So what kind of nutrition do I actually get from mushrooms?

So what kind of nutrition do I actually get from mushrooms?
Is it protein, fiber, carbs, or what?

Other urls found in this thread:

You'd get more by eating cum

So they're just space filler with a good texture and flavor?

Quoting David Aurora's book Mushrooms Demystified (generally regarded as the mushroom bible):
>" general their nutritive value compares favorably to that of most vegetables. They are rich in vitamin B... vitamin D and vitamin K. Some are also high in vitamin A...and a few...contain vitamin C. Mushrooms are also rich in minerals such as iron and copper..."

i have no idea but here's a picture of a fox eating one
and foxes are smart
so there's gotta be something good in 'em

There's some stuff that hasn't been studied much but supposedly makes them worthwhile
>As ergothioneine has a specific protein transporter in the blood it must very important to human health.

And they can be cooked with anything else for any duration:

i like this picture


Magic mushrooms are the reason that primitive man began to have advanced thoughts. There's a prominent theory that the reason Man began to draw was because they were tripping on mushrooms.

I too am a fan of this image. Delightful.

I wish we could have objective arguments about this but unfortunately a lot of the time it seems to come from people who like using drugs, which is fine because it can be good in its own way if used properly, but want to justify it in a silly way. It's like with people saying the "kaneh bosm" used in biblical anointing oils is proof that it's okay to smoke pot because famous religious figures used it to get high, but the oil they're talking about was poured over the head and not consumed.

anyone have any more pictures of this fox?

I like shrooms as much as the next guy but that's just bollocks

Trip well, pupper

it looks more like he's plucking it into pieces than eating it

>Some are also high in vitamin A...and a few...contain vitamin C.

These ellipses is making it seem like there is some hidden evil intent behind the vitamin C mushrooms.


Nice theory retard

Was gonna trip on this but my dad threw them in chicken bin

I really really like this picture.

Fuck off Rogan

Nah, it's just in the book he starts writing the Latin names of mushrooms that are high in vitamin A and C, and I just didn't feel like quoting the Latin. That's what the ellipses are cutting out

Sure, it's totally Latin and not Hebrew.
>The secret behind mushrooms (((they))) don't want you to know

I dunno, but I sure do love 'em. You can marinade mushes with meat, stick 'em in a stew, grill them up with some other veggies, etc.

About as useful in cooking as onions, but you don't have to worry about using too much of it 'cause the flavor is so mellow.

shrooms is why people live is cold shitholes
free swimming and tan vs free forest foraging
if your heart is crap, might as well go live north

Is that a Death Cap the fox is eating?!??!

Is that Ashens?

aminitas muscaria
not a death cap

No, it's Aminita Muscaria. It's widely believed to be deadly poisonous to humans, but actually that's a misconception. A small nibble on it has a drug like effect that varies from person to person.

Death cap is more of a whiteish, greenish color, but also is in the same family as this mushroom (it's also an Aminita)


Fucking burnout.

Mycologist here. decent amount of alphabet soup vitamins, and a respectable amount of protein.


We hallucinogenic piss now bois
also PSA: please don't eat muscarias, it's not a pleasant psychedelic trip, it's more like getting incredibly dizzy while sweating, drooling, and crying uncontrollably.

your dad is smarter than you, it is not a pleasant experience

fried with lots of butter and salt atop rye toast is the best way to eat most mushrooms.

No. You are dumb.

Is it true you can't overcook mushrooms?
Can I slow cook them for hours and hours in broth?

Depends on the method of cooking. If you're steaming them and cooking them in a sauce, sure, they'll maintain texture reasonably well.
If you're frying them, they'll burn to a crisp just like anything else if overcooked. The reason for this is loss of moisture. If you're using a cooking method that maintains the water content, then the mushroom's cell wall is fairly thermostable and will hold up well. However, water still evaporates because its water, and you can reduce it to fused carbon in a frying pan easily.

How would you be able to even prove that theory? Are mushrooms able to be preserved as long as cave paintings? I love hallucinogenics as much as the next guy, but I feel like there is more solid evidence backing other theories as to why man began doing creative things. Art seems more like a byproduct of creative problem solving than of drugs.

you're almost there, but make a savory french toast batter that has scallions and a little soy sauce in it, sautee mushrooms, soft egg, probably some parmesan cheese, drizzle of maple syrup, and maybe pickled mushrooms is a better way to eat mushrooms

>soy sauce
>maple syrup

Congrats, you've overwhelmed the flavor of the mushrooms. At that point you might as well dump the whole thing into tomato sauce.

>that recipe
Most mushrooms have a very subtle flavor. Adding too much miscellaneous shit defeats the purpose. You do you though.

I do agree that his recipe sounds fucked, I'm never going to combine soy and maple, but my favourite thing about mushrooms is that they take on the flavour of the things I'm adding. Sure I like an earthy risotto but I'm still infusing those little fungus bitches with the garlic shallot and whatever

>but my favourite thing about mushrooms is that they take on the flavour of the things I'm adding.

My general attitude towards these kinds of things is: if you think it tastes good, go for it. I'm sure as shit not going to tell you what to do with your own food. But I do think that people are too quick to mask mushrooms with as many strong flavors as they can manage. I think if you've never experienced the apricot-like spice of fresh chanterelles, or the fresh seafood-taste of hericium erinaceus, well... it's a shame to miss out on it. Sometimes, simplicity is king.

forgot the obligatory mushroom pic

I ate some of those and it made me feel awful. I couldn't stop sweating and I got stuck in some kind of endless fractal time loop and right when I got to the end and thought it was over it would restart. Then I thought god was in my left eye and the evil was in my right and they were fighting over my soul, ended up taking a shower fully clothed while they worked out their differences.

Truffle master race reporting in.

These look Gross.

>more like getting incredibly dizzy while sweating, drooling, and crying uncontrollably
Would you say it's comparable to the angels' trumpets

>he didn't buy into the mirror glaze meme
all the cool kids are doing it, user. But yeah, they're not edible. They just look neat.

Well yeah, you can compare them and find that they really have nothing to do with each other. The main toxins in muscaria are muscarine (the compound that makes you sweat and salivate uncontrollably and makes things very unpleasant) and muscimol (the psychoactive compound). The levels of each vary wildly from mushroom to mushroom, and might even reach fatal levels if you're unlucky.

lel that fox is going to be fucked. a mate of mine ate some fly agaric, he said 'everything went gold'

Mushrooms are harmless, goy. We promise.

I dont know if this is bullshit like mushrooms-formed-human-sentience-boy's theory up there, but one origin story for the Santa Claus myth is some Finnish/Swedish proto-faggots drinking hallucinogenic reindeer piss and conjuring up visions of some bearded faggot in a red and white hat.

THe amount of nutrients per calorie is pretty good here, mushrooms are def worth eating. Not just for the taste, but for the benefits.

>nutritional information
>accompanying pic is a toxic mushroom

Absolutely brilliant.

they aren't toxic.

>"Fuck grapes, I've got all the food i need in the forest"
>Hey Mr fox why are you eating those nasty mushrooms?
>"They're not nasty, they are delicious"
>Then why are you making that face?

Muscarine and muscimol are toxins. You are objectively wrong.

that's not what is in my picture though.




sorry, google doesn't put nutrition facts for toxic food on their web page. I have eaten plenty of red mushroom white spore in my time.

Did you also eat paste as a child, user? Amanita muscaria, which is in that picture, is toxic.

t. paste virgin

Your laying on the bait a little too thick here. Let me guess, common grocery bread is also toxic? Give me a break

those mushrooms look really good, guessing it's just the lighting though.

Console wars in a nutshell

shit, I've been found out

The secret to get a good crisp on the mushrooms is to fry them just past the point where they've lost most of their water. They don't brown properly until they've lost most of their moisture, and a lot of people stop cooking them too early and end up with a soggy mess. So be patient. Those particular chanterelles I picked the day they were cooked, so they were pretty fresh. And delicious. Pic related.

what did you cook them in?

Butter and salt. Cast iron.

>implying cast iron makes a difference

people on this board have some kind of complex where they think cast iron is worth maintaining AT HOME.

McKenna's stoned monotone ramblings are barely a hypothesis, not close to a scientific theory in the slightest. Just because it makes dumb hippies go "like whoa man!" doesn't make it a prominent theory

um ur wrong, the reason humans will never evolve any more is because they deem everything creative illegal and prohibit autists from reproducing when they have the superior brain power.

Shrooms are technically not illegal here in Florida, lotsa people trip out here. Are Floridians smart and creative?

um, yes they are illegal everywhere in the US.

so consider ur self sub par.

cast iron is something over the top?? it's impossible to break! Once your folks got one you stuck with it as well, for all your dear life. It was a wok of old before woks were a thing. What is wrong with YOU

So Floridians are more evolved because I don't know anyone who hasn't tried them at least once

then you and everyone you know should be in jail.

lol yeah because drugs are done only with respect to their legality and the state is truly all knowing and anyone and everyone who ever does illegal drugs is instantly caught and jailed you're cute

the point is you said they are legal in flordia, they are very illegal though. felony for possession

Technically not illegal is what I said
"I didn't know they were shrooms I thought they were edible oops" is valid according to the Florida state constitution. Fla. v. Fiske

I know it gives you diarrhoea makes you feel nausea but I still wanted to do it anyway

The guys right though it is toxic. It won't kill you but it won't agree with you. I already tried it senpai

i do not approve of this image.

this is not a good song, I couldn't even get passed the ad

Its no my fault you have a bad taste in music.
I can't believe my parents let me watch that. Britney spears corrupted me

Well, compared to what her parents let her do they weren't so bad, eh?
How old was she when she did that slutty schoolgirl video?

What if I am Britney spears

Hello, can you spear me please?

That makes no sense

It's just what I had on hand, user. I'm not being an autist about it. You shouldn't either.

What's your favorite fungus, Mycoloanon?

Interesting thing about the legality of Psilocybin containing species: it is a felony to possess substances containing psilocin/psilocybin; this includes the tissues of mature psilocybe mushrooms. However, the spores of these species don't contain the illegal drug compound, thus making them legal.

Strobilomyces strobilaceus. They're ridiculously cool looking, and have some really neat antibacterial properties.

myco guy what country/part of the country are you in?

I'm on the southern end of the Appalachian mountains, user. Why?

Kek, couldn't handle the greatness that is Calvatia, huh? Had to go with a tiny mushroom as your favorite. Pathetic

were those chanterelles from a couple weeks ago?
in GA they've been popping off like crazy.

backward thumb

Are you an actual mycologist with a PhD or just someone who grows mushrooms?


>unironically believing user on Veeky Forums has a PhD