I got hired as a Busser and all I did was fold Napkins

What the fuck guys?
Is this the culinary grind meme? Dude told me to fold faster, I literally produced 200 folded napkins in 4 hours inbetween other things, wtf.

Tips when?

This was a test.
I bet you folded them faster when you told too, kek

Bad news user, if they stick you on napkins you dont get tips.

>I literally produced 200 folded napkins in 4 hours

FoH are such whiny bitches with no sense of urgency.

I feel abused, like a dumb bimbo sucking on boss man's big thumb.
I folded as best as I could! At least I know I tried and did my best!

What were the wages like?

Fucking lies, I got to buss a few tables.

This was in between carrying 60 pound trays back and from the dishwasher. I'm not complaining, just didn't read this in the job description.

My lowest per hour would be 7.50 min wage, but I think I'll have a chance of averaging 8-9 on good days hopefully.

I was probably a dead night. You would have spent your time shadowing someone otherwise. Nobody's going to spend their time training you on how to do your job when you don't actually have a job to do at the time. They just gave you easy bitch work to do because you weren't needed otherwise.

You're going to treated like a bitch, whatever your position in a restaurant, until you show people that you actually have something to contribute. There's so much turn-over in the industry that that's just the reality.

Did they say there would be a trial period in the job description?

A lot of people get fucked by that.

Naw, this was today, a busy as heck Sunday...
I'm a trainee so I suppose that may have played a role.
I'll probably stay there for 6 months max, good experience I think.

No, I was hired legitimately.
I'm thinking the dude training me took advantage of his position to unload work on me and buss, socialize.

heres an invaluable tip
dont tell any of your coworkers that you plan to "only stay for 6 months"

just do your work quickly and stop being a faggot, have some initiative and run some food to the correct table when it is busy, you can ask the cooks if food needs to go and where if you arent sure

just stay busy and dont be a faggot (its ok if ur gay i mean just dont be a fuckin poof around the kitchen staff)

How old are you user?

> good experience I think.

For sure.

I didn't make a peep or whine at all.
I would never disclose my time of departure, more incentive for them to pile on the shitjobs. I'd say I'm efficient and have a good work ethic.

>I'm thinking the dude training me took advantage of his position to unload work on me and buss, socialize.

No, desu he did you a favour.
You're always going to get the boring jobs at first.
Also its good to get a feel for the place and learn to relax before dealing with customers who can be demanding aresholes at the best of times.

I'm in an awkward position I think because I'm the youngest busser on my shift.

That's a healthy way to look at things. My learning experience came naturally so I'd bet things I've learned today will stick with me as discipline.

Find another job. Go work at McDonald's. McDonald's may pay minimum wage but at least they do tuition reimbursement.

FoH are for airhead women and insufferable queers. BoH is for Mexicans and druggies who failed in life

I'm not getting these acronyms. What does that mean?
Also I don't think its fair for me to judge yet, I'm literally new to the pace.

>you can ask the cooks if food needs to go and where if you arent sure
>and where

No. Just no. Don't fucking ask the cooks where the food in the window needs to go, or who's ticket it is. We don't know and don't care. We make sure the food comes out all at the same time, is hot, and prepared according to the tickets. Once it's in the window don't fucking ask, unless you aren't sure of meat temps on otherwise identical tickets, or something like that.

>I'd say I'm efficient and have a good work ethic

That's what everyone says before they've spent time in the industry. Most people don't last. You have to prove yourself before you'll get any respect; just saying, "I'm efficient and have good work ethic" means absolutely nothing, and is what literally everyone says. Just accept that you're going to be treated like a bitch before you show that you can pull your own weight.

FoH are like the waiters and hostesses and I guess the bartenders. BoH are like the cooks.

I work hard if I am promised a paycheck, that doesn't change. Just a principle, not fluff I stuff onto a resume.

>I'm in an awkward position I think because I'm the youngest busser on my shift.

That all sounds goo desu.
Basically, just try to do everything they tell you too as fast and well as you can, whatever it is.
Remain cheerful and enthusiastic (treat it like a game if you have to).
The guy you said took advantage, he is your superior, he will most likely only not be your superior when one of you leaves the restaurant, so get used to that and do what he says.
When you finish doing what you are doing, ask him what he wants you to do next, this will help him and make you look good.
I personally would not start bussing to show initiative as this could fuck up his and the kitchens work flow.
Ask him if he wants you t take some plates out and im sure he will tell you when its a good time to get on with it.
Good luck user.

FOH = Front of house. (waiters, waitresses etc)
BOH = Back of house. (kps, chefs etc)

The point is that just saying that doesn't matter without the experience to back it up.

Most people simply can't make it in a restaurant, mentally and/or physically; it's fast paced and stressful, with little pay. Inexperienced hires are also a giant pain in the ass for everyone involved.

It's nothing personal, it's just the nature of the business.

>worked in a factory over the summer for 8 dollars an hour
>got a shitty IT internshit there for 13 dollars an hour
>got a shitty IT tech job there after graduation for 24 dollars an hour
>went to another company for 40 dollars an hour after the first company denied my 6 month raise because I was "topped out for hourly pay"
Keep at it bro, maybe you can get an IT internship at your dishwashing facility. They probably have the same IT requirements as a factory at a fortune 100 company, right?

I'm not sure McDonald's is a step above my current situation. I think a sit down restaurant would offer a more esteemed program.

Keep in mind... this advise is being brought to you by a 50yo mcdonalds assistant manager who still says things like "airhead" and "druggies"

I understand that, impressions are continuously made in new environments, doesn't matter who you say you are. Be that person.

The spontaneity of opportunity always keeps me enthusiastic and open to any industry. That honestly sound like it worked out great for you.

Thnx for the encouragement user.

This thread is preddy guud desu.

Are you joking? Laundry leaves us napkins in 25 sheet bundles, I fold 8 of them in 45 minutes. Stop being such a pleb.

>That honestly sound like it worked out great for you.
Sorta. I was basically top of the school (for CS at least, relatively shitty math major before that) when I graduated. I suck at interviewing so thus far every job I've ever gotten was actually offered to me. The last job was comfier (dumb ass coworker made more than me and basically any problem that required brains was waiting for my shift, but fuck all to do so it was personal projects 90% of the time), but 60% pay raise so fuck that.
>hur dur autist
Yeah maybe, but at 85k in rural Michigan with no debt and I don't give a fuck.

I may have exaggerated. Mind you this is folding it a certain way to look fancy with the utensils encased within the napkins.
I probably filled 4 containers full of napkin burritos.

Honestly that is the American dream.
> No college debt

Fuck me.

>> No college debt
If you get a good degree at a good college (protip: if a STEM degree doesn't REQUIRE an internship to graduate then it's a SHIT college/university) and use subsidized loans then you should be able to pay off the loan before interest starts being charged for it. Be careful though, that will probably put you in the 1% so you'll become a target for gender studies grads.

> TFW too dense for STEM.

>protip: if a STEM degree doesn't REQUIRE an internship to graduate then it's a SHIT college/university
What schools require this? Mine didn't.

user... I

Not saying I went there or anything, but GVSU's CS/CE/EE/etc. (not math for some reason, fuckers) degrees require internships. I'm guessing other colleges and universities (Ferris, maybe Western) around Michigan will also require it. If you look at one and it doesn't, then make sure you take a good look at requirements so you don't get duped into an ITT Tech-tier money grabbing shithole.

> dissing 'da tech'

The forehead wrinkles across my ITT tech tattoo are contorting in anger.

It's funny because the government shut it down when they realized that the students couldn't pay back the loans with the piece of toilet paper they stamped "degree" on.

I went to pretty good eng school.
I see. I just hadn't heard about being a requirement at schools.

It's not a strict rule. Some universities prepare you for a master's program. The ones that want to flaunt a nice 94% STEM student employment/grad school enrollment statistic will probably be ones that have it for a requirement since it gives a good probability of getting hired directly from the internship.

I feel bad for the alumni...
Thinking about those beans...

>tfw boh airhead queer
my boss gets mad about dumb fucking shit a lot but he hasn't been able to find someone willing to close in several months
so he's stuck with me lmfao