Why is literature always either right wing or left wing...

Why is literature always either right wing or left wing? Why can't the author stop themselves from injecting politics into their works? Even something as innocent as Harry Potter prominently features and promotes race mixing.


Because the author is the writer. For the same reason you inject your politics into this post.

Are you fucking stupid? I injected politics into my post because it was about politics in posts, had I been writing a 4th rate children's wizard series I would not do so.

Because you read shit and probably can't read good books and think with nuance anyway

Thanks for the irrelevant snarky shitpost that had absolutely nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

Why can't you stop yourself from reading political messages into everything?

If you see interracial relationships as a blatantly political statement you are the one injecting politics into works, user.

Why couldn't JK Rowling stop herself from writing racemixing into her series? Isn't the thing supposed to be set in the UK anyways?

What is that picture trying to say? That liberturdians are crypto-fascists? Because that's pretty accurate.

It's trying to say that when the sea of mud coloured antifa get together to stamp out libertarians into submission (99% of which are white), there will be a race war.

Why are you so obsessed with race?

What are you talking about?

I'm not that guy but I'd assume he's wondering because of both this comment and the fact that you started the thread because you were angry about interracial relationships in harry potter
This is a fixation that isn't actually normal outside of the internet, lad

Because the modern state is based around complete politization of everyday life in an attempt to gain authority over the physical bodies itself, instead of the abstract subject like in pre-enlightenment politics.

There are plenty of Asians and black people in uk. 7% of the UK is Asian and 2% is mixed. I think that you're reading into it a bit much. As you said, it's a fourth rate children's wizarding book, not a nuanced reflection of British politics.

Why are you so afraid of race mixing? Are you implying that some races are inferior to others? Because if you do that, then you're a racist and actually the inferior one.

>had I been writing a 4th rate children's wizard series I would not do so.
>Not taking advantage of young minds
You'll never rule the world, user.

That's you Americans who read politics in everything because you're fucking degenerate. But literature has nothing to do with fucking disgusting politics and never had.

Holy shit guys, can you even imagine the daily struggles of a /pol/tard? Constantly worrying about race mixing and similar crap and not be able to do anything about it? Seeing happy mixed couples on the street while your mouth is foaming as you never even touched a woman in your life. It has to be really hard.


t. rond

The OP image should be related to the thread, no? Get the fuck out.
That's today's numbers, I doubt it was the case when the series was launched.
No one is afraid of racemixing, it's simply very unnatural and one wonders why Rowling made a point to inject it into her writing.
You are projecting. I know it kills you to see happy white families. Let me guess, you also hate God too?

1/Anonymous hacked by Russian intelligence
2/Trump elected as Russian puppet president


It's unnatural? Lmao.

I'm white you dumbfuck and it makes me happy when I see happy families, no matter their skin color, because I'm not a stupid animal with no compassion. I'm also christian, and since ironically now /pol/ is religious now, maybe you should remember what God is all about: love, empathy, humbleness.

does seeing your family happy make you happier than seeing some white family happy?
does seeing some white family happy make you happier than seeing your a black family happy?
does seeing a human family happy make you happier than seeing a chimp family happy?

I cannot see why someone would answer yes to all but he middle question as they are all just matters of the magnitude of genetic removal from yourself.

But here's the real kicker question:
Why am I posting this on a discussion forum about literature?

>geez guys, I'm not obsessed with race or afraid of race mixing, but let me post a wall of text about the same topic

You really need help. Pray to God and start asking yourself if/pol/ and racism is really what God wants for you. You already know the answer, just accept it.

Race and nations exist in both the OT and the NT. Stop LARPing as a Christian, you are embarrassing all of us.

"When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God."

/pol/ embracing christianity and God is one of the biggest meme on this planet.

A place so full of hatred and negative feelings towards other races, women, and so on, wants to declare that they are religious? My friend, you are the one larping.

You can't see why because you're so far down the /pol/ rabbit hole you're incapable of seeing the world beyond that lens.

1. Yes, I know them personally, things that make them happy directly affect my life as well.
2. No, I don't sit there and gauge how similar other people are to me at moments like that.
3. Yes, humans are capable of more complex emotion and nuance than chimps.

Please take a break from the internet, this is unhealthy.

Veeky Forums posts are literature tho.

Diverse areas also tend to be in cities. Distrust of neighbors and poor civic engagement have always been a feature of large metropolitan areas.

You can cut data any way you want to build a narrative. Ultimately, the decision to distrust people because they're from a different country or have different colored skin is your decision. It's a flawed way of thinking - there are good and bad people from all walks of life and parts of the world.