Alright Veeky Forums, what is the real reason you visit this page everyday

A weak feeling of relevance in this world that doesn't except me because i'm fucking wierd





> reddit

> spacing

>the real reason you visit this page everyday

I don't always visit this page every day, but when I do its always to make fun of theists, conservatives, and the scientifically illiterate.

social interaction. i do rather like talking with people, i'm just not good at it irl.

The real reason Veeky Forums comes here is to project that everyone is a retarded brainlet while they are an alpha male with prime intelligence at the top of the food chain fucking Stacy when they are socially and mentally stunted and look like this irl.

>t. retarded brainlet

>big bang theory

News of longevity that's legit because Veeky Forums would pick it apart or some weird shit like maybe an afterlife.

Or one that shares all three values ? or is this compound full of the mentally obtuse 2D brains ? Explain to me why theists also can't be scientifically literate ? and I'll tell you why you are the best fag on Campus ! Stuck in a thought box frozen in time ! This is why aliens want us to stay fucking put !

This fag makes contact with an alien culture and gets all in their business about their appearance ? access to Space flight to distant worlds ? denied !

Mind expansion. Without the means to think a thought, a mind cannot, and therefore will not, think it. It seeds things in mind and gets me a different frame to look through. I rarely talk to anyone, ever, for many days. It does something to you on a hard mechanical level regardless of your value system or social inclination. Reduces the arborization of the mind, and things are naturally pruned down and narrowed due to lack of dynamic stimuli and signal processing demand.

I browse every once in a while for the means. And sometimes something new about whatever is being talked about, which I don't keep up on otherwise.

to see all the you's that ive gotten, but its useless because i havent written any post in a month

For many reasons, I guess I will just list the ones that I can think about

1) Mild entertainment
There is a lot of fun to be had here. There are always threads to bait and random bullshit to say. For example, yesterday I went into a thread about a guy saying how he smoked weed all his life and now he was a failure at university. That thread, to me, is completely worthless and I see no value in the human being who posted it, so I can use it as my designated shitting street. I went in and starte talking like american black people do. Like you know, "YOU A LAZY ASS NIGGA MAN SHIIIT". I had a lot of fucking fun in that thread. So many people were responding to me and even though I originally didn't plan to, I ended up pretending to actually be black and saying that I was offended by the racism. Kek.

2) /SQT/
When I can't do a problem I usually post it in the /SQT/ or sometimes in the /mg/ and sometimes I get useful answers.

3) Talking about math in general
Talking about math is fun

4) Talking about university
It is fun to talk about how university is going, but I have no friends to talk about this with. I have no friends in my own major to talk about this, and my old friends from high school are all a bunch of failures. Whenever I bring up university they tell me "Why the fuck do you want to talk about university? IT SUCKS". University doesn't suck, I am doing great. It is that they are failing everything, the lazy fucks.

1. Answer stupid bio/chem questions when im bored.
2. troll the REALLY stupid questions
3. troll the trollers
4. General entertainment, been on Veeky Forums since '08, i frequent other boards

but i dont come here unless i have absolutely nothing else to do, i cant really use Veeky Forums to procrastinate

because /tv/ /g/ /v/ /out/ got boring

sci has never gotten boring except for maybe a few hours when i am browsing to much or the threads arent my liking.

theres always something interesting that comes up whether its a funny thread/stupid thread, or a thread that provokes thought even if its stupid, and then theres the threads where you can learn something which is probably my favorite kind and i just lurk in them.

i pretty much only shitpost and lurk on sci, shitposting being conceptualizing my philosophy on consciousness or whatever or saying what i think is funny in bad threads, i try to leave the good threads alone because i dont want the smarts to leave

To see if there's anything i don't know being asked and answered
and to shitpost at least a little

I come here to laugh at you.

To explain shit so I can practice because I can't be bothered to have actual human interaction and to laugh at shitposts that aren't completely retarded.

To distract myself from my suffering as a lonely suicidal failure. Because formal knowledge and logical thinking was the only talent I ever had but it turned out to be useless in the real world where most people ignore me or despise me and where I'm already happy to be rejected by women because that's more attention than being completely ignored. Going to sleep every night wishing to die in my sleep and getting up every morning to the feeling of unbearable loneliness, only wanting to kill myself, I get on Veeky Forums so I can laugh at some insanely stupid joke posts, the only entertainment in my horrible existence as an ugly virgin who has no friends.

i am a math undergrad and so this board is relevant to me.

peace does not come to those who seek it
settle in user you are along for the ride regardless of how you feel

I come here to watch people make stupid assertions and then get called a cave-person.

Fucking magical.

I like my friends and family, but they don't really share my passion to math and physics. I don't really have people to talk about these sorts of things in my every day life, so I'd rather have stupid discussions with the jackasses in this board than to have nothing.

on the off chance there is a puzzle, trolley meme, or interesting pontification thread

Because I don't know of any better place to discuss science & math on the internet that isn't an autistic no-fun-allowed zone like your typical forum.

>3) Talking about math in general
>Talking about math is fun
I came here to post this.

I come here to see if people are discussing something that interests me.

>finding out people on Veeky Forums are /dicks/

Am I the only one who actually comes to enter scientific debate and scholarly learning?

Fun to read through this shithole when on the shithole. I'm having a poop right now

A strong feeling that the people here don't feel relevant in this world and therefore need someone to cheer for them.


Because I like the humor of Veeky Forums (for the most part) and I also like science. Sometimes I find out some interesting things I didn't know before, but most of the time I just like to be able to discuss the things I like with people that have similar senses of humor. Same reason I browse Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /sp/, and /a/.

>doesn't except me

I'm only here to post orangutans desu

I come here to shitpost in IQ and race threads.

I started lurking here recently, and this place is fixing the damages /pol/ has left on my brain
>Falling for "climate change is a lie" meme
and have rekindled my love for pure Physics

I guess I didn't come here sooner because I'm in engineering course and thought "that's enough Veeky Forums for me". I should've came here sooner

hey mate dull your edge a little bit
that image is /pol/ material right there

Agreed... eventually you realize that African Americans are a poor violent people because they make stupid personal decisions.

All the racism in the world can not explain why Tyrone will not marry Shaniqua and be a good husband and father.

All the racism in the world does not explain why Jerome and Tyrone choose to break into an old ladies home and rape, rob and murder her.

All the racism in the world does not explain why Jerome will get in a small altercation with Tyrone and instead of discussing a solution will instead pull out a gun and shoot him dead

All the racism in the world does not explain why Tyrone will not do his homework and literally takes pride in his ignorance.

Really? I just grabbed it from (Cross-thread)

I'm not even native to /pol/, I lurked there for few weeks after April fools /mlpol/