Has there been any good books about metaphysical conspiracy against the human race...

Has there been any good books about metaphysical conspiracy against the human race? Want books about the occult and esoteric shit the giverment ane corporate elites do.

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You want Robert Anton Wilson. Also maybe Phillip K. Dick.

>Psychic Vampires from the 6th dimension
Alex Jones squeegee'd my third eye right the frick open.


The word your looking for is magical, not metaphysical. That word has been sullied enough already, shame on you.

>Tfw esoteric eurasianist fanatics over in the Russian Deep State control the world from behind the curtains and are about to immanetize the eschaton through a civilisation destroying world war

>metaphysical conspiracy against the human race

City of Illusions might fit the bill

Cosmic Trigger and Prometheus Rising to start

I had this one about how there's building walls around the pyramids and putting military detail on it, etc. pretty goddamn suspicious. Is it because of the unstable social climate of Egypt? Or is it aliens? Tough call.

>Portrait of The Artist
>no Gravity's Rainbow
[cosmic triggered]


There's that one where the white devil took credit for everything black people did.

To someone heavily into the shit on that list, Gravity's Rainbow is just a funny novel.

Anyone find it odd that in the beginning of this podcast Joe Rogan mentions and is excited that this is podcast number 911? He even said he intentionally made sure Alex Jones would join him for podcast nine eleven. Anyone with occult/esoteric knowledge knows the significance of the numbers 9 and 11 together. They are clearly insiders into the very group they are "exposing" on this podcast.

illuminatus trilogy

It's just 9/11 dude.

To you it is pleb

this guy is so cool
>“The end times and the eschatological meaning of politics will not realize themselves on their own. We will wait for the end in vain. The end will never come if we wait for it, and it will never come if we do not. . . . If the Fourth Political Practice is not able to realize the end of times, then it would be invalid. The end of days should come, but it will not come by itself. This is a task, it is not a certainty. It is an active metaphysics. It is a practice.”

we are living in an anime

>“The meaning of Russia is that through the Russian people will be realized the last thought of God, the thought of the End of the World. . . . Death is the way to immortality. Love will begin when the world ends. We must long for it, like true Christians. . . . We are uprooting the accursed Tree of Knowledge. With it will perish the Universe.”


Hilarious that Foucault's Pendulum features on this chart containing a large selection of the literature Eco was consciously parodying.


The gist is elite secret societies (e.g. Skull and Bones [Bush, Taft, et al.]) are adherents to the Hegelian dialectic and use such philosophy to fund various factions in the world in the ultimate end-game of a world totalitarian state (State as the highest manifestation of Spirit, the Absolute, etc.).

>The gist
What do you mean by this phrase? Is it like a basic gestalt or a quick rundown?

Metaphysical conspiracy actually makes sense, as opposed to what some have said. Maybe the order is not correct or something, i'm not a native english speaker, but Zizek for example points in "The Fear of Tears" the direction of Quixote, K. etc. as people who wished to enforce their metaphysical projects on reality and obviously had to tragically fail. So then why would a "conspiracy with the goal to enforce a metaphysical project" not be possible? See SEELE/NERV from Evangelion. They definitely fit the request.

No, WE'RE accessing higher dimensions. The psychic vampires are trying to drag us down to lower ones. Read The Mind Parasites by Colin Wilson.

this is exactly the theme that I'm making a concept album about =^]

you're referencing anime lmao

If Christ referenced anime to explain his love to you, you would turn away from him and toward sin.

Always read the content of a man's heart, not the symbols he transcribes it in. Anime is one of God's gifts to man.

Gnostic writings.

underrated post