Would dried meat be more or less nutritious? And would it be less or more dangerous to health?

Would dried meat be more or less nutritious? And would it be less or more dangerous to health?

are we talking about beef or caribou?

Any meat. My curiosity arose regarding carcinogens in meat. I was thinking of what would be the healthiest way to eat meat. Lean meat like deer would be interesting.

In a more general sense, dried foods per cubic meter are more densely packed because they're dehydrated, which tends to have a shrinking effect, but I'm not sure about health benefits

you would have to drink the water you took out from there, but if you eat the same original amount it wouldnt make a difference

deer/elk steak is awesome. Fucking love that shit. Super lean, super good for you

As to drying, just look at jerky. It's about the same nutritionwise

how is the flies problem avoided?

dried meat is probably less carcinogenic than grilled meat, since it's the high heat that creates carcinogens.

jerky has a lot of sodium and usually sugar though.

this. wtf. i guess any eggs that would be laid couldn't hatch by the time the shit dried out. there would still be microbes and shit on your food.

Smoke/cures. The original point of dried meat was preservation

according to WHO it has to be processed with something like nitrate which produces carcinogens when heated.

You don't dry meat outdoors like in OP if you life in a fly-blown hellhole. Mongolia is extremely arid and has few flies, thus the outdoor drying. Countries with many flies use different preservation methods (for example here in Britain they smoked meat or salted it)

Dried meat is less nutritious but easier to digest because it has partly decayed. As for health, properly dried meat is perfectly edible and probably as healthy as cooking the meat from fresh.

less healthy less dangerous

less dangerous because theres a much lighter biosphere of bacteria and also less carcinogens than cooking

less healthy because the drying process breaks down certain delicate proteins and vitimins that are present when its raw, also less healthy because the cooking process creates certain complex proteins that we use in our brain

until traditional bbq happened.

>which produces carcinogens when heated
but you never heat it.

please don't tell me Americans cook their meat before drying it.



>Mongolia is extremely arid and has few flies

Why is Australia dominated by flies even though it is extremely arid? They also seem to get worse the hotter it gets.

-more nutritious
-more dangerous

source: IEEE Standards Working Group

You can't store that at room temperature for months without it rotting. Obviously, you don't know what the word "preservation" means.

Most modern jerky makers use enough heat to cook the meat while drying it. This is normally because they use the wrong type of meat that is too high in fat to cure properly by dehydration. Properly lean cuts of meat can be air dried, like when making biltong.

>too high in fat to cure properly by dehydration
>Properly lean cuts of meat can be air dried, like when making biltong.
biltong uses meat with half an inch of fat on it, so I wouldn't call it lean. do they use meat with lots of marbeling in it for jerky which preventing it from drying?

>this kills the man

All the eggs/larva add significantly to the nutrients in the dried meat.

no dumbass, its a cooking style that grew out of smoke curing, nobody said it would last without a fridge.

U say "would" like dried meat doesnt exist lmao