Every single psycho active narcotic has side effects of using them daily

>Every single psycho active narcotic has side effects of using them daily.
>caffeine somehow doesn't

this thread is for anyone woke enough to realize how shit caffeine is and how shitty of a person it molds you into from using it every day. its also for the discussion for non retarded self aware people who realize caffeine negatively effects their cognitive abilities overall.

>oh he smokes weed every day, pothead
>oh he drinks every day, alcoholic
>oh he shoots heroin every day, junky

>oh he uses the stimulant caffeine every morning , perfectly normal!, what a great member of society!

caffeine helps me turn the gears of the capitalist machine

The difference is I can still safely operate a car after drinking several cups of coffee, I can find motivation to clean my house after an energy drink, and I don't blow random strangers for money to buy caffeine pills.

the non difference is you don't realize you rely on a drug to feel better just like a heroin addict. how does it feel to be literally the same as a heroin addict?

>oh he uses the stimulant caffeine every morning , perfectly normal!, what a great member of society!
Generally are much more productive than when they are off, with very few (if any) downsides.
>oh he smokes weed every day, pothead
Overwhelming majority tend to be neets or extremely unproductive
>oh he drinks every day, alcoholic
Tends to be unproductive, extremely hostile, or blissfully unaware that s/he is a danger to others
>oh he shoots heroin every day, junky
Find me one with a job and I'll consider the thousand that don't.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Stop posting on Veeky Forums immeditately.

>oh drinks coffee everyday, wagie

kill yourself immediately

wow i actually agree

>how does it feel to be literally blah blah blah
I literally don't care. If a heroin addict works, pays their own bills and buys their own dope, then they can keep using and I won't shake two shits at them.

How does it feel to have the same attitude about drugs as a Mormon?

>muh if he works i dont care

shit whatsup grandpa? when did you learn how to use fourchane?

Yeah, you ran out of ammo for your low-level bait.

great post, dont forget me in the screencap!

wow i dont care

wow same, i even didn't go out of my way to post about it

There's no point to making threads like this even though you are correct, OP. If you want to convince someone to actually have values and standards you have to do it in person. It's too easy (and fun) to hide behind anonymity and shit over opinions.

I am not having fun. I am very depressed and constantly analyzing why I feel shitty. And from going off and on of using caffeine daily I can tell you its a very shitty drug. yes it makes you feel good for 30 minutes. but unlesss you are smart you probly dont realize it actually makes you mentally retarde for the rest of day.

im having a tough time determining if one doesnt realize it its because they are not smart enough or because their personal physiology doesnt effect them enough for them to notice

I know exactly how you feel, trust me. I was an addict and felt the weight of the world every day.

You're depressed now but you will soon become bitter. You have to occupy yourself with a repetitive activity that improves your self respect. I baked bread and gave it to homeless people. I hated homeless people. But eventually I was able to extend that respect for them I built, however forced, into respect for myself.

What I'm trying to say is, the world is fucked up and people are certainly going to be dumb. But you can't give up because of that or you become something far worse.

>feel moderately more awake after using caffeine
>detox consists of a headache
Wow just like heroin, good psychological analysis there senpai, really opened my eyes

Fuck off back to instagram

You seem real fuckn wise. Can you be my dad?

I'd be your mom and you'd be my third kid but sure why not.

You'll do fine, user. Your heart is searching for the right place, displace cynicism for a little bit and find what you love first. You'll be able to fight the world's woes better then.

You sound like an autist who got triggered by either AAfags or NAfags cherry picking what drugs an addict can safely use. Yeah, stigma exists, but don't come on a cooking board and cry about it.

I use it intermittently. Going to have some tomorrow morning to get back on schedule after going to a late live theater show and staying for the Q&A. Been doing the up at 5 like a dad thing. Maybe I'll also wean off theobromine. Been having at least 2-3 tablespoons cocoa each day.

Fact: Coffee is responsible for the enlightenment.

caffeine contributes to kidney stones and bone loss.

>when his autism is so high he can;t actually think outside his down syndrom think bubble

Bro he's not arguing with you he's saying this is the wrong board to bitch about it.

>I don't blow random strangers for money to buy caffeine pills

lmao pleb

>oh he uses the stimulant caffeine every morning , perfectly normal!, what a great member of society!

Hahaha, who says shit like this? You must be on drugs OP.

Is it okay if I just have one cup of tea in the morning?


>here let me just screech a bit, that'll show my argument's superiority quite nicely.
Ironically you sound like someone who does need more God in your life.

Also fucking food and cooking?

Fact: the enlightenment was a mistake.

no he's fine, why don't you get him a pepsi?

Caffeine is an addictive stimulant used to force consumerism onto the populous.
And it works. People buy the FUCK out of Coke, Pepsi, and Mountain Dew, and fucking idiots actually created a CULTURE around coffee which is probably one of the nastiest tasting things in it's pure state (black).
And you can tell people become more and more addicted as they switch from creamed sugared coffee over to black coffee over time.
I have a friend who goes out of his way to stop at a coffee shop like every other day. It's sad.

It really tickles my pickle to read such conspiracy nonsense here. How is black coffee any more "pure" of a caffeine hit than coffee with cream and sugar? It's all the same caffeine. It's quite possible that some people just like their coffee black.




In anons defense, people can and do become soft addicted to Caffiene. The body doesn't form a physical dependency of course, but pyschologically it's about as addictive as nicotine. This is nothing compared to truly heinous drugs like heroin or cocaine, or even alchohol which can kill a withdrawal victim if they're addiction is too developed, but still present.

It was even worse when they put actual cocaine in coca cola, natch.

That being said the idea that black coffee is somehow more potent is of course total bullocks. A darker roast will have slightly lower caffeine content than a blonde roast, but additives like sugar or cream do not cut efficacy in the slightest. People just develop a taste as they become aficionados.

I never said that's the black coffee was stronger. I'm just saying they care less and less about whether or not the drink tastes good and more about getting caffeine in their system quickly and efficiently, even if they don't realize it.

Also being a coffee adfficianado is fucking stupid. Black coffee tastes like ass, it's bitter, oily, and has a wretched aftertaste.

Fact: if you aren't drinking AT LEAST 4 cups of green tea a day, you aren't healthy

Taste is a matter of... well, taste.
Yes, and? Caffeine is actually healthy for us in moderate doses, is difficult to overdose on even with modern frankenergy drinks, and side effects vary from person to person depending on their sensitivity. Strictly put yes, it is a drug, but it's effects are so minor as to be on par with sugar.

Kind of the opposite for me. I used to take my coffee or tea to be strong and bitter in order to keep me from gulping it down in 90 seconds, which for some reason, I can't help but do with most drinks. After so long, I've come to prefer that bitterness. It's comfy.

aren't you supposed to gulp coffee?

I don't drink it all the time, but science says up to six cups a day of ***black*** coffee is marginally beneficial.

people drink too much coffee. 8 oz in morning 8 oz in evening is all that is needed.

This. I used to work at a hostel and I've had to break up fights at least 3 times from people arguing over who was boiling the hot water for their coffee first. I had a middle-aged lady lose her shit at me when I was just checking to see if the coffee machine was plugged in. Crazy bitch screaming at me "I WAS MAKING COFFEE FIRST, BACK OFF!"

Everything's a drug, deluded Cletus's and Grandpas like need a reality check.

This guy knows what's up. Coffee gives short term energy but fucks you up for the rest of the day.

You should have outgrown your straight-edge phase by now.

wtf i hate coffee now

She wouldn't give it to me

caffeine helps me turn the gears of my colon


your thread sucks and I am fairly sure you're a faggot

>Hey All, I'd like to make a thread for people who DO NOT eat bread, who is with me??

take this shit to /b/

Hold on I haven't had my coffee yet.

>literally the same
There is one common point, and many differences.
>You're literally the same as a rock : dumb

>He doesn't regularly imbibe psychoactive agents for their varying effects
Laugh at the man scared of his own biology

There's enough bait here to open a shop down by the docks. You people are the reason out board is shit.

You're depressed, it's not coffee making you that way.
You're not the same as other people user. Other people are not you, they are different persons. How can you not know that?
Also please don't call people retarded when you can't use a keyboard correctly.

You just dislike bitterness. It's OK user. Don't listen the trolls calling you a child.
But understand that some people do like bitterness.

you put a lot of effort into this

however, making yourself look retarded kinda negates the whole baiting and trolling thing

>Every single psycho active narcotic has side effects of using them daily

But that's wrong. LSD is barely toxic and your body will actually become dulled to its effects after repeated use.


What does it mean if caffeine actually makes me tired? Is it a neurotransmitter problem? Is it psychosomatic?