Explain this

Explain this.

are they using fucking floor tiles as plates

small pinholes are pretty common for organic/biodynamic arugula. it's caused by bugs and is less harmful than the chemicals they spray over the stuff you're used to

I grow most of my produce organically but when I have to buy leafy greens in the winter I'll make sure I can see a bit of bug damage. If bugs lived, I can live. No bugs, danger and proceed with extreme caution.

Its healthly now because salad


Well OP it's clearly table 14.

How are you even supposed to wash those tiles? You can't run them through a dish washer and probably can't scrub them well and their design makes it so you can never really tell if it's clean. And what the fuck is up with all that arugula on naan who thought those goes well together

would be better to just eat some flatbread with the prosciutto, and have a nice arugula salad on the side. This just looks awkward to eat

explain what? theres a lot going on here, tile plates, pita bread/greens "taco" and what is that up there a mix drink?



insects made furious sex on your food.

Is this one of them canned chickens?

it's a family recipe.


The denfensive chemicals produced by plants in responese to insect attack are beneficial to humans. Fights cancer or something. And bug bites on fruit means it's good. Look for bug bites and a flat white bottom when selecting a watermelon. Bites indicate sweetness and flat white bottom means it spent some time ripening in the field, supposedly.

That's more greens than most americans eat all week :(

it's a pizza you rube


Well thought out arguments against targeted control of pests that allow for minimal cosmetic damage as opposed to the big agri broad spectrum saturation with poisons that destroy anything living to maintain a perfect and pretty piece of leaf. You're probably the type of guys who thinks a perfect chemically soaked head lettuce is the pinnacle of a salad green.