I have an idea for all the brainlets of Veeky Forums, including me...

I have an idea for all the brainlets of Veeky Forums, including me. I've been struggling with EE for quite some time now (closing down on my fifth year of studies, still didn't finish a 3 year BSc), and I don't want to drop out, but I'm going forward frustratingly slowly, because of this and that.

Now, I noticed that I stop going to the gym as soon as my lifting buddy can't go for whatever reason, so I've been thinking that it might actually be good to get a good study partner or even a study group together. But, being a sperglord that I am, I have a couple of friends and that's it. And I don't really feel like befriending 2-3 year younger peers, trying to organize a circlejerk.

So basically that's it. I want to see if there are enough sad fucks here like myself, who want to form a "support group" if you will, hang out together on irc or whatever, help each other with studying, befriending each other, finding textbooks online together. You get the gist, you know what a circlejerk is. Ideally, we would form a couple of muh sekret societies for all sorts of majors, as it's easier for a physicist to help a physicist, than it is for a biologist to help an engineer. But depending on how much of you guys are up for it, we'll see if it's viable to divide, or we can just be a study group, and everybody studies their own shit, others are there just to support each other and don't let distractions come in the way.

If you all think it's dumb, fuck it, it's dumb then. If not, let's organize something here. I won't be tripping up as I don't intend to act as a leader or an organizer, so my word has as much weight as anybody else's. Providing a couple, or many people are up for it.

So yeah, I didn't really write this upfront, so it probably resembles diarrhea of the mouth, also English is not my first language, but I think you get what I mean. What do you think Veeky Forums, how dumb is this idea?

Other urls found in this thread:


>struggling with EE
please leave this board if you're this much of a brainlet

Well don't be mean now, I very rarely post. Also there are many reasons people stuggle with something. If I thought I'm too stupid for EE, I'd drop out, not make a thread on Veeky Forums so I can help myself and hopefully others. It's laziness and pure disorganization. I mean if I were a genius I wouldn't have problems despite those, but alas.

Okay let's write a bit more.

I was thinking an irc channel, and a shared cloud like google drive or some ftp server for notes, books etc. And maybe even play Habitica together or something like that. Again, very very open to suggestions.

>so antisocial he/she can't even find classmates to work with
>resorts to finding people on Veeky Forums

It's not even that. I could probably group up some people irl, but the criwd is bigger here. Bigger chance that we can band a group of people, who are fucking up their life procrastinating, together, trying to help one another.

I can't help with EE at all, but I sure could use some circlejerking

Well I guess a study group of any sort will have to do, since you're the only one who posted anything that isn't mocking. ._.

Well this project died before it started. I really thought there's a bunch if people on Veeky Forums who would welcome and benefit from this kind of idea.

For me a Low GPA in EE is much better than a good GPA as English Major.
In "muh" opinion.

Delay isn't a concern. Low GPA is a concern.
To graduate in 5 years with high GPA is fine.
To graduate in 3 years with Low GPA is problematic.

Hmu, i probably kinda need help with my grades and im a depressed piece of shit so y not

How about graduating in 7 years with low GPA? I mean not really GPA, I'm in Europe, I have no idea how to calculate that. But I bet mine would be horrible, I have trouble passing most of the time.


I should've probably already openned an irc channel so people can start joining. Never owned a channel before tho. I don't mind looking it up, but if someone can do it in a min or two? (My lazy is showing apparently. But I really am thinking the sooner the better.)

Oh idk how to use irc, is there any other way to keep in touch?

It's actually really easy and I'm pretty sure most convenient. You just install any irc client, connet to a server, then channel and you're all set.

I started creating a channel on irc.foonetic.net, but I fucked up with my email address. Haven't used irc in a while so I forgot how it goes.

im too depressed to figure out that page right now i'll do it tomorrow. or if u have instagram or some shit
mine> noahwburke

It's not a page, it's a server.

Nah man, I don't have instagram. You shouldn't be posting your social media pages on Veeky Forums anyway.

I'll try to set up a channel and post it here (if somebody beats me to it, feel free to post it), but I fucked up on the first try, and have to go now. Check this thread tomorrow.

Got a channel up and running!

/server irc.rizon.net
/join #studygroup

Join my futile attempt at bettering myself academically! Let's hold each other's hands and try our best together while being little to no gay!

Soooo the project is still failing miserably, I had only one visit on the channel while I was away. If you want to try this, you need to hang around a bit longer, it takes a bit time for a circlejerk to form. Also we're probably in different timezones etc. I'm on CET.

I'm the guy from
I think you should look out first for self-improvement yourself before trying to achieve that socially in a group (that will likely lead in nothing), in the hopes of making it happen. Most of the smart people I know are selfish cunts, if isn't that they only hang out with people of the same "clique" or IQ.
I personally have no interest, but if you really want your ball rolling create a Discord server instead of an IRC channel, the odds of people hopping in would be greater as most millennials don't know how to use IRC.

I've been going for self improvement for quite a while now, and I did make a lot of progress. If I was the same today as I was 3 years ago, I would fucking kill myself. I imagined this as a place for people with similar goals banding together and helping each other because we're not real competition, unlike irl peers.
I've actually never used Discord myself, I might look into it. But doesn't that add another step of registering and shit? irc channel is ridiculously easy to connect to, and you can easily idle all day, from a computer or a phone. But if others want Discord, we make Discord, the means of communication doesn't matter. The point is helping each other, motivating each other, giving and taking advice, studying together at the same time, etc. Simple shit like that that would motivate you everyone to grow and try harder.

Btw you say you're not interested, and that's fine. But do you mind shedding some light on to why? I honestly thought it's a pretty good idea, and it obviously isn't really attractive to anybody but me, and maybe 2 other people. Did I overestimate "population" of Veeky Forums, or is making an online study group with people you don't know just not that attractive?

>5+ years to complete a 3 year EE BSc

how did you get in in the first place?

Shitty system in my country. I was actually pretty good in high school, but barely passed math and physics. Still got a place in EE, all expenses covered for the first year. I thought I'll catch up on math pretty easily, but life got in the way and here I am.

Discord is vastly better than IRC at least in the beginning. Afterwards you can make the switch easily when you have a couple of people together.

Hey guys, one of you should just set up whatever you are going to use and just post regularly in Veeky Forums the instructions to get in there, so everybody who is interested gets to see it

It's up
boards.Veeky Forums.org/sci/thread/9116484/
We got a bunch of people there now. CS, EE, pharma, comp networking... Feel free to join!