Is identity politics monomania keeping women/minorities from becoming truly great writers these days?

Is identity politics monomania keeping women/minorities from becoming truly great writers these days?

George Eliot and Virginia Woolf still haven't been surpassed by other women and it's been almost a century.

As a white male identitarian I would like you all to acknowledge and realize that women simply can't create good literature and that Woolf and Eliot are inherently inferior to TRUE GOATS like Pynchon and David Foster Wallace

Not really, no.

it conditions people to view the world through a specific lens, so yes


No, but whosoever is plagued by idpol can no longer be a person, only a stupid identity.

I wouldn't know. I assume that every modern female and black author is being propped up by leftists so I just avoid their works entirely, especially when it comes to fiction.

women are inferior to the white man

>Is identity politics monomania keeping women/minorities from becoming truly great writers these days?
You act as though one is divorced from the other. Women propagate identity politics, their lack is their own.

Absolutely this.

Anyone who disagrees is brainwashed and retarded. Read Schopenhauer

Meanwhile white male authors are propped up by people like you.

I generally just assume it balances out and don't give a shit

>Anyone who disagrees is brainwashed and retarded.


>white male authors are propped up by people like you

Only if they're expressing white nationalist beliefs, or I'll be the first to condemn them for being numale cucks

Identity politics is all women understand. Men value looks and women value status so it's no surprise that women are obsessed with social status

No, everyone is stupider now regardless of gender

When I'm looking for a book to read I'm not looking specifically for one written by a white male. That's the difference. These leftists in publishing care first and foremost what the gender and sex the author is when deciding who gets published, and that's the type of shit that I avoid. There's too many books out there so I have to generalize.

le wrong generation

Flannery O'Conner surpassed them a while ago user


Short story-wise, sure. Otherwise, just no.

>he hasn't read based Muriel Spark

i do not like this new shitposting

To some extent, but a large part of the blame can also be placed on the publishing industry's especially cancerous priorities in recent times. They've always been fairly shitty but the ongoing problem has only gotten exponentially worse over the years.

>Men value looks over everything else

People are interested in different things it's really not that big of a deal. People don't exist to fulfill some contrived idea of potential

Not at all. And pretty much the only contemporary Veeky Forums worth a damn is being written by women (Marilynne Robinson, Elena Ferrante, Zadie Smith, Eimear McBride, Lydia Davis)
What men are worth it these days besides the death rattles of the ancient postmodernists and fucking Houellebecq?

That's kind of a broad generalization op. I'm an Arab Christian(heavy minority) and I don't pay attention to "identity politics"

Aren't christian lebanese communities still important?

Fuck, this hits home so hard.

I don't know I'm Palestinian

Because if you're a Christian you're per definition in a position of privilege, try living like your Muslim neighbors for a better understanding of how it's like to not be as privileged