Who is the best Pope? Any of them worth reading/reading about?

Who is the best Pope? Any of them worth reading/reading about?

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The one that got shot and then pardoned the shooter.


Sixtus the 6th

Ciao Marco, stasera vuoi venire a casa mia? Giochiamo alla play e ci divertiamo, ok?


The female one

literally the worst post on the board right now

I'm reading about Lucrezia Borgia right now

Benedict XVI because he's the most intelligent and prolific writer

Ciao Matteo, stasera sono impegnato con Chiara, scusami. Magari un'altra volta, ok?

Good show. Good show.

>There's literally only two Italians on Veeky Forums
>And they know each other

What about St. Peter?

Is that Renzi?


He's 24 years old in this picture.

Jean Paul II

That one time there were 3 Popes and they excommunicated eachother. Christianity is a joke, especially Catholocism.


> Christianity is a joke, especially Catholicism

just another angsty /pol/ stem faggot

>Solo due italiani su Veeky Forums
Ti sbagli enormemente, burgerperson.

>solo due

you missed his joke

shut it fag

Scusami, ma e' bella Chiara? Ha letto Vico?


I got Benedict's "Jesus of Nazareth" series for Christmas. It's really cool stuff.

wow that's a Young Pope

>not enjoying politicized religious intrigue

I was raised a protestant but I am now an atheist. My ancestors were protestant European refuges during the 1700s. Fuck all religions fuck all governments.

>I am now an atheist

lol child

>insulting Islam

>is on Veeky Forums
>can't spell for shit
>calls Catholicism a joke
oh boyo

What are you? 15?

>current cyber year
>advocating cousin marriage

Pius XII burns in hell

What makes you say such an unsupported claim?

I didn't make a single grammatical error faggot

Of all the silly things that have happened over the years, that's what you went with? You proddies need to step up your game.

I'm 30. Does it matter?

Catholocism died with the invention of the Guttenberg printing press.

Oh ok

I'm Ameircan just look at JFK we kill Catholic fags.

I like to think that Stephen VI, at first, tried to literally summon up Formosus' spirit, reasoning that he could do so since he was the pope. Then, when that didn't work, he just shrugged his shoulders and dug the body up.

Anabaptists are the only real Christians.

E' molto carina, sì, indossa le gonne. No no, Vico non ha letto, vai tranquillo.

good point friendo

I am Giambi Vincent D'antoni, a Church artist commisioned to paint the insides of churches. Which sorts of things will you like to see inside of new churches?


Pope Pepe, make it happen. Frog twitter needs a nice hat.

I am actually Protestant but it's pretty dumb to use this incident as proof that Catholicism is a joke. Yes, it was supremely silly and should not have happened but when a religion is around for more than a century some silly incidents are bound to happen.

Luther in hell

We got a real iconoclast over here folks! He just HAAAATES the establishment!

Stealth benises

are your initials D. S.? asking for a friend

Ratzinger is actually pretty good.

Read the books by JPII and Benedict XVI.

Francis is the most Christ-like.

Alexander Pope

already read him.

Grazie amico, grazie. Spero che hai avuto una buona serata

Sì, sai amico, alla fine io e Chiara siamo andati al cinema. Tu ti sei divertito con Anto?

Parecchio, c'era anche Lorenzo, se lo ricordi, dalla primaria? E' veramente altissimo ora. Allora che film hai visto vuoi?

>other user points out spelling errors
>claims that no grammatical errors were done
are protestants REALLY this fucking stupid?

Po maturze chodziliśmy na kremówki


This, Kek wills it

none fuck those traitors there the reason why our earth is so fucekd up.
betrayed the Templar and plotted the murder of there children.

Kek and the Catholic Church, the unstoppable meme dream team!