Basic Maths

This thing keeps cropping up on facebook (with various symbols), and 99.999% of the `answers' to it are always wrong (they do not see the square root involved). How thick is the average facebook user? Is it a joke on them tha people keep posting it?

Solution is obviouslly
Where $D$ is a drink, $B$ is a burger and $F$ is fries:

$$ D + D + D = 30 $$
so $D$ == 10
$$ D + B + B = 20 $$
so $B$ == 5
$$ B + FF + FF = 9 $$
so $FF + FF = 4$ therefore $FF=2$ so $F=\pm \sqrt{2}$

Onto the final equation
$$B + F \times D = \; ? $$

As $F$ is $\pm \sqrt{2}$

there are two valid answers

$ 5 + \sqrt{2} \times 10 $ and $ 5 - \sqrt{2} \times 10 $

So the answer is either 19.142 or -9.142.

Where D is a drink, B is a burger and F is fries:

[math] D + D + D = 30 [/math]
so D == 10
[math]D + B + B = 20 [/math]
so B == 5
[math] B + FF + FF = 9 [/math]
so [math]FF + FF = 4$ therefore [math]FF=2[/math] so [math]F=\pm \sqrt{2}[/math]

Onto the final equation
[math]B + F \times D = \; ? [/math]

As F is [math]\pm \sqrt{2}[/math]

there are two valid answers
5 + \sqrt{2} \times 10 [/math]and [math] 5 - \sqrt{2} \times 10 [/math]

So the answer is either 19.142 or -9.142.

1 burger + 1 chips * 1 drink = 60

yeah very droll, that's the kind of answer the facebook people keep posting, that or 15

Where D is a drink, B is a burger and F is fries:

so D == 10
so B == 5
so [math]FF+FF=4[/math] therefore FF=2 so
[math]F= \sqrt{2}[/math]

Onto the final equation

As F is ±2√

there are two valid answers
5+2√×10and 5−2√×10

So the answer is either 19.142 or -9.142.

I thought they'd get about 70

yesh 70 crops up sometimes then all the others tell them off about PEDMAS or BIDMAS or BODMAS

>square root
>I paid 5 bucks for one pack of fries, so I'll have to pay 25 square bucks for 2 packs
Also, those shitty "genius puzzles" have nothing to do with actual intelligence, only with how much you pay attention to details where it's normally unnecessary

Yeah I guess they don't see it as an algera problem, more of a buying fries problem. thats what fools them. their heads filled with junk food.

In that vein can anyone here solve this one (hint complex numbers may be involved)

And for games programmers and astro-phyisicists, here is one based on an even more difficult number system

wow Veeky Forums keep up!

Wtf is the texture on these? Looks like someone vomited all over a textbook

This is not valid.
The fry is a variable. The double fry is a different variable.

You can't just say w = 4 therefore v = 2

Its 7

Negative -26

Called jpg compression artefacts my dude look it up

25 easy

I think most simply don't realize that the French fry images are different(two vs 1). I didn't.

But, seriously, who actually answers these? The same people who do the "we will guess your education level" and then share the post when it tells them they have a phd after clicking through 75 ads

Facebook user here, can anyone explain me how the french fries don't cost 2$ but the root of 2?


Assuming that double Fry and and single Fry are related, why would we assume that double Fry is Fry^2? I think it is more natural to assume that double Fry is 2*Fry.

Brainlet here, I got 25 by using my shitty HS math. Can someone explain in caveman how you figured out there was a square root?

Look closely at the French fries (in the 2nd two they're doubled)

How on Earth did you decide there was square root involved in this?

Let one pack of fries be a
Replace every pack with a
You have aa in some of the equations, so you have to take a square root
Did I seriously just explain a joke to you?

Fucking hell, I thought it was 25 for a second.

These things always fuck me up because I never see that there are two french fries. For some reason I always just see one.

This is why math is written with symbols and not fast food I guess


wait, im retarded it's 5+1*10=15

10 + 10 + 10 = 30
10 + 5 + 5 = 20
5 + 2*1 + 2*1 = 9
5 + 1 * 10 = 15

Shit thread.

Yeah nah

>thinking 2a = squareroot of a and not 2 times a

Oh no you don't, brainlet.



The answer is horse, The numerical value of horse cannot be determined


Because multiplication by a scalar was defined in the first equation as a sum of the same elements. If what you're saying is correct the first one would be triple coke instead of c + c + c

It's clearly fries raised to the power of fries, you monstrous gibbons


Why would it be a square root?

Theres x+x+x = 30, x+y+y = 20, x+2z+2z = 9, and x+y×z = ?

How is z not equal to 1 and the final answer not 15? If I give you two orders of fries and you only want one, do you say you only want half the fires or do you say you want sqrt2 of the fries?

You're all over complicating this. It's 2 fries not fries times fries, 2f+2f=4f, the final answer is 15.

But those two are identical in value

But multiplication can be shown more than one way.
The left side is how the cokes are written, rhe right is how the fries are written. I think its either this or 2f is a different variable than f, but i just don't see it being f^2

this img should be used in every introductory stats classes as an example of how not to represent data visually

it's 2F=2
then F=1

>Veeky Forums is too retarded for solving a linear equations system

Im not surprised

This is a fucking ad

Lel, this show people don't retain what they learn. When I tutor kids who are learning algebra, I always change the notation so they understand the essence of solving these retarded problems.

If X horses = -X horses, then X is zero, so Boots = 0

Horseshoe x 0 = negative Horseshoe, so Horseshoe also equals zero

Horse x 2x0 = negative horse, so horse also equals zero

So 0x0x0=0

why do you guys aways overcomplicate shit, watch this

3m=30, m=10
m+2b=20, 2b=10, b=5
b+4f=9, 4f=4, f=1

3h=30, h=10
h+2s=6, 2s=-4, s=-2
h+2b=1, 2b=-9, b=-4.5

s2b=-s, 2b=-1, b=-0.5
h2s=-h, 2s=-1, s=-0.5
hb=-bh, -0.5h=0.5h, -h=h, h=(h^2)^0.5 which can be either h or -h, eg. -1*-1=1

Incorrect, for ...

h=10, check

second equation is h+s^2, not 2s. If two numbers occupy the placeholder that would be multiplication

In fact all your work is wrong, sorry

it's not s^2
it's 2s

>user thinks 2F=F^2

This. The puzzles are designed for Facebook users and don't use square roots

What fucking idiot would think that because there are two images shown, it must mean exponential?

how so

well the second fries are raised with respect to the first one, it's natural to think of raising it to a power







If you get anything else you need to go through high school again.