What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on Binging with Babish?

What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on Binging with Babish?

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I like it. High quality videos with a story/theme that goes along with them. The guy is a good cook, knows what hes doing, his voice is good, food looks good. Can't complain.

>The guy is a good cook, knows what hes doing

That's what impresses me most. He says he has no culinary background, but he knocks it out of the park in his videos.

I wish I wasn't such a failure at cooking sometimes.

He's fucking amazing. I want his dick in my asshole.

I think he's pretty OK, but I need to request that you refrain from using the image that you used on this board desu. Technically that dish is a Tian, and not Ratatouille. You may think it is acceptable because Disney/Pixar popularized this name in a children's movie but you should rewatch your disney movies. Technically the dish is never called ratatouille in the movie and the word is really just being used for it's root of "rat" as a play on words for the main character. There are numerous other reasons that I could ask you to be more respectful of this board but I will just say this and then close for the evening. There are many sensitive people on this board who take linguistics very seriously. If you want to create an actual thread that won't devolve into a shit flinging autist convention, you need to choose your words, and images, far more carefully.


He's gonna be in for a really rude awakening when he realizes he quit his dayjob because 2 of his videos front paged plebbit.

They are gonna turn on him like they do every youtuber that they make "famous" and when they do, he's gonna be back to whatever he was doing before.

He's reached almost 1M subscribers in an impressively short time, and he's constantly getting 1M+ views on his videos. I think his popularity has reached beyond just reddit and into the general audience of YouTube. But yeah, if it was just reddit that was somehow getting him 1M views constantly, it would have died out loooong ago based on their track record.

I feel like there aren't enough interesting/unique recipes in movies/shows out there to last him very long though. At one video a week, he's going through 52 movies/shows a year.

>He's reached almost 1M subscribers in an impressively short time, and he's constantly getting 1M+ views on his videos

Because his videos keep front paging on plebbit, which means they get pushed to the trending page on YT. When plebbit turns on him, his video count will fall from not getting that exposure.

I doubt he will have lasting power like Food Wishes.

If you don't use genuine rat, don't even post it.

his Seinfeld babka recipe is legit - works perfectly

lol its like $8 of goddamn butter in 2 loaves

Sounds like something who's into babkas would complain about. :^) just kidding but it did look good, I saw that one.

Yeah how did he get so many subs so fast?

its his jew powers, he can control mainstream media with his mind

Irish Stew Guy! You're back!
I missed you man!

Oh I thought he was just fucking some guy from Google.

I guess people like watching someone making the meals from their favorite movies/shows in real life.

Stop shilling your shit here.

oliver "please donate to my patreon goys" babish

>$8,803 per month on pateron

jesus christ, this guy is making bank for something as easy as cooking food in front of a camera

what the fuck

if it so easy then why don't you do it user?

Because Oliver Babish and Guy Fieri beat me to it.

His humor, cuck appearance, voice, and tastes are all reddit. This guy is the embodiment of reddit.

Look at where he lives. He's got trust fund cash out the ass.

Because I already tried making videos featuring only my torso.


how exactly does one look like a cuck

Look up Anthony Burch.
If your male subject looks remotely like that, then you have your answer.

I asked what makes one look like a cuck not another example.

pure shit

>irish stew guy and tupperware guy

If you're asking youre probabaly a cuck numale.

>The guy is a good cook, knows what hes doing
I cringed when he "kneaded" his strudel pastry. Always great when someone who doesn't know what they're doing pretends they do. Oh and when he used his expert opinion to recommend using shitty wine in a braising dish. What a fucking joke.

If you can't explain its because you don't know since youre a cuck you cuck.

Look in the mirror. You'll see a low test, 5'6, Jewish, balding, 13 year old boy arms having, neckbeard growing cuck.

thats 6'7 cucklord

>shitty wine
all wine is shit you pretentious cunt

>Oh and when he used his expert opinion to recommend using shitty wine in a braising dish.

Yeah, because you really taste the subtle fine qualities of the wine you use in Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon

>Churchies calling anyone else cucks

he needs a god damn pop filter

i dont want to hear the spit in his mouth adjust as he speaks into the mic like he's whispering to his girlfriend

>This £5.99 rosé from Aldi has been ranked one of the best wines in the world
winecucks BTFO


Try "montbasiliac" or "clairette de die"

>Yeah, because you really taste the subtle fine qualities of the wine you use in Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon

Missing the point. It's not about being able to taste subtleties, it's about the dish not tasting like ass. If you have a crappy wine that has off flavors those will only be concentrated when the dish is cooked down.

I have ruined countless sauces before I learned this!

>Cooking with Reddit
This guy is a joke. Who keeps making these threads?

The guys is a redditor, through and through

I like most of his videos.

I miss the Frasier intro theme, but I'm so glad the shitty background music from his first few videos is gone.

Bro, his kitchen equipment alone is worth like 5-Grand, he's not hurting for money at all. He even flies other Youtubers to NYC and flies out to them himself on the regular now. He's clearly got dough to throw around.

>Imagine being so autistic you get triggered by websites

>this particular type of shit has been ranked as one of the best turds in its own class
don't get me wrong, I love wine
but rosé a shit

>actually preferring that high pitched fatfuck breathing insufferable cringefest

Please try voicing your opinion without resorting to parroting memes, if you can at all.

I'm not just talking about right now either, just try to have an original thought in general.

I like his videos.

I'm not liking the inclusion of "other" Youtubers in his videos as of late.

>. Technically that dish is a Tian, and not Ratatouille
Literally the first thing he says in the video.

I'd suck his dick.

The wine thing isnt a big deal. You dont want to buy "cooking wine" or carlos rossi, but you can buy like a $7 bottle of wine for braised dishes. I promise you, there wont be a big difference in taste between wines if you have braised something for hours. No restaurants, besides maybe the highest possible end restaurants use good drinking wine for braising.

Sauces are different than braising. If you are making a pan sauce you will taste more of the off flavors, it wont have time to break down and blend together with the other flavors.

Plus the rule of thumb is if you wouldn't drink it don't cook with it. I wouldnt spend more than $15 on a bottle of wine for braising.

Hes fine, but its retarded to dub yourself and not show your face. If youre doing this stuff why be so pretentious and impersonal, its okay to fuck up on camera you cunt.

I dont usually cite the NYtimes because they are shit, but for cooking I dont mind them.


Chef John does the same thing, and Veeky Forums loves him for it

because dubbing yourself works better that way

I know, $7 wine is perfectly drinkable. He literally advocated buying "crapping, big jug burgundy", which I will assume is Carlos Rossi.
Chef John wants to focus on the actual food, hence why his camera shots are always on either the technique or the pot. For god knows what reason, Babish likes to show part of his body, minimal amounts of slicing/technique, and centers around a shitty portable stove, which he never really gets great angles on. But hey, at least you can see his body and watch him drink whiskey.
but she basically reinforces what he just said. Don't use shitty wines, but don't splurge. No one ever said you had to buy an expensive one, just a decent quality one. That article ignored one of the major problems when using shitty wine - marination. Off flavors become especially apparent when they penetrate the meat. Not to mention the way cheap wines are flavored can have an affect as well. She never posted a single recipe or really gave much more information past her opinion so I wouldn't say it's that definitive.

what really i thought shit wine like cask wine was invented for cooking


what the fuck about 1M subs doesn't register to you? i don't think this dude is retarded, so he probably handles his money well enough to have made the investments to guarantee he can work part time as a content creator indefinitely. i don't like his videos, but you're an idiot if you think somebody like him will end up in the gutter after the youtube money "dries up."

He makes 8k a month on patreon alone, I know in a place like NYC that isn't that much but it's a good living pretty much anywhere in the US

he has a beard and a bunch of shitty looking tattoos

he tries to give off the appearance of masculinity but it just looks fake and gay

He's one of the few YouTube personalities which reedit and chin like

Somebody call welchs cuz this nigger is jelly

This video was pretty funny desu


>shitty wine
>implying it isn't subjective anyway

wines that use fake flavors and/or add extra sugar are objectively shit for cooking

I like him. It's not as educational or informative as food wishes which is all about procedure, but it's well put together and doesn't skimp completly on procedures.

I'd put him just below Food Wishes, since chef john is an actual chef and actually teaches cooking technique. Babish is very well filmed and edited, but content wise is typical of most modern 'cooking' entertainment where only cursory directions are shared for the dish since the aim is to enjoy watching it being made, rather than learning to make it yourself.

His actual expertise is moderate, as he has no actual culinary background and is more of an enthusiast, but he never claims otherwise.

Chef John purposefully shows his mistakes and even tells you when he fucked up/got impatient/whatever. Then he explains why it wasn't ideal that he did that.

Comparisons between him and John are going to be obvious and immediate since they're both top of the heap, though they both have far different aims. Babish is for entertainment and showing you that food from that movie/tv show you watched. Food Wishes is for actually learning recipes and proc.

God I want to bang that french chick


>God I want to bang that french chick

You and I have this in common.

>his Seinfeld babka recipe is legit - works perfectly
Seconded. Made both the chocolate and cinnamon ones two weeks back. To me the cinnamon one was just a mutant cinnamon roll, but the chocolate one was delicious.

Do you know how obvious your same fagging is, babish?

Honestly this thread gets made a few times a week and it always has these cock sucking replies. He is a reddit tier faggot that can't cook, tricks even less skilled people into watching him by having decent production value.



>Multiple people with an opinion different from mine?!
>Impossible! They must all be OP!

The level of worship in this thread is a dead giveaway. It's reddit in the highest degree.

You have to go back (to reddit/your fast food threads).

>only positive things I've said about Babish are that his babka recipe works and that his voice is less shitty than chef John's
Pic related is you, autist.

>so narcissistic he thinks i must be talking solely about him
yep, it's reddit

I know you're used to your girlfriend's bull fucking your throat, but not all of us like having things forced into our mouths. Keep your words out of mine.

Well you did more than imply in your post that you thought by "worship" I only meant you jacking off over (((babka))), despite in my original post having only replied to the first few posts in the thread that were clearly shill posts.

Your reddit god doesn't care about you defending his honour on the internet.

Post your favorite Babishes:



Good stuff.

>pads video length with movie footage which might be ok if it wasn't 1/4 of the entire video
>"hurr durr I don't want to over onion my sauce" as if onions that cook for as long as the ones in tomato sauce are sooo potent
>doesn't use a meagre amount of salt to take advantage of the osmotic action it would have on the onions when sweating and caramelising them (although he makes no mention of caramelising them and they look like the only colour on them is the tomato paste)
>recommends a fucking foodmill to liquefy tomatoes instead of just using a sieve which is more common to own and easier to clean
>FRESH bundle of basil including bitter stems at the START of cooking the sauce
>that laughable conjecture that huge chunks of carrot and the basil will lower the acidity (only minorly by virtue of being non-acidic ingredients but won't even be noticeable and the stems on the basil may actually make it more bitter)
>muh stiff one I drink liquor guysssss
>the way he serves it with a whole sausage and meatball so you have to eat it like a pleb
>doesn't use any pasta water to improve texture

This guy is a


>shitty tattoos
because thats definitely not subjective

i wish Xev was my mommy

Tattoos are objectively shit.

>That's what impresses me most. He says he has no culinary background, but he knocks it out of the park in his videos.

just fucking stop. He is an awful cook who happens to be able to plate okayish (which is all leddit-tier fags care about after memes)

Quality post. But please, kys.

I kekd outloud...but I seriously hope you kill your self

>FRESH bundle of basil
Huh? Dried is never better though stems piss me off as well

that's a mighty spicy subjective opinion you have there

Le Die

>dried is never better

Please leave Veeky Forums and come back when you reverse the brainwashing.

oh no i am more anti social than reddit on my anti social club...