Can we just agree that poetry is officially dead now?

Can we just agree that poetry is officially dead now?

Is Rupiposting the new Evolaposting? Keep that shit off my board.

who keeps advertising for this bitch?

>Poo in Loo poetry

poetry isn't dead. It's poo'd.

don't worry once my collection comes out it will start a new meta-symbolist movement


>implying the life of anything is determined by its shittiest aspect

If you think any art form can die you're mentally limited. Things only become temporarily exhausted until someone much more creative than you sees a way to renew it. cant believe you could even suggest that...

kill yourself

Poo in the Looetry

I read it and i can see why its popular among teen/young adults.
girls like this have shitty taste in men and keep getting btfo by alphas. This whole book just spells out rupi being passive aggressive and getting revenge in her diary.

thats why if you're girl reading this. get yourself a nice quiet boy and communicate with him. he can't read your mind!

good parody

Uh, well, um technically uh nah.

Unless it's irony in its best form then poetry is just a bunch of cringe lovey dovey crap

Sometimes I think
The only way to be happy
Is to just stick a wine bottle
In my cunt
Deep in my cunt
And then break it inside

She has to be trolling right?
This is upsetting.

he always goes back
on his promises
because to him
a promise is a sentence
that is fulfilled with its
mere expression.

please buy my book
for more
trite observations
o long-suffering medea

Her book is very good, now buzz off. I would say better than anything yall could write, but I think "tundra" is maybe potentially "better", but the reason it would not get acclaim is there is likely 'more excess crap than rupis poetry', the equivalent of 20s and 20s of pages of n words and penis scrawlings.

Poetry died with Ted Hughes.


This book is literally only for angst filled highschoolers. Discussing this would be like discussing Percy Jackson.

Percy Jackson is unabashedly YA, it's meant to cheer up ADHD kids.

Milk and Honey is filled with sexual imagery and was clearly intended to be mature and even thought provoking. Twelve year old boys relate to Percy Jackson, seventeen year old girls who get treated like shit by hook ups relate to Rupi.

Virgin detected.

>w-why don't they see how much better i could treat them?

roastie enablers will be first in the gas chambers

>Virgin detected

>>s-stuttering strawman...?
I'll assume you're kidding. I didn't even consider that misogynist in any respect, just look at her poetry. Half of it is complaining that the men who sleep with her don't care about her.

>Half of it is complaining that the men who sleep with her don't care about her.

And how do you suppose she changes that? By getting with ugly and clingy retards like yourself? See, even when you men act like you're being compassionate, deep down you're just thinking with your own little dick.

>See, even when you men act like you're being compassionate, deep down you're just thinking with your own little dick.
And in the end, you were the bitter one. I wasn't saying she shouldn't change it by trying to date "nerds". She can do whatever she wants, but the ways to avoid continued emotional scarring would be
1) Be more discriminate. If she continually dates abusers, at some point that has something to do with the people she's selecting. Men are not all either timid beta males or senseless batterers.
2) Stop being a cunt with a victim complex who stays with people despite resenting them so she can write poetry about how it was a turn off when they fingered her.
3) Stop dating altogether.