Make it Veeky Forums related

Make it Veeky Forums related



>The Romans
>The Greeks

actually OC

I was actually going to ask Veeky Forums about Dante. Is there a comprehensive list of recommended books to read before Divine Comedy? What's the essentials?

dante based divine comedy a lot on aquinas, and aquinas was heavily influenced by aristotle, so it would be good to read the greeks, I would say at least iliad, odissey (several references on these 2) some plato and some aristotle.
then the essential romans, especially virgil's aeneid (this is a must-read, virgil is actually dante's guide through inferno) and maybe some medieval literature, like beowulf. if you like theology, would be nice to read some augustine, if not just read compendium of summa theologica (its a concise summa, about 300 pages long, written by aquinas himself). of course, would be nice to read the bible too but only if you want to

It's actually because of Iliad and Odyssey that made me want to read DC (I had no idea I would enjoy verse) so I'm currently reading the greeks. I've also considered reading the bible and I already plan on reading the aeneid (it's on my shelf) but aside from those I'll look into Augustine.

I think I have a decent plan on when I'll read the DC now. Thanks a lot user.

Not reading other works of Dante, like De Monarchia, Convivio, De vulgari eloquentia, La vita nuova.
Not reading a good history book about 13th century Italy
Not reading Trattatello in laude di Dante of Boccaccio

Absolute disgusting

Praise Auerbach

Fuck Bembo, fuck Castiglione, fuck Venice and Siena.


woah everybody make way for the dante scholar wow

Which translation/version of Dante? Annotated?

i don't have it but there is a bigass chart about the translations, hope someone have it here



Why do you faggots here constantly recommend Augustine.
For ever fuck sake.

Jesus fucking Christ anyone who suggests Augustine needs to jump of a cliff



E sotto lui così cerner sortiro
Francesco, Benedetto ed Agostino,
E gli altri fin quaggiù di giro in giro.
(Paradiso, XXXII, 34-36)

Illuminato ed Agostin son quici,
Che fur de' primi scalzi poverelli,
Che nel capestro a Dio si fêro amici.
Ugo da Sanvittore è qui con elli,
E Pietro Mangiadore, e Pietro Ispano,
Lo qual giù luce in dodici libelli; Natan Profeta, e 'l metropolitano
Crisostomo ed Anselmo e quel Donato,
Ch'alla prim'arte degnò por la mano.
(Paradiso, XIII, 130-138)

Nell'altra piccioletta luce ride
Quell'avvocato de' tempi cristiani,
Del cui latino Agostin si provvide.
(Paradiso, X, 118-120)


Good point... I was admittedly pretty angry earlier, definitely going to reconsider things.



thanks for ponting out

I recommend augustine simply because I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Yes, some people consider that On Christian Doctrine and The City of God are for """hardcore christians"""", but still they great books, and Confessions can be enjoyed by anyone who has an open mind

and, as you can see, when I suggested augustine to , I said "if you like theology [...] read augustine". So I don't really see what is the problem in suggesting the works of one of the biggest names names in christianity for someone who might enjoy books about christianity...