I just got out of supermax prison and found an apartment to live in

I just got out of supermax prison and found an apartment to live in.

I found this stuck to the inside of the cupboard and thought I'd try it out

Does this look authentic to you?

Other urls found in this thread:


Did you do it or were you falsely convicted?

I downloaded two seasons of house and was convicted in 2011

6 years for that ?! Do you live in freedomland ?

Also don't soak the beans overnight, it's unnecessary.

That's a pretty good chili recipe!

> 6 years for dodging 50 dollars of cable fees tops
Land of the free

So it was lupus?

Did you assault your local McChicken vendor?
Naughty, naught, user.

>cheese on red beans & rice

But would you download a car?

cheese in red beans & rice?
now i've seen everything

skip the cheese and it should be ok i guess

but how? how do you get caught for that and how do you get convicted for that and how is the sentence that long?

seriously I need to leave this country but I don't know if I could adjust anywhere else

gay ass bullshit thread fucking cancer

>large holes

Looks good enough but do yourself a favor and fry up the components separately. Fry the sausage until it has some nice color, then use a slotted spoon to set it aside in another bowl (leave the fat in the pan). Add your onion, celery, bell pepper, and garlic with some salt and pepper and sautee for a few minutes until it's getting tender, then add your beans and cook. Add your fried up sausage and the seasonings at the designated time.

>downloadan shows
It's a civil matter and it's in the interests of the copyright holders to keep it that way. If you don't know why then you are retarded.

This, also lard and smoke are 2 of the primary flavors in red beans and rice so make sure you use a fatty smoked pork sausage and drippings from smoked bacon if you use them.

I also don't know about the cheese on top, red beans needs something sour to cut it like a vinegar based hot sauce not more fat.

>two seasons of house
lol larp shitter.

Could have been worse. Imagine the sentence you would have gotten for bringing a Kinder Surprise egg across the border.

>It's a civil matter and it's in the interests of the copyright holders to keep it that way. If you don't know why then you are retarded.
Spotted the non-lawyer who doesn't know shit about copyright laws in the U.S.


Criminal copyright conviction is not something they would send you to a supermax (ADX Florence) for. Limited number of spots s a nonviolent offense is not going to have you occupying a space there if you don't have a history of escaping prisons.
