Recommendations for newbie quantum physics audiobooks?

Recommendations for newbie quantum physics audiobooks?

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you learn quantum by doing math and examples, not by listening to handwaving. it's super interesting, but there is no golden road to understanding, you got to hoof it

I figured. Too bad because I have a single free download - if you have a recommendation for any kind of Veeky Forums related audiobook I will listen to it.

How the fuck do you learn physics from an audiobook?

Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter

The only thing you'll find on audiobook is popsci oversimplified bullshit that will give you a false sense of understanding.
Get real books, from the Veeky Forums wiki and learn math.

I usually stick to directly studying what interests me, rather than through a filter. however, this book is great history book if available

The Making of the Atomic Bomb - Richard Rhodes, if it's available

You cannot learn physics without math and you cannot learn math from an audiobook.

What the bleep do we know?

If it isn't an audiobook, OP won't be interested, because he's a retard who doesn't have the focus or reading comprehension to read from a book.

>If it isn't an audiobook, OP won't be interested
You are right.

I don't listen to audiobooks, and I am in graduate school for a different field. I just had a free download to try one which might be a nice filler for commute time.



Displaying your:
>reading comprehension
And the lack of it.
>If it isn't an audiobook
>If it isn't
As in, if it is anything OTHER than an audiobook.
Understand now, dumb-dumb?
Where do you go?


If it is anything other than an audiobook, I will not be interested in it, because I have a free download for an audiobook.


Are you actually brain damaged?
What you said was:
>I don't listen to audiobooks
A-are you just playing, or are you actually stupid?

You learn the types of calculus and algebra relevant to quant mech by working examples, but to learn quantum *theory*, handwaving is as good as anything.

That's right, because I have not listened to an audiobook before. But if I receive a recommendation from you guys, I will try one because of an opportunity.

Does this answer satisfy you?

Who learns physics from an audiobook?
How do I advance to this level of autistic superposition

As in he doesn't listen to them but wants to try one since he has a free download.
Seriously, you're trying to make fun of him for a lack of reading comprehension but you're the fucking idiot who doesn't understand.
Plus you type like a complete fucking twat

>doesn't know what theory means in the context of physics
Theory = model.
Physics theory = math model.
Quantum mechanics = quantum theory
Now suck my cock brainlet whore

That's better.
When you use language, be concise.
Language is a tool and tools should be used correctly.

>Doesn't understand.
>He uses poorly worded language and tries to pass it off as LEGIT.
You only eat it up because it reminds you of your garbled attempts at text-based communication.
There's a reason why they put kids like you altogether on the short bus.

Audiobooks are handy, as you can listen to them why you work, or jog, or what not. Gone through tons myself - became a bit of a fan of Frank Muller as a result.

I dunno about listening to a physics lecture though, as you can't really concentrate on the audio very well. It's fine for stories, maybe history lectures, maybe even something pop-sci like The History of Time - but I don't see it working well for something technical. I suppose one could concentrate better while riding the bus, as you describe, but one may has well just read a book, if your hands are free and you aren't apt to bump into things.

Thanks user