ITT: Weird Veeky Forums things we thought as kids

ITT: Weird Veeky Forums things we thought as kids

>Moby Dick was the author of Huck Finn
>Charles Dickens and Mark Twain were the same person
>Steinbeck, Faulkner, Fitzgerald and Hemingway were all the same person
>Wizard of Oz book was based from film

>Mein Kampf was nonfiction

>thinks 4 people were 1 person

why were you such a stupid little shit?

I was very poorly educated was homeless a lot, and my mother drank while she was pregnant with me.

Books without pictures are for dummies because pictures are harder to make than letters and words

For a 6 year old that's some sound logic.

Not bad.

When was about 7 or 8, I was already questioning my perception of reality. I wondered if in my own perception where I was being rewarded, I was being punished in the outer reality, which I thought must be the "truer" than my own; for why shouldn't the reality I cannot see for myself be true and my own false? Seemed legit to me at the time.

Furthermore I contemplated which reality was "better." That on one hand in "true" reality I was being punished more often than rewarded, but I didn't know it. On the other hand in my flase reality, well, it wasn't actually real.

Was I a fucked up kid for thinking this?

Chapter books, man. Chapter books.

Is that supposed to be some allegory?

>Was I a fucked up kid for thinking this?
Go to reddit if you want validation for humble braging. You are not deep, smart or spiritual for questioning reality as a kid. Hell, I did the same at an even younger age than you and I bet many people had similiar thoughts as a child.

Judy Blume's Fudge series was based as fuck, though.

No, I legit thought that. Well, I wasn't entirely convinced of it, but it certainly on my mind a lot.

Not bragging, I'm not considering it deep or smart, because I was actually a pretty dumb kid. I'm considering it very weird. Faggot.

Looks like I hit a nerve

You referred me to reddit, of course I'm upset.

>Samuel Beckett was Samuel Pepys, the fat 17th century English diarist

I like the way that 'to be or not to be' is probably the single most famous line of anything literary, and all kids know it in some joking way, when it's actually about suicide.

I briefly experimented with praying to the Greek gods. Didn't seem to work, sadly.

I thought War and Peace was the sequel to Crime and Punishment or vice versa.

Was thinking about this the other day, kek.

Don't forget about Anna Karazamov
Loedor Tolstoyevsky

Fair enough, the phrasing just got me. Its more oftne than not retarded insecure teenagers who post "Am I weird/ fucked up for thing X/ thing Y?" who seek validation for being different and as far as I know these kids are a huge part of the reddit population.

It's probably because it's commonly referenced in an ironic way in plenty of comedies without really acknowledging Hamlet.

I've found that I've recognised plenty of famous quotes from the novels/plays I've read without realising they originated from that source solely because as a child I'd hear them referenced or joked about in comedies/cartoons. Moby Dick was a pretty popular one to make jokes about by portraying a cartoon character as Ahab and focus on his "there she blows, arrggh whales are bad" mentality.

I thought Alatriste was written by Francisco de Quevedo. I even put that on a test about the Alatriste movie.

No, you're a pretentious faggot

shakespeare was the best writer

>shakespeare is good

>everyone learns the classics
>playing knucklebones is normal
>heraklitos was still alive and lived in turkey
>egypt was the furthest country in the world
my parents trolled me good

lel I thought Samuel Beckett and 12th Century Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket were the same person.


>shacklepear is bad

I only recently found out that Siddhartha was not written by Jack Kerouac.

>there authors who can be called american and who are worthy of reading

>who is Faulkner
Kill yourself ASAP.

faulkner isn't worthy to read though

I always thought that Paradise Lost was written by an anonymous poet living the same time as the Hebrew prophets. I also thought that it was canonical Hebrew & Christian text. I guess Milton got the response he wanted.
I mean, I was raised believing that the serpent in Genesis was Satan. Then, rereading the King James Bible as a uni student, I realize that the image of the "devil" doesn't appear at all in the Jewish canon.

i thought anne mccaffrey was a children's author, up until about a year ago

I thought they were related

And you think Joyce is?

Absolute pleb.

>>Steinbeck, Faulkner, Fitzgerald and Hemingway were all the same person

lol wtf

how does your mind work