How a nut can be this addictive? I just started eating them a week ago and now i cant stop

How a nut can be this addictive? I just started eating them a week ago and now i cant stop.


Those look pretty tasty, what kind of nut is that?

is it activated? is that why it's addictive?

>tfw addicted to the nut

Sunflower seeds, like peanuts, are not nuts.

>not nuts

he's stupid. don't listen to him.

Peanuts are legumes.
Sweet potatoes are not yams.
Jerusalem Artichokes are not artichokes and not from Jerusalem.

They're not. They're legumes, not drupes. They grow underground.

you're in good company

Mein got, my whole life is a lye.

sunflower seeds aren't nuts or seeds

they're kernels


Salt, probably.

I literally eat these to help me focus. They're outstanding.

A kernel is a part of a seed, you mong

if you like those, you should try the in the shell pumpkin seeds.

The fact that they're slathered in salt and flavorings.

>Not eating roasted pumpkin seeds with seasoning salt

Come on dawg.

I just started snagging these to crunch on when I'm bored or in the mood to snack. God damnit they are addicting. I love ranch sunflower seeds. Used to chew them like crazy when I played baseball competitively, but it's been a long time since I've had them. Now I chew them while I hike or drive long distances or just sitting at home watching Netflix. God damnit that stuff is so good. I have to go re-supply in a few days. Pepper and Ranch are my fav flavors so far, but I haven't really explored any of the more out there flavors.

Once you started you can never go back
Here in eastern europe we have the Nutline brand, tasty as fuck

They are achenes, like the ones on a strawberry.

I never got into sunflower seeds but I'm fucking addicted to pistachios

I used to eat those back in middleschool.

right now i'm just eating olives straight out of a bag

I eat these to manage my cigarette cravings.

Pro tip: Many grocery stores sell unflavored sunflower seeds in bulk for great prices.