Why do non-fictionfags hate fictionfags so much?

Why do non-fictionfags hate fictionfags so much?

oooooooh i"m gonna fuck ya :P

i like both but the genrefags of nonfic (biographyfags) are still better than Veeky Forumsfags who dont read any nonfic

What nonfiction would you recommend?

most pre-enlightenment philosophy
The Peloponnesian War
Iliad and Odyssey

A person who only reads fiction, it's usually all Harry Potter tier crap. But a person who only read nonfiction, they're ALWAYS an autistic pretentious asshole.

Idk what's worse

They're jealous of those who have the superior interpretive ability to gain nuanced insights that's not available in direct discourse

>The Peloponnesian War

I'm embarrassed for you

Why are Korean women so disgusting?

Too much silicon

>Iliad and Odyssey
not sure if it's my false understanding of the word, but aren't all of those fiction?

Why do people on the dumb side of a disagreement so often replace the opposing side with blind hate?

We actually learn from what we read. The closest you get is intellectually circle-jerking.

I read fiction and non-fiction. I thought most people who read extensively mixed it up. Fuck this, post your favorite fiction and non-fiction Veeky Forums:

>Canterbury Tales

>The Prince

Kill yourself.

Stealing this idea to make a thread

>But a person who only read nonfiction, they're ALWAYS an autistic pretentious asshole.

or an adult

I dont fucking know

People who read non-fiction exclusively, and look down on autobiography/biography like are incapable of experiencing deep human emotions. It is highly ironic that these people often tell people to "start with the Greeks," because Greek non-fiction is about defending the value of fiction on this basis.

> incapable of experiencing deep human emotions
I have BPD and read nonfiction exclusively. Explain that in this context.

Some people think that if you're not using all available time to absorb new information you're wasting your life.

And while they may be right, just remind them they are posting on Veeky Forums.

>A person who only reads fiction, it's usually all Harry Potter tier crap. But a person who only read nonfiction, they're ALWAYS an autistic pretentious asshole.


If you only read fiction you're an ignorant daydreaming pleb, but if you only read non-fiction you are an autist with zero literary sensibility.

Read both and stay winning.

>he's a poor reader

B/c fiction is useless except for entertainment.

>raging at the truth

Level up, pleb.

You have a condition in which your feelings shift radically with no coherency or justification and you're asking how you could be emotionally superficial?

You should add the word apparent prior to justification. The feelings all make sense, and the emotional responses are much more heightened than those an average person would feel.

And its all bullshit. Emotional intensity is not emotional depth. Toddlers have heightened emotional reactions and they feel perfectly justified in them

Okay, how would you define emotional depth? This isn't intended to be snide, by the way, I actually want to know so I can adjust mine if need be.

Fictionfags are pretentious. If they would read good nonfiction, they'd realize it can easily match fiction

>this post

I see non-fictionfags pretentiously disregarding fiction far more than the inverse.

On this board? It goes without saying that plebs irl are fucking retarded. Veeky Forums is filled with people who think non-fiction is restricted to memoir, self-help, or other bullshit.

so much of nonfiction is just artless rhetoric and vague arguments or ideology.

The formers think the purpose of reading is to acquire knowledge, and indeed ready an history book is more efficient than going through “War and Peace”. They don't understand what are literary merit or aesthetics. I guess we can also link it to the disdain for physical books and stories written in original language.

Fuck off LARPer, paper magic doesn't exist

To you.

no youre right, that guy is retarded

I'd rather listen to good music and watch good films than read fiction.

>Hasn't read Montaigne's Essays.

does this debate exist outside of Veeky Forums?

>implying all the information you get isn't new information

if you dont take every word of the Trojan Cycle as literal truth you're an idiot to be honest

>Homer never existed!
>Homer didn't write both!
>Zeus isn't a real, spiritual being!
>Troy never existed!
>The Trojan Horse wasn't real!
>The Trojans didn't found Rome!
>Dido never killed herself!
>>> YOU ARE HERE The texts have been adulterated over time!
>The greeks only had 998 ships! Not a thousand! Checkmate!
>Helen was only the SECOND fairest woman in the land, 2/10 would not bang!
>Please don't kill me Polyphemus!

What do you guys mean with non-fiction? Nabokov, Tolstoy, Kafka etc. are all fiction right? Why would someone not want to read them? What do you mean with non-fiction? Do you read science/philosophy books all day?

I agree that genre-fiction is a waste of time, but I don't think literary fiction is

I've been reading this lately and enjoying it, any other recs?

source on this qt?


who's the qt?



why do so many nonfiction fags post in Veeky Forums rather than Veeky Forums?

t. butthurt over a qt

They're in denial about how much fiction is in their "non-fiction" books.
