What is this guy's fucking problem? is he trying to be a supervillain or something?

What is this guy's fucking problem? is he trying to be a supervillain or something?

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why do people assume Nick is trying to be an edgelord, his ideas are simply an interesting and very possible synthesis of Nietzsche, Deleuze, Foucault, Lovecraft, and Marx

The thing is that all those guys were edgelords. Not that there's something wrong with that.

More antihero than supervillain. Verging into one of those guys the hero of a bog-standard action thriller meets somewhere in act 2 when looking for guidance on how to defeat the real bad guys. Marx + Deleuze + Lovecraft + drugs is a recipe for psychosis and that's what happened to Nick Land. He looked beyond the veil.

If I was looking for a deeply-buried goldmine of super-villain material I'd go with pic related.

He looks way older now.

>those guys were edgelords

Nietzsche has syphilis that ate his brain for half of his life
Deleuze's brother died in a concentration camp, he spent three decades before suicide with a single lung following a gruesome thoracoplasty
Foucault worked in insane asylums and then had a mental breakdown where he slashed his chest open
Lovecraft's dad went insane when he was 3 and then died when he was 8, and then had sleep paralysis and night terrors for the rest of his life

Still edgelords tho lmao

Can someone just explain his fucking batshit philosophy in terms a retard could understand? Every time I try to read his website I get bored and confused


also Nick Land is more of an occultist than a formal philsopher


Thanks mate

Capitalism will turn us into space robots and that's good

thats fricking epic my dude

This Moldbug guy is into the supervillain train too? he sure looks like he is
Is Zizek the good guy?

I'm fairly convinced Moldbug is an experimental alter-ego, Yarvin's professional work is being a distributed systems (software) expert

>Nietzsche has syphilis that ate his brain for half of his life
>still a genius
Imagine if he had been able to access his full power level potential

Just read the note in wiki. Dark enlightenment? Kek.
>meme philosophy this much

Wow, fascinating story if anything.


How is this aesthetic called?


triggered leftists