I want to be able to beat my family at political arguments. Any books on this?

I want to be able to beat my family at political arguments. Any books on this?

/pol/ is what you're searching for

How To Make Love To A Man by Alexandra Penney

don't listen to elliot hulse

Well spooked

The concept of "beating" someone at arguments is simply stupid. If you want to gain knowledge it doesn't matter who "wins" or "loses" an argument - what matters is what's true and what's false. It's better to "lose" an argument and gain some knowledge by it than to "win" an argument and gain nothing besides the childish gratification of winning itself.

for that you need a good memory


unless your family is super read up on politics and political philosophy, it should either be pretty easy or an incredible waste of time because they're probably super ignorant or super stubborn.

>I have political views but I can't defend them

ya tried reading books about politics

I usually win political arguments.

It takes a lifetime of looking at current events on places like /pol/, arguing about politics endlessly, and yes reading a little historry & political philosophy so when somebody goes "that's marxism/fascism herp derp" you are actually precisely aware of what marxism and fascism actually are.

It's pretty pointless though, I'm unhappy and a virgin but sure as fuck can win a political argument.

you can only win against people who are willing to listen to you, willing to be proven wrong, and willing to change in the face of reason.

good luck and god speed

Pick any one of them from my collection.

This is what you're looking for

I tipped my fedora to that collection good sisr

> sjw's are ruiming everything!
Truely spooked, back to /v/

>two copies of the simian sentimentality

for what reason

Similarly the only people who I've found that don't like arguing are bad at it, and similarly, they always tend to feel as if they "lost" at the end.

'hey dad here are some infographs about how jews control the world and are the reason I'm a virgin'

if i knew anybody with a media collection this gay I would burn their house down desu

t. Plato

Weak sauce, my man. Surely you can fit Trump's cock further down your throat.

>arguing politics with your family
Kek, is there anything more pleb?
