What does this man have to offer?

What does this man have to offer?



>social thought

that's not a thing

his dick up your ass

valuable analysis of power structures in society and the way they manifest themselves, someone to daydream about everyday, a debate where he btfo'd liberal shill chomsky

His later work is really interesting as well, look at the lectures at the Collège de France in the 1980s. It's quite unlike the more familiar Foucault who shows you all about power in societies, here it's more about the subject and practices of the self.

You stole my post. I demand you delete this and allow me my glory.

Awesome methodological insight in the field of history (Archaeology of Knowledge).

Took the concept of victor's justice and broadened it beyond wars. Basically, if one person/group has power over another person/group in any way, the person/group in power determines truth, morality, etc. All of the philosophical "good"s can be used as tools of social control.
There's much more, but I still have reading to do. This is just what I fully understand.

Apparently Foucault became troubled by his own earlier writings, as it didn't give any hope or idea of how a person "ought" to live their life. So he started writing about ethics, focusing on self-care, which (and I might be wrong here) he became interested in while investigating the ancient Greeks as part of his research for History of Sexuality. Sadly, he died before he was able to engage the topic in the depth that he covered other topics in his earlier works.

Fraud and smoke screens. I read him and found nothing of value, only a terrible bastardization of history, designed to fit his views (Histoire de la folie is rubbish).

Foucault is fascinated by the limit, the extreme. Thats his philosophy and way of life, from parisian street protests to san francisco gay BDSM back rooms.

How is reading Foucault in English ? French is my first language and when reading Foucault in French, one is easily trapped in its flowery prose. How is that in English ?

Came here just to post this.

True to some extend. I think Focault would have agreed, you can't talk about something without agreeing on certain premises, this is the power the scientists hold. In English it's not that complicated, but I personally liked it in my native language German.

the formalization of biopower

better question... is anything important to you?

>I read him and found nothing of value

This says far more about you than him

Does someone else gets an urge to see ISIS win upon seeing a picture like this? Because I sure do, daddy-o

Not ISIS, but I do get an urge for a Catholic theocracy when I see that picture.

True Focault got many things wrong, but some things are true (mostly those he derived from Nietzsche) and even the things he was wrong about should tell you quiet bit.

Even better tbqh

But maybe that's just elaborated larping, like Davila did his hole live.

Nick Land's dream was to out-edgelord foucault, but he didn't even get pozzed

felt kind of derivative, i get the same feel from all of the Heidegger/Nietzsche dickriders.

>muh feels
Not an argument

Read him like if you were reading fiction

I wonder what would be his views if he were alive today

I just realized I've never read or heard an intelligent critique of Foucault. Suggestions or links appreciated. Even a philosophy professor who dismissed him in an offhand manner in one of my classes elaborated no coherent explanation or refutation. Ressentiment is a bitch.

redpill me on Foucault's links to the Bogdanoff Network