I want to start a new hobby - reading books

I want to start a new hobby - reading books.

Something about me so you would know what books I should read. I am a looser. I masturbate to porn. So I started reading The third Reich by Williamson. Too pussy to read Mein Kampf. But enought of Hitler! I tried Notes-from-the-Underground by Dostoievski. I tought existentialism - cool! but got me bored. I also believe the world sucks and I want to kill myself in the far future. I like this: youtube.com/watch?v=A8x73UW8Hjk

So what should I start with? Something easy, small interesting.

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Try reading the sticky.

Copy-pasta creation can be the lowest form of trolling sometimes.

believe it or not it's not trolling. It's my just stupid thoughts put on paper. I want to seek wisdom from books.



I don't want to fucking read Lolita. wtf man!

Afraid it'll turn you into a pedophile?

my psychologist told me i'm smart. So I must be right?

Honestly if you were dumb your psychologist won't tell you you were smart; it wouldn't be helpful. But psychologists tend to have pretty realistic pictures of how dumb it's possible for people to be, so they'll be happy tell you that if you're anywhere north even of just 115.

Look at this mess of a post. Nobody read it. I'm so embarrassed.

Lolita is an excellent book despite being a meme, the best part is the humour within the prose. Try this though.


left side critics, right side readers. Ignore the ballot stuffing at the top.

Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?

Try 'The Death of Ivan Ilych' by Tolstoy. It seems right up your alley. It isn't quite a short story and isn't near a novel. Instead, it's a novella.


It's a testament to Nabokov's genius. You almost sympathise with Humbert before you see the bastard he really is.

>look at
>don't read (look)

another mess

Thank you very much! Will do!

Anything by Tarantino.

If you're interested in existentialism, The Stranger by Albert Camus is a good introductory book. It's short, pretty easy to read, and is also pretty good. It was one of the first books I read when I was starting out and I really enjoyed it.

Also, I think Notes from the Underground really is worth the read. I think it could be really rewarding for someone with your mindset.

If you want something more optimistic, Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf would be a good choice. But all of these books center around people that I think probably share a similar mindset to you.

do something else if your life sucks you fucking idiot.

>I am a looser
I'm seeing this one quite a lot recently. Berenstein equivalent or a common typo?