Why are humans so ashamed of sex?

Why are humans so ashamed of sex?

Social pressure mostly

Disease, bastards, dominance, etc..

Because it's gross and dehumanizing.

Throughout most of human history casual sex meant venereal disease, unwanted pregnancies out of wedlock, and violence over control of women.

>t. virgin
There's nothing more beautiful and human than sex

>t. Agent of the Demiurge

You won't trick me with your lies!

Are they really OP?

Tbqh today I feel like the shame comes from not having it enough.

>t. manwhore

>virgin shaming
Why does society shame people for things that are beyond their control? Do you make fun of malnurished Africans too?

Sex isn't bad, but it's supremely overrated. There are much more fulfilling things out there. I think the sense of shame doesn't come from religious ideals, but rather the shame that comes from lack of control regarding desire.

There's this "taboo feel" in the subconscious of everyone. Most people see sex as a joke.

They are envious, desu.
I don't understand how one can see virginity as something bad.

It is the only carnal desire which involves other human beings as opposed to inanimate resources.

>beyond their control
Whether or not you have sex is entirely within your control (excepting rape of course).

My genes prevent people from finding me attractive, and prostitution is both illegal and heavily penalized where I live. I literally have no control over my virginity.

I really don't think that's true anymore, at least not in the sense you are arguing by starting the thread with a picture of Freud.

Freud's ideas of sex are very marked by the era he crafted his theories.

I'm not saying people don't have sexual repressions, but they obviously don't have the same repressions today as they did in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Because you lack carnal knowledge. I don't see it as bad but some see it as relative ignorance.

>muh gentucks

Please leave, no one wants to be subjected to your gravitational retardation.


Just try to talk about sex in a family reunion and see how everyone reacts.

People are ashamed of it.

Or maybe you're just an autist for bringing up such a personal topic in a family reunion.

Do people genuinely not understand that sex is markedly more difficult to obtain the less attractive you are, particularly when it comes to men? It's not like I haven't been trying.

I understand it perfectly well. I'm average looking and it's not easy for me to get sex these days either.

If you CAN defend this then I probably don't want to hear it.

I'm not, i just think if sex = reproduction was the sole reason for it people would be a lot better off

Dude it's personality and standards. I know some ugly ass country ass motherfuckers that get laid a lot of times by people way out of their league, but they also fuck other ugos. They know the truth that it's all about practice and pussy is pussy. You can't put it on the pedestal. If you go a week without getting laid your standards are unrealistic and/or your personality is repugnant to other humans for some reason.

I have no standards. I was ogling a 45 year old slightly chubby Mexican the other day, and I have enough close female friends to know that I'm not autistic around women. I'm just not attractive.

>it's h-human nature g-guys

That pyramid would collapse..

Bro are you a burn victim? How could you possibly be that unaesthetic. I literally witnessed a 300 lb land whale of a man with pepperoni tits and a scar streaked down from his ear to his neck pull a petite natty blonde with big tits. That dude could fucking bantz tho.

this desu

Women are attracted to men who are either beautiful or physically dominant. I'm neither. I'm hairy and rugged, but I'm also short and skinny. So I can't attract either the girls who like twinky Jared Leto types, or the girls who like fat 6'5" guys who can wreck them.

the curse of the abrahamic religions

>no sex taboo exists in the East
2/3 of the Abrahamic religions formed the most sexually permissive societies in the world

people aren't ashamed of it, it's an intimate subject not fit for discussion with most people

i'm not "repressed", it's just that there is zero reason for me to discuss the details of my private life with you

My mom took me to a priest because of masturbation when I was 12/13.

Why are humans ashamed of other bodily functions, like pissing and shitting?

>tfw 21 year old kissless virgin and it's unlikely to ever change

I just have to stop with the porn and become completely pure

Sex is immoral

Stop with the porn and your life will improve desu

Seriously, stop posting here. This is a solvable problem, but you choose to blame other people and things outside your control instead of working toward a solution. r9k is more than happy to commiserate with you, so post your sob story there.

because it's animalistic and since civilized society we've been trying to repress that side of ourselves.
the result in recent times is an explosion of "degeneracy" ironically caused by the exact people who try to completely repress it.

>solvable problem
why is being a virgin a problem

How do you suppose I solve it? I'm genuinely curious by the way

Some things aren't fixable m8.

If you're fucking ugly, you're fucking ugly, and no manner of social rapport is going to make people attracted to you.

there's less sex taboo in the east atleast. just look at thailand for example

oh it will

>yfw you realize that every single one of your ancestors managed to reproduce and not one of them in a history spanning thousand of years was as much of a failure and quitter as you

if you want to effectively commit genetic suicide for your lineage through an addiction to faggy self-pity

Veeky Forums if you want to talk about books and shit.

The subject came up naturally over the course of this discussion, and is sort of pertinent to OP's topic. I'm not derailing anything.

And yes, my male ancestors managed to reproduce, but they lived in an age where out-of-wedlock marriages were frowned upon, there was no artificial insemination or allamony, and women didn't work so they needed to mate just to survive. The modern gender dynamic is removing a lot of people from the evolutionary game simply because we're no longer necessary.

Just fuck ugly women.

*out-of-wedlock pregnancies

>>yfw you realize that every single one of your ancestors managed to reproduce and not one of them in a history spanning thousand of years was as much of a failure and quitter as you
Ultimately, I reject sexuality because of the impurity of its reproductive process. The smartest girl I've ever met is a monkey compared to me, the smartest woman I have HEARD of is a child, and I am going to mix up the genes of my brain with THAT? The subhumans will find this outrageous, but the subhumans are addicted to a bunch of chemicals in the brain and can't see beyond an orgasm, so of course they'll be outraged; they have their eyes ON THE NEXT HIT, not on the future. And besides, their genes are so mediocre that the worst that can happen to them by mixing is more mediocrity, and if they are lucky they might even get a lucky hit. That's why sexual reproduction is indeed a sound strategy — IF YOU ARE MEDIOCRE.
Now it's true that in the long term, if I get a good wife, and if our children mix with other good children from good families and have many descendants, a higher race, or at any rate a higher tribe will result, as with the aristocrats of old. But there is no more higher caste to protect and nurture them today, and my son could very well pick up some plebeian slut because she is pretty. He wouldn't be compelled to find a wife FROM WITHIN HIS CASTE, because THERE SIMPLY WOULDN'T BE ONE. Also, I wouldn't have many children because it's not the custom anymore. What modern wife would agree to give birth five or ten times? Also, I want immediate results, if possible, not a hundred years after I die. Ergo, the only way forward for us is cloning.

shut the fuck up you dumbfuck fatalist. fuck off to r9k.

to whoever it was, personality will get you laid. ugly people just have the dating/sex game on hardcore mode. my uncle was 73 in a wheelchair and he managed to get a mid-20s decent looking girl.

You write like a childish monkey yourself and that is why I'm not reading all that shit.

>blah blah blah it's not my responsibility, blah blah

When did you last flirt with a woman?

>ugly people just have the dating/sex game on hardcore mode. my uncle was 73 in a wheelchair and he managed to get a mid-20s decent looking girl.

You expect people to believe horseshit bait like this?

Is your uncle a billionaire?

>tfw a good thread gets contaminated with henry rollinsian /r9k/ tripe

Please do us a favor and go back to your place r9k neanderthal.

excellent post, you sure riled up the plebs

More like this thread was destroyed by people like you.

I get your point, but the thing is that being ugly forces you to deal with a lot of rejection, more so than everyone else. So eventually you just give up, rather than going home dejected, embarrassed, and resentful every time you even make an attempt. 1000 rejections make every subsequent attempt seem more and more insane and useless.

you're the worst kind of person. an ugly boring person.
nope he's a charming motherfucker.

There are certain topics like sex, suicide, politics, loneliness and a few others that are doomed to go to shit from the start.

Kill yourself faggot.

why would i? i'm above-average with a decent personality and i get laid regularly enough. nice projection though.

Sure. But I think that the vast majority of defeatists have given up in advance or in response to too few rejections.

For starters, I dont' for a fucking second believe that you have approached and been rejected by a thousand women.

I manage to get long no fap periods only when I feel spiritually elevated but it rarely happens

acknowledge your ugliness and work on your charm. and i know it's hard to deal with many rejections but try to learn from each rejection. like whether the girl was just shallow or whether it was your interaction that could've gone better.

It's worth noting that social ease is also very much genetic, as are talent and intelligence. I'm moderately intelligent (something women rarely select for), but other than that I'm utterly mediocre in every way.

No you're not. You're a pathetic shitposting loser.

well it's a mix of both nature and nurture. if your parents weren't socially adept you probably won't be too. same case with me really my parents are socially inept so i had to force myself to get out there and learn to interact.

either way, you can always work on it. same for whatever else you think you're mediocre it. take it a day at a time, don't push yourself too hard at the start or you'll burn out.
nice projection :^)

The pain of inequality is hugely discouraging. Having to walk up to women and face the shame of rejection over and over again while my handsome brother has women walk up to him can't help but fill me with a sense of hopelessness, which discourages me from continuing to attempt. The thing is that social ease around women is fuled by sporadic success, and if that success never comes your game can't possibly improve.

if you are white and ugly just date yellow people jeez

But what if you don't even have that option, you're black?

>what is a blood transfusion

Also, don't forget that sex is a need, like hunger or thirst. We feel it and we can't explain it. As Plato says, after doing it we are not really happy, we're just relieved from this need.

People like who overpraise sex lack the sort of identity that only a human being could take. That's why decent people are ashamed of sex, because it's the basest thing in our existence and living a life in which you openly chase it makes you uninteresting.

Because they would rather make love.

Why wont you just start lifting?


I do. I'm still ugly. Lifting isn't going to make me taller or fix my face.

they're not, westerners are

get a personality AND lift.
ugly people really have to try harder, and if you don't have the motivation to do so get rich and fuck hookers.

Get rich.

I wish my mom would have done that

It scarred me forever though, I never did anything sexual because of the horrendous, irrational guilt and fear of using my own penis.

>rationalizing this hard
I can tell you're a wizard

>tfw there's no money in my dream job of being a translator of literary fiction
Time to learn about investment banking

I'm seriously considering moving to Latin America just to get pussy. It's sad.

Redpilled post desu

Once you get past the spooks, mashing genitals and rubbing naked bodies sounds a bit silly. Its necessary for reproduction though.

>This is a solvable problem


There's no two ways around it, either you're good looking or you have money.

It's not the sex itself, it's the the feeling of contentment and validation that intimacy gives you. When you're in bed with a beautiful woman nothing else matters.

you could always impress the ladies of the language you're translating to/from. kind of need some personality for that though.

That's a pretty narrow worldview you've got there. Go suck on a titty you smallminded pleb. Being naked in front of another person is awkward as fuck.

droping the fact that I'm a polyglot has never worked for me. It just comes across as me showing off. How the fuck does one even develop a personality in the first place? People just use the term synonymously with 'outgoing' and 'extroverted'

>you could always impress the ladies of the language you're translating to/from
You know what that will lead to? Fake orgasms. A woman needs a man in bed, as intelligent or forward as she may be, the primal side takes over at that moment.


Just getting a woman to bed would be an achievement for me. Her faking an orgasm wouldn't make a difference