Who is likely more intellectually qualified and intelligent?

Who is likely more intellectually qualified and intelligent?

>Someone with a Bachelor's in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Engineering, and Chemistry (can be done in probably 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 = 10 years)

>Someone with a Bachelor's in Mathematics, a Master's in Mathematics, and a PhD in Mathematics (can be done in probably 4+2+4 = 10 years)

Why does this matter? Also, how the hell do you finish in 2.5 years? Summer courses all summer ever summer?

I'm assuming 2.5 years to be conservative, since these majors have the first year basically all being overlap courses, and presumably there are some potential elective overlaps in later years adding up to 0.5 years each major

>intellectually qualified
Qualified for what? Sciences? The former. Math? The latter. Obviously.
Let's not start this shit again...

It won't fucking matter if all your multi disciplines are shitty memes.

Someone educated in Philosophy, Sociology and Gender Studies vs. a MD/PhD/DMD qualified maxofillial surgeon.

Degrees are a shitty measure of intellectual ability. Any idiot can get degrees. Intellectualism should be judged by what you study on your own, outside of your degree.

Degrees are just ways to limit the career market without them it would be a clusterfuck. Degrees are worthless honestly just paper that means you completed your course.

>Muh "it's just a piece of paper"
>Not realizing it's about the courses not the fucking paper, the paper just proves you took the courses

The "piece of paper" crowd always gets me riled up

What a dumb statement, even for summer Veeky Forums

Does it matter? Someone with either those combinations of paper should be able to get a decent job and/or research position somewhere, make money and possibly do interesting shit.

Can confirm, doing Physics and Comp Eng in 5.

2 bachelors is eh... more than 2 is fucking retarded

Nobody intelligent would spend 10 years getting several undergrad degrees.

Probably the second because the second already has publications in top journals about in contemporary research and also has a job as a professor, but the first one does not know enough of anything to publish anything relevant and is now overqualified for industry.

I hate this Philosophy is a meme meme. It honestly must be one of the most universally misunderstood disciplines

Same, also a CSfag here. Pic related.

Veeky Forums is 90% meme posters and 10% people looking for discussion with only 1% being good at it

I would go to the 2nd person for any questions regarding Maths. The 1st person for Chemistry, Engineering, and Physics. Intelligent? Who knows, give them both iq tests even though they don't mean shit


>Mathematics, Physics, Computer Engineering
Build new hardware

Why the fuck would you study chem and CE? You can barely find two fields so far apart, there is pretty much no overlap in any specialization. CE and physics is already pushing it.
You have to specify your question in general, quallified for what? A career in some scientific field? Then obviously the second one, with the above mentioned reasons in mind. Now if you would throw in some degrees which actually complement each other with a masters in one of the fields, we could argue.

There is nothing to misunderstand here, nobody needs your shitty major, thats why it is a meme.

Other disciplines are built on implicit philosophical assumptions that are worth understanding. It's still a worthless major, but people seem to forget that it's worth reading into on your own, and that a lot of pure math, logic, and philosophy overlap.

chem and cs are perfect for computational chemistry. it is a good combination.