Well Veeky Forums?

Well Veeky Forums?

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google.com/#q=china closes coal plants

I kill you with my gun

Red is wrong because there are many good people who are simply misguided. It's morally wrong.
Blue is arguably a good choice.
Yellow is wrong because while climate change is real, it is natural for many people to distrust the political agenda behind it. It is no secret that politicians twist the climate change facts to suit their own selves.

>Trusting politicians
>Not the scientific method
They deserve it

>press "kill all creationists" button
>religious extremists steal a nuke and detonate it
>nuke triggers dead man switches around the world starting the nuclear appocolypse

>press "Kill all AntiVaxxers" button
>releases mutated small pox virus that kills all humans on the planet

>press "Kill all climate change idealists" button
>average global temperature immediately rises 10C and all icecaps instantly melt
>all life on land goes extinct, including humans

You had 3 wishes OP, and you fucked them all up.

t Christfag apologist

>kill mostly harmless people who at worst cause worse education in schools

>irrelevant, antivaxxers will take themselves and their children out of the gene pool soon enough

>now we can finally enact policies to protect our planet and the future of our species

The answer is obvious

I'd pick yellow

climate change denialists. they're literally fucking us over. the debate should have been over 20 years ago, who knows what kind of progress we would have made by now.

You say that but even the people who believe in climate change don't really do much. If the western nations wanted to stop it they would force China and India to abide by the same green laws. You can only stop climate change when every major nation joins in. On the other hand Anti vaxxers kill many children and old people.

When do you think the debate will finally be over and the denialists were seen as Slave owners were?

You do realize that just because people know about climate change it doesn't mean they want to do anything about it, right? Developing countries in general are perfectly aware of how much contamination they are releasing into the earth, but they will not stop it. See china, who signed the Paris agreement but didn't do shit to lower their emissions. They talk about climate change as a PR move to appear hip and cool and trendy to retarded liberals but they don't do anything at all to improve their standards.

I dunno can you demonstrate that the Earth's atmosphere is increasing. It's very simple if the CO2 traps the heat and energy of sun more so than any other gas in our atmosphere and that we are releasing such a colossal amount of gas (that was trapped inside the earth) into the atmosphere it should be seen easily comparing barometric pressure reading over the many centuries of measurement, right?

Kill all biological sex denialists

>I dunno


It is actually. We have reliable temp readings from the past few thousand years.

Creationists are aging and plenty fall into the other two groups. Killing all creationists still wouldn't be worth it imo, but it would solve a lot of issues.

They make up nearly half of America. Killing them off would be worth it just to raise the national average IQ.

Creationists are also strong climate change deniers. So that would help, too.

Creationists it is, then.

>press "kill all creationists" button
religious extremists die too, so they won't do shit

>press "Kill all AntiVaxxers" button
>releases mutated small pox virus that kills all humans on the planet
why would this happen? are you on drugs?

>press "Kill all climate change idealists" button
it's written denialists, learn how to read

I'd hit the kill OP button just offscreen

Climate. Creationists practically keep to themselves and are mostly harmless.antivaxxers pose some danger as they keep some pathogens alive in some parts of the world where they would otherwise be eradicated and they can evolve resistances which can be dangerous but otherwise antivaxers mostly kill themselves.

Climate denialists actively push against regulations which limit our impact on climate which means they are actively trying to fuck us all.

Climate change deniers have to go. Even though the button would kill lots of my family members, I'd have to do it for the benefit of my God, Earth.
This might sound crazy, but I'm religious towards the Earth. Does anyone else have a similar experience?

>what is gaia


Honestly, I'll know you climate fucks SERIOUSLY believe the world is ending when you start talking tough about FORCING india to get its shit together

With how focused you fucks are about America and how little shits you give about India/China, I struggle to believe you REALLY think the world is gonna end from this and it isnt political

>Trusting politicians that 97% of climate scientists believe in anthropocentric climate change
>not trusting the meta-analyses that actually shows that only ~30% of scientists believe in anthropocentric climate change

Yeah dude we should have been shutting down more nuclear power plants and putting up more carbon taxes/cap n' trade regulations ages ago. Just think about the profits we could have made by taxing and speculating on all human activity, goyim!

Is there a "kill all people who desire to kill people" button?
And what happens if someone presses it?

>china, who signed the Paris agreement but didn't do shit to lower their emissions

Are you nuts? They are doing it at breakneck speed. If AGT rises to +2C, they will lose 35-40% of their crops, this is nothing short of civil war and revolution.


google.com/#q=china closes coal plants

>believing the chinese
foolish bai gui

fuck off back to

>being skeptical about the publications of a communist regime with a heavy-handed information control policy is now a /pol/ opinion
i bet your naivety nets you tons of pussy, kid

pretty much everyone would die

>If AGT rises to +2C, they will lose 35-40% of their crops
sounds most unrealistic

if all ice on earth melted, it would not even make a dent in the total land mass of earth

do you have an actual source for those numbers?
or is this just some run of the mill fedora tipping, putting absolutely all religions persons into the creationist category

Ice melting conserves mass, so you're a brainlet if you thought otherwise

It is, just some more alarmist lies

World temperatures were significantly higher in the past, well more than 2 degrees, so if just 2 fucking degrees would have wiped out half their crops, there'd be no chinese at all

Life would be so much easier if I could just kill everybody who doesn't agree with me

Removing the climate denialists will likely remove most of the two other groups as well.