Do you read in total silence, with white noise, or with music?

Do you read in total silence, with white noise, or with music?

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If we're talking about when I specifically set aside some time to read, silence. But I tend to read as much as possible throughout the day, and that means I'm often bombarded by sound while sneaking in a few pages.

I can't read poetry and listen to music because I recite most poetry. If it is non-fiction (the majority of what I read) music, especially music not in English, is fine. Helpful, even. When I mean non-fiction, I mean unflavoured prose. Flavoured prose is a middle-ground and depends on its density.

Other than the sound of my dog licking and grunting and circling his bed, mostly silence.

From my front porch it's a mere 100 steps across the sand to the water, so on most days I can hear the waves lapping against the shore. Sometimes I'll put on a record, but I rarely get up to change it once it's played itself out. If I do, it means I'm not enjoying the book I'm reading.


I read while feeding crows in the backyard. Crafty buggers know the bread is hard, so they dip it in water before eating

Ambient sounds of a forest here, I've rigged up a hammock in a nearby nature reserve and it's far enough from civilisation that I cant here any cars/see people, but close enough to carry a cup of tea. The birds are nice


That sounds like a nice setup. I like the cackling of crows.
Making me quite envious.

>Making me quite envious.

I'm quite sure that if you were able to describe some aspect of your life in enough detail, I'd be envious


>those elevators



How large is the average desk?

with my dick out, skewing lukewarm Man yoghurt on the tiles

I have severe tinnitus so I just lie and stare at the ceiling after about twenty minutes of reading

I love reading outdoors. Yesterday I found a nice spot by the oil lake--that's right, there's a huge pond of oil residue near where I live, by the old refinery, on the outskirts of the city. It's as big as a football field and this is the smallest of three. Do you have a lake of oil sludge where you live? Ha! Thought so. If this doesn't make your heart shrivel in the pangs of jealousy, I don't know what will.

Seriously, I don't think you can see one of these in the whole civilised Western world, really.

Anime soundtracks in the background

White noise, I have my fan on in the corner set to pull air in so it doesn't make me cold. Although sometimes I can get bits of music stuck in my head that repeat over and over in my head while I'm trying to concentrate and read, so I might try listening to quiet music to combat it. Anyone else have music snippets playing in their head over and over? It's usually one of the last catchy things I listened to.

non-whispered ASMR

This is nice, thank you

I can't do ANYTHING without white noise running in the background. I'm terrified of dealing with myself.

I read to the sound of my own subvocalization.

If there are people having conversations nearby I put in earplugs and play Merzbow through headphones.

I strongly dislike you and your pretentious appreciation of waste choking nature

Generally total silence, or classical music.

I recently found out I actually quite enjoy a combo of pink plus brown noise. It sounds like white noise but apaz helps you concentrate for a science reason. Got into it to block out serious disturbing noises and then started to find myself using it even when there were no distractions. Feels a bit like your cocooned in with the book

Howler monkey sounds CD

Total silence is my preferred method.

silence is preferable but a steady amount of noise is acceptable. talking that I can hear too well is really distracting, other noises usually aren't. I may be able to read in the train station just fine but if my roommate is like, talking to someone, I may get distracted.

however I use brown noise if there are distracting noises around. so sometimes in the bus, always if there are other people close by having a chat.

Classical music with earphones because I live in a fucking dorm where retards wreak havoc 24 7 thinking they gained their freedom from their idiot parents.

If you don't read in silence then you're a baby that has no discipline

Outdoor reading is precarious though. So many factors that could ruin your reading.