously look into this and research just how fucking much as been done in model organisms before opening your ignorant mouth. It's clear enough you are not worth dignifying with even a second more of my time so I'm just saying this for your own benefit.

>Worms and flies are the backbone of aging research.

>You can flounder in self-importance
>Still being smug
>Still shilling for something which produces zero results
I will never comprehend how so many people can be so fucking smug about so many things when they have no ground to stand on.

what are you going to do with eternal life? Play a game of football that spans the entire continent?

Fix Earth.

But that counts infant and child mortality which was extremely high. Any person who lived past the age of 10 could potentially live up to 60-90.

So no, maximum attainable human lifespan has still stayed the same. Curing common diseases is not life extension. You could cure all cancer, viral or bacterial etc. common diseases and even replace the white blood cells with nanobots, yet human body and brains would still literally fall apart after you hit 110-120.

>It all boils down to this: until you can produce ONE drug, technique or procedure that extends human YOUTH long enough that it is noticeable by all
>>testosterone and human growth hormone
>If that were the case there would be some evidence of it and everyone would be doing it.

how do you define youth?

this man is 47 years old.

You're trying too hard. Just because you've realised how retarded popsci is doesn't mean that opposing it completely is the scientifically correct position, you contrarian retard.

And yes, there have been many encouraging discoveries regarding tissue ageing recently, especially through stem cell reprogramming. But we still don't have a unified theory of ageing that entails all of its hallmarks, which makes it even more difficult to develop effective medical interventions. The theory has to be established first, and we're still not there yet.

Also, the reason you hear of CR as the most effective anti-aging intervention is because it has been known for a while that it has some effects, but it's also because older research didn't have the means/incentive to conduct as many experimental treatments/trials on anti-aging medicine as we have today. CR is pathetic, but it's not even close to the best that anti-aging research has to offer, if recent results are any proof.

tl;dr Saying "NEVER" is retarded

He looks it too.

Your entire post is sophistry. Caloric restriction DOES NOT WORK. WILL NOT WORK. Drop it. Put it the fuck down like the viper it is. You have nothing. I'm sorry you pop """"""""""""""sci"""""""""""""" junkies can not deal with this, but that's really your problem.

And I'm not asking for a god level understanding of the human body. I'm just asking for ONE drug or therapy that does ANYTHING to noticeably just SLOW aging. Not even reverse it. Just slow it enough that it's undeniably not a result of jiggling data.

That's it. And you don't have it.

so youth is just about skin and not athleticism, strength, or how your joints regenerates.
in that case, you're still wrong. post-menopause women take estrogen for good reason, it's how so many 50yos can look to be a decade younger without plastic surgery.

Muscle and nerve tissues are some of the longest lasting in the body. Working out to gain muscle can be attained at any age. But that man will die of old age, I assure you.

But flying cars do exist, they're just impractical/don't fill a need that justifies their expense. Mars colonization is much the same.

> make machines that break down after one year
> make people that live for 200 years

> The sale of toasters is fully optimized

If you'll point me to the exact regulations and governments I might be able to do something about that.

hey random stupid person, why don't you know that medicine already extends life? Never mind, its because you're stupid.

Why are you asserting CR doesn't work when every piece of available evidence is to the contrary? Your argument is basically that it works in flies, it works in worms, but since no studies have thus far been done in humans, it therefore does not work.

Flying cars already existed the first time everyone flipped their shit over them. They were just called planes.

No it doesn't, moron. It extends HEALTH which is not the same thing. It DOES NOT increase maximum lifespan.

>Why are you asserting CR doesn't work when every piece of available evidence is to the contrary?
Because that's blatantly false. It works in roundworms. That's not humans. It failed spectacularly in primates.

So, you figure that stating contrafactuals in CAPITALS makes them true?

You're a clown.

Listen you retarded dickhead, CR doesn't work in mammals and you repeating it smugly doesn't make it so. Even in the animals it DOES work in, it's not a significant increase in lifespan.

>Fix Earth

Colonize the Galaxy

>what are you going to do with eternal life?

Space Exploration.

Dozens of years to reach neraby stars.
Millions of years for just explore our Galaxy.
The Universe has Billions of Galaxies.

There are plenty of stuff out there on Space to Explore. But Our finite life pose a limit.

If at least we discovered faster than light travel then perhaps long-life would be not so necessary.

But for space exploration a Very Long Life is a Must-Have thing. It could wide up our possibilities.

space exploration is just as unfeasible as eternal life. we are never leaving the solar system.

>There is not one drug, procedure or technique that even slightly extends human lifespan

But there are many, my dear autistic sperglord.

Look up senescent cells clearance. UNITY Biotechnology is beginning phase I human clinical trials in the next few months using senolytics. Oisin Biotechnology will begin clinical trials next year with an alternative approach.

Also if you want a drug, just buy metformin since it most likely extends lifespan. And if you want to wait for certain results, look up the upcoming TAME study.

We also know that getting young plasma trasfusions has rejuvenating effects, we just don't know why (check out irina conboy's work around this).

Basically we already have everything in place to extend human lifespan/healthspan by something like 20 years.

And this is only the beginning.

>lengthening, ever
Citation desperately needed.


how so fuckboy
do explain the complexity of aiming towards a star with thrusters burning

Did you even bother to read my post you dumb shitter? I agreed that CR is pathetic considering it's the "best" anti-aging treatment, but I also explained to you that the reason you don't have human anti-aging medicine yet is because research on experimental treatments and ageing theory is just recently flaring up.

Clinical trials take decades to complete, so you shouldn't expect to see anti-aging meds on the market for a few decades, but the recent interventions have been extremely effective in higher model organisms. You're accusing a research field that's essentially just emerged as an active area that it hasn't developed immortality yet, That's retarded.

>It DOES NOT increase maximum lifespan.

tell that to someone cures by antibiotics who would have dies but didn't thanks to Medicine.

Never is an amazingly long time.
We're still at the early stages of learning how aging works.
Once we know that we can finally start working on delaying it.
And yes, current anti-aging is just a pile of horseshit.

Meditation extending the telomers is another pile of horseshit. Show me an actual study.

McFly, you bojo,

"there is not one drug"

You're gonna need about 100 drugs mixed into a cocktail, along with other treatments. You need to overcome ROS and DNA damage, you need to clear up metabolic byproducts, you need to improve control of cell cycle proteins, you need to conditionally express telomerase ...

And flying cars and mars colonies can exist; maybe the reality will prove slightly different than what we envision, but yeah. Trust me, if we don't nuke ourselves we'll find ways to live longer. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon.

Yeeeah, never say never.

Granted, no one serious about the subject is actually suggesting literal immortality... Just, under ideal circumstances, extremely extended life spans.

And truth be told, even without all the other cutting edge stuff, if you just beat cancer, and maybe a handful of brain diseases that also seem to be inevitable with age, there's not a whole lot left to end you that can't generally be fixed even under today's medical technology.

It's also entirely likely we'll have some sorta suspended animation/temporary death sorta thing some day - which technically gives you an extremely extended life span, even if you aren't doing anything in the meantime.

I entirely agree that people sensationalize this crap, but I'm also tired of curmudgeons going on about how we've discovered everything of use that will ever be discovered and never have any achievements beyond the ones we have now, as they have since the days of the Roman Empire (and, probably before, even if they were less apt to write volumes on the subject.)

That's not fixing Earth. That's exporting the human plague.

Most likely true, given human incompetence, but with eternal life, perhaps humans will get out of their spoiled fucking brat phase and grow the hell up. I say humans, but honestly, my goal is to be immortal and all the other humans to be dead.

>But there are many, my dear autistic sperglord.
Nope. Not a one.

>Look up senescent cells clearance.
Doesn't extend lifespan. Just healthspan. AGAIN.

Metformin DOES NOT extend lifespan. It helps DIABETICS ONLY to not die so early.

>We also know that getting young plasma trasfusions has rejuvenating effects
Still just healthspan extension. NOT life extension.

You know, if you worthless imbeciles have so fucking goddamn much proof of life extension everywhere show me ONE person who's lived even to 130. That's it. Not too much to ask. I mean that's only about a decade beyond max human lifespan, and if there's so much shit that works, then surely there should be someone within the next few decades to reach that goal.

And even that is shit. This is why you're all worthless idiot cattle. You can't even provide ONE FUCKING DECADE of extra lifespan, and even THAT would be a pathetic showing to begin with, but you can't even provide THAT.

>And this is only the beginning.
Everyone in this thread will die before life extension medicine ads 20 years to a person's life. Mark my words.

>lengthening, ever
What? You idiot, telomeres are lengthened by all sorts of shit. It's just not by a lot and it never adds much to lifespan. Maybe a few days/weeks?

>but I also explained to you that the reason you don't have human anti-aging medicine yet is because research on experimental treatments... is just recently flaring up
So you're mad that you agree with me. Nice.

>ageing theory is just recently flaring up.
This is patently false. Also, anti-aging medicine isn't "just" flaring up, it's not "flaring up" AT ALL. It's still at the fringes of medicine and it probably always will be because THEY'RE NOT FUCKING DOING SHIT. They keep focusing on the wrong shit to sell products and make themselves rich. PERIOD. It's never going to happen because the subhumans in charge of it are all greedy charlatans that just want to make money for themselves marketing bullshit "nutraceuticals".

>You're accusing a research field that's essentially just emerged
It's fucking older than I am, you dipshit. I will literally die of old age before life extension medicine will do anything at all. So will everyone else here.

Oh my christ you fucking retard, you literally don't even know what you're saying. THAT IS NOT MAXIMUM LIFESPAN YOU FUCKING RETARD.

>Never is an amazingly long time.
Humans are an amazingly self-destructive and incompetent species. What can be said?

>We're still at the early stages of learning how aging works.
Again, this is simply NOT fucking true. SENS has even laid out all the issues in aging and if they or anyone else wants to make it simpler than that, you could just point to one thing: unhealthy cells. The cells either literally just die off and your body ablates or they become dysfunctional. It's not a lack of knowledge, it's a lack of perspective. There are STILL fucking """"gerontologists"""" dicking around with snake oil like resveratrol who, like most shill idiots in this thread, utterly refuse to accept that all of these chemicals have been proven ineffectual and even if the claims made about them were true, they don't even significantly slow aging, let alone stop or reverse it. So even if they were real, they'd still be shit.

>Once we know that we can finally start working on delaying it.
We already do and it's not happening. And before anyone starts the "muh funding" shit again, remember there are multiple billionaires already working on this. Fuck, Google's doing it in secret even.

No it actually isn't. Again, many things do. It's just not really significant.

An effective stem cell therapy system could slow aging RIGHT NOW. But nobody has the intelligence required or lack of greed necessary to just fucking do it. We can make immortal, pluropotent stem cells from any cell in a person's body then design a system for delivery to the host's body to ACTIVELY, MATERIALLY extend their LIFESPAN, not just their healthspan. But we're not. Why? Most of the claims made in this thread are bullshit. We pretty much understand all of these bodily functions. Claiming we don't means you're ignorant of the subject. Cell senescence isn't that fucking hard to understand. Cells die or they become dysfunctional. Clear away or fix dysfunctional cells and replace lost ones. THAT IS IT. And nobody is even MENTIONING this, let alone even looking at it and don't even dream of it actually going into R&D.

Laziness, greed and incompetence will end mankind.

>Stupid people were wrong once, therefore everything is possible!
Nope. Humans have too many flaws to jump the hurdles required for survival. Why idiots like you blather on about making Mars into a terraformed garden, you can't even clean up YOUR OWN FUCKING NEIGHBORHOOD on a FREE PLANET YOU WERE FUCKING GIVEN.

Claims of a highly advanced future are based in delusion and a misunderstanding of human nature and nothing more. We're not heading for the stars, we're headed for the dirt.

>if you just beat cancer
You fucking idiot. Even if you beat all the diseases of "old age" people will still die. And they'll still at 120ish years MAX. PERIOD. You can't outlive your body literally losing tissue to the point of fatal dysfunction.

>It's also entirely likely we'll have some sorta suspended animation
This is literally your only chance. But it also necessitates that humans will become vastly less incompetent and greedy than they now are, which fuck if we're going to be wishing for shit, I wish I could fly and breath lasers.

>I entirely agree that people sensationalize this crap
That's not even the issue I broached. The "experts" in the field are all fucking morons. They're not going to accomplish "their goals" because their goals are to just make fucking money. There is literally no excuse for not using stem cell therapies RIGHT NOW to extend life. It is guaranteed to work. But nobody is. Not toward this goal. They're not even talking about it. Not in public at least.

Jeeze, well you ain't living to 120 with all that blood pressure. Cut down on the salt.


I think you might be confusing life-extension with immortality. Medicine has already demonstrably extended our lifespans. What makes you think it stops there? The limiting factor will be population and resource availability. There's nothing special or inviolable about our genes and telomeres.

>Medicine has already demonstrably extended our lifespans.
No, it's simply drastically reduced our chances of dying from everything besides old age

>No, extending healthspan is not extending lifespan

So 100% healthy people will just suddenly drop dead because... ummmm... reasons? Jesus fucking Christ, you are retarded. Extending healthspan is extending lifespan! The only reason people die is because they stop being healthy and get sick (or get into an accident of some sort) - if we get rid of diseases of all kind, people will only die from accidents and that means that many, many people will live for centuries.

flying cars have already been made pleb

Moron. You're literally using words wrong.

It is not wanted. We need people to die. It's that simple.

OP is a teenager who thinks people die from 'old age'

We need most to die. I predict immortality would quickly be adopted by the rich who will destroy the world anyway, then tragedy will strike as it always does when you give the incompetent enough rope to hang themselves with. The rich will destroy themselves and society, then only those worthy will attain immortality.

How does one die of "old age"?

I mean, yeah, shit breaks down, but why does this happen later, rather than sooner? Something like 95% of all your cells get replaced every few decades - and even of those few that don't, a lot of them aren't actually critical systems.

So either the regeneration system goes wrong, as happens in less catastrophic ways pretty much from birth on, and you get cancer. Your telomeres run out causing the system not to be replaced as efficiently while also increasing that risk of cancer. Or you get some brain disease that eventually shuts down some key factor of the central nervous system.

Which of these things is 'forever and ever' beyond man's grasp? Are there not already theoretical solutions to all of these problems? Some solutions to some of these are even in the clinical testing phase.

And if all these problems are removed, how does old age kill you?

It's not as if we're running around with little green crystals that turn red after we hit thirty. So how does old age kill us then?

I heard that vegans are immortal

Your cells can only divide so many times. After that they go "zombie" and start acting crazy, ruining surrounding cells or they just die and are digested.

That's due to either cancers or telomeres, or the latter leading to the former.

If you eliminate those two, and the brain issues, what's left?

If you eliminate telomere loss? All sorts of things. Cancer is almost irrelevant to aging. It's just another disease. It's not why you age and die, unless you specifically die of it. It all depends on when your cells are rejuvenated. The main problems with aging are cell dysfunction, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cells just dying and not being replaced - that's why old people "shrivel up". If you get rid of cancer, your cells will still just deplete until your body literally doesn't have enough tissue mass to maintain bodily functions.

>Flying Cars will never exist.
Pic related is a functioning flying car from the 1950s. or video related: youtube.com/watch?v=0Yn2uyQJ1jc

The fact you are wrong about flying cars proves you cannot be trusted on anything.

>the human plague

You idiot, they made flying cars already using drone technology.

Cancer is very relevant to aging, as it's inevitable with age, and the result of (and results in) the same behavior you describe: Replication failures. They happen, increasingly, from birth onward, and eventually one results in a malignant tumor, and metastases, thus, cancer. 100% of people will get cancer, if they live long enough.

And telomere loss also increasingly results in replication failure, and is the only mechanism that limits how many times a cell can reproduce. There are species out there that are, effectively, biologically immortal as they don't suffer from this - including, of course, nearly every microbe. There's no limit to the numbers of times an ameba can divide.

>cell dysfunction
Telomeres and cancer.

>mitochondrial dysfunction
Telomeres and cancer.

>cells just dying and not being replaced
Again, telomeres and cancer.

I do have another thing in mind, but it seems you've not looked into the basics of aging, while claiming that dieing of "old age" is forever inevitable.

No one dies of old age, not really, no one ever has. Nearly everything we describe as "old age" is the result of replication errors in cell reproduction, which, with the exception of those other things I'm holding out with, can be traced back to one of those two things.

All the things I listed do extend lifespan. That's what the research papers say at least. But maybe a retard like you knows better than research papers (hint: you don't).

>Life Extension Medicine will NEVER exist
Pretty stupid thing to say. There's already evidence that removing senescent cells from mammals can extend both lifespan and health span.Obviously the work is very early stage, but there are numerous companies, with lots of funding, working on this one problem to find clinical applications.

No, offspring of the rich will make sure they die. Luckily life ends and room will be created for new life.

"NEVER" is a really fucking long time user.

I wonder what kind of retarded child you are to write that crap.

The only thing you confirmed in your "arguments" is that we don't have the technology to extend our lifespan TODAY.

Yes, everyone knows and understands that genius. It's been 60 years since we even discovered DNA, 2 decades since the human genome project. Today we know most causes of human aging (the major one being damage to the DNA) but we have no idea how to fix them. We don't have the tools for that yet.

There's nothing to say that one day we won't have the ability to repair damage to our DNA. CRISPR with all it's imperfections is the first time we can cheaply cut, add and edit genes in live ADULT humans. We're not in a technological stagnation, better and even cheaper methods will replace CRISPR. I mean for fucks sake we're growing live tissue and semi-functioning organs already in labs. It's only matter of time before we have fully functioning organs.

Transplanting a young healthy heart or lungs or other major organs to an old person IS life extension.
So doing something "simple" as that would extend one's lifespan greatly.

The thing I'm trying to point out is that biotechnology is growing and developing at a steady pace, heck it's probably even growing exponentially since genetics became an information technology.

We don't have the answers and solutions you seem to badly want right now. But only a complete technological stagnation would prevent us from reaching that goal...


It may take 60 years, it may take 100-200 years or it may take thousands. But claiming that it will definitely happen never is more insane and ridiculous that claiming it'll happen in less than 60 years.

But then again the pace at which we're heading is good and unexpected technologies develop all the time. None of us know the future, we'll just have to wait and see.

for certain people "not in the foreseeable future/their own miserable lifetime" automatically equals "never"


Not an argument

Not that guy, but it is very, very wrong.
That post literally says eliminating disease will result in people only dying from accidents, and living for centuries, which is utter fucking horseshit.
There are 100+ year old people healthy as oaks, but one day, they simply go to sleep and don't wake up anymore.

What about the immortal jellyfish?

Stem cell research has been HEAVILY throttled due to politics

the short answer is, they are not biologically immortal

>Life Extension Medicine will NEVAR exist
>anymoar than flying cars
...b-buit flying cars have existed for decades.

Define "immortal".

They have potentially indefinite lifespans in a non deadly environment.

Alright so, what is it here we're even discussing?

True immortality isn't technically possible since something is bound to kill you eventually. The entropy of the universe would destroy an immortal civilization at the end.

Potentially indefinite lifespans? Yes, they are possible and examples exist in nature.

>Define "immortal".
does not die of old age
these meme jellyfish totally do die, but instead of decomposing and feeding other life, their bodies revert into a more primitive state from which they can be "born" again
if this ticks your life extension box then just clone yourself, or even better, have some fucking kids already

They also said we'd be living in underwater chambers by 2001

HRT is a thing.

Not only does it improve life quality, it will also extend it.

>these meme jellyfish totally do die
They don't. They revert to a more embryonic stage. That's not what death of an organism is.

>if this ticks your life extension box then just clone yourself, or even better, have some fucking kids already

I'd rather preserve my brain with cryonics than let my body decompose.

I think that give me the highest change of my "resurrection". At least much higher than rotting away in the ground.

This is all assuming I don't actually live to see life extension, which is debatable.

>They don't. They revert to a more embryonic stage. That's not what death of an organism is.
it's not a lifespan extension either
it's a just a hard reset, of an organism which is just a dumb heap of proteins with no perception or memory, incomparably less complex than humans
if at the end of your life you were to become an embryo again, you most likely wouldn't give a single fuck since from your perspective your past self never existed
you could "build yourself up" over time, gathering wealth and status, naturally being born into your own household again with everything you've ever achieved and acquired, even minus your memory and experience would be beneficial, but I don't see this as the kind of immortality people tend to wish for in these threads, since they are failures in this life, there is no telling if they won't be one in the next as well

I'd leave notes for each regeneration

Immortality can be achieved by head transplants, memory transfer, reversing telomeres (or putting your brain in a clone whatever)

>next life
If you mean afterlife I'd like to hear your scientific reasoning behind it

Simply put:if "god's" world is like ours, it must end as well
If not, wew lad take out your imaginary watch because time just got multidimensional