Here we praise the greatest snack man kind has ever invented: The Rice Krispy Treat (TM)

Here we praise the greatest snack man kind has ever invented: The Rice Krispy Treat (TM)

sweet and savory with a nice hard and gooey consistency this treat really can't be topped.

the only bad thing about them is i generally buy 52 packs and i could easily go through 20 of them in a day. I've been thinking about buying those huge 32 ounce ones and just munch on them through out the day.

Is this shilling thing a new meme on here?

I think it's just an extra layer of irony people protect themselves with because they don't know if it's safe to praise junk food here or not.

protect myself from what? the opinions of anons? go fuck yourself you dumb ngr rice krispies are unironically the best fucking sweet snack mankind has come up with. go back to rdit ngr lover

>be kelloggs in the 90s
>want to grow sales of rice krispies
>start advertising the fuck out of how easy it is to make rice krispie treats
>put recipe on every box
>realize kellogs can make 10x more money by selling rice krispie treats as a standalone product
>stop telling people how to make them


you get a lawsuit in america if you use a trademark without crediting it as such

I prefer the ones my mom makes with frostie and chocolate user.

whats a frosty user? my mommy used to make them with just butter and marshmellows, simple and delicious.

i just realized you probably meant frosting you gd nigger

I don't like marshmallow so I make a version with peanut butter.

1 cup dark corn syrup
1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter
6 cup rice krispies


Diabetic here. Fuck you bastards, especially OP.

just take your shot and eat whatever the fuck you want like the rest of the lard tub diabetics

>"wah wah I should be dead but my defective fat ass is kept alive by grubby jews, fuck you guys :( *sips diet coke*"

I always wondered who eats those things.

stop trying to fit in, (((Kellogg))).

it would always mark my post as spam unless i changed up those two words specifically. Didn't know Veeky Forums was a censored board

/b/-tier shit ought to stay in /b/.

oh fuck i love peanut butter i'll have to try this out. Thanks!

Got this 2 pounder for weed night.

People BUY rice krispie squares?

You know how insanely cheaper it is to spend 20 minutes making them yourself? And you get WAY more. Just cut em up and stick em in the fridge, and you've got like a months worth.

They hate bake sales. Mix rice krispies and fruity pebbles and make snacks. Harassment profit

>a month's worth
haha, oh my poor naive child

When I want a snack I get two McChickens and a medium fry

Not a big fan of cereal, and I prefer salty


>1000 calories

>You know how insanely cheaper it is to spend 20 minutes making them yourself? And you get WAY more.

Does this honestly surprise you? People buy all sorts of shit that is easily made and much cheaper to do at home. Fast food, for example.

homemade tastes way better. just cereal, marshmallows, and butter.

the store-bought is too dense and sweet.


I like homemade rice krispie squares, but I really, REALLY like the store bought ones. They're arier and not as buttery-tasting. Is there any recipe beyond the one on the box that comes close to what you can get in the stores?

>Is there any recipe beyond the one on the box that comes close to what you can get in the stores?

Of course. If you want yours not to taste buttery then just use a neutral flavored oil instead of the butter. If you want it more or less sweet then use more or less sugar, etc.

3 ingredients and they're easy to make so please stop buying over prices treats.

>homemade tastes way better. just cereal
Starting off with a prefab product like breakfast cereal is a funny definition of homemade.

>no lettuce
>no mayo
>no thank you.